The flavins of milk - Journal of Chemical Education (ACS Publications)

The flavins of milk. Charles T. Roland. J. Chem. Educ. , 1936, 13 (10), p 481. DOI: 10.1021/ed013p481. Publication Date: October 1936. Cite this:J. Ch...
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The FLAVINS of MILK CHARLES T. ROLAND Research Laboratory. Sealtest System Laboratories, Inc., Baltimore, Maryland RISTORICAL


HE presence of a greenish yellow pigment, now known as lactoflavin, in the aqueous portion of cow's milk was first reoorted in 1784. which is not many years after the first'serious thought had been given to milk production. However, little attention was piid to it until it was reported to be the active vitamin G substance occurring in milk and other dairy products. Upon this discovery in 1933 the energetic vitamin investigators set to work and accumulated such a quantity of experimental data that only now is the true activity of the pigment beginning to unfold itself for accurate classification. The generally accepted name for the flavin substance found in milk is lactoflavin, and i t is grouped with the broad class of greenish yellow fluorescent pigments named lyochromes. Lactoflavin has been isolated from milk by its extraction from powdered whey with various organic solvents and subsequently purified. Pure lactoflavin with the empirical formula CI~HZONPO~ crystallizes as orange-red needles having in aqueous solution a yellow to orange color possessing an intense greenish fluorescence. The pigment in solution is degraded by irradiation with sunlight or ultra-violet light to simpler pigments whose composition is dependent in part on the pH of the solution. In solution it is heat and acid stable but decomposes quite readily on the alkaline side. The synthesis of

lactoflavin has apparently been achieved in the compound 6,7-dimethyl-9-isoalloxazine which is reported to have physical, chemical, and vitamin properties identical with those of pure lactoflavin (5). OCCURRENCE AND SOURCE OF LACTOFLAVIN IN MILK

The lactoflavin content of cow's milk varies with breed and ration. Although no exact data are available, an estimate of the quantity found in milk based on average vitamin G potency of milk and of pure lactoflavin would be in the neighborhood of 0.5 to 1.0 p.p.m. According to measurements of color depth in clear whey solutions made from the milk of four breeds, Ayrshire had most pigmentation; Holstein and Shorthorn whey had approximately half the coloration of the Ayrshire; and Jersey whey stood intermediate. The vitamin G or the lactoflavin content of cow's milk apparently is proportional to the amount found in the rations. Furthermore, it has been shown that the amount of greenish yellow pigment in egg whites is distinctly related to the vitamin G in the hen's diet (10). Little work, however, has been done in this field. Vitamin G assays on hays show that alfalfa and clover have more vitamin than timothy and are, themselves, about equal in potency. Hays have higher vitamin G content when cut young than when cut a t or after full maturity (ll),and cows on pasture during the period of

its most vigorous growth produced milk of higher vitamin content than when on mature or over-mature pasw e . A significant relation of curing to the vitamin G content of hay was noted by recent workers (11). Alfalfa hay, when exposed to dry weather for 96 hours, did not suffer loss of the vitamin; whereas exposure to rainy weather caused a loss of 50% of the vitamin. NUTRITIONAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTMTY OF F L A W

The physiological activity of flavins has manifested itself in connection with biological oxidation-reduction systems; however, its full significance is not very clear. Flavin solutions have the high negative values which characterize the anaerobic potentials of living cells. Warburg and Christian, who prepared a yellow flavin containing ferment, conclude from their studies of its activity that the ferment is an oxygen transferring agent which might act as a respiration enzyme when oxygen is lacking. It has, furthermore, been demonstrated that yeasts of greatest fermenting capacity are those of highest flavin content (20). It is apparent that much remains to be learned about the physiological activity of flavin.

The true nutritional activity of flavins in general and lactoflavin as a member of the class may he briefly summed up as follows: lactoflavin is one of the necessary components of the diet because of its growth-promoting properties (7); however, lactoflavin alone does not possess all the biological activity formerly ascribed to vitamin G. Recently, competent vitamin investigaLACTOFLAVIN AND RELATED COMPOUNDS tors have found that pure lactoflavin, or pure flavin, Flavins closely related to or identical with lactoflavin from sources other than milk is not effective in preventing or curing rat or chick pellagra (3, 8, 9). Further- have been found in animal muscular tissues, organs (17), more, canine black tongue was produced on a diet which blood, and milk; in fowl muscular tissue, organs, and maintained normal growth in rats (21), and a dermati- ova; in fish liver to a small extent and in the retina of tis in chicks was not cured by an addition to their diet their eyes to a great extent (4, 6, 13); in yeasts, mold, of a liver extract rich in the growth-promoting compo- and bacteria (20); and widespread throughout the nent (18). Heretofore it was customary to use the green plant world where the molecular ratio, chloroterm vitamin G (foreign workers use Bz) interchange- phyll: flavin approximates 2000 :1 (15). Flavins occur ably with lactoflavin; i t must now be recognized that, as free pigments and also combined with protein 01 in addition to lactoflavin, there are other heat-stable other colloidal material. In some cases the complex and water-soluble components responsible for the nu- combination possesses enzyme activity. The yelloa tritional activity designated as vitamin G. It is not respiration ferment previously mentioned appears to he yet known which component of the vitamin G complex such a complex which acts in the presence of phosis the preventive factor for certain anemias, cataracts phoric acid (16). The flavin of yeast is reported to be (2), and some of the other rarer diseases of vitamin G 90% to 100% combined with colloidal material, as corn. pared to the 20% to 25% combination of lactoflavin deficiency. Milk is adequately supplied with all the components with protein in milk. The flavin of egg white and yolk of vitamin G, as evidenced by many nutrition researches, known as ovaflavin is believed to be identical with lactoand concentrates of the aqueous portion of milk in the flavin but occurs in a combined form. Lumiflavin re. form of powdered whey carry the vitamin without loss. sults from the degradation of lactoflavin and ovaflavir Pure lactoflavin can be isolated from whey powders by irradiation and is of interest in connection with the by extraction with ethanol or methanol and sub- synthesis of flavins (14). It possesses no growth. sequently purified by absorption and elution or by promoting properties and apparently is biologically in further solvent extraction (1, 12, 19). active. BIBLIOGRAPHY

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