The Flipped Classroom Volume 1: Background and Challenges

example, 80f quizzes, 78 sample ChemWiki page, 84f screencasts, 77 screencasts, example image, 78f. Socrative, 79. Socrative Teacher example, 81f stud...
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Subject Index

Downloaded by on December 12, 2016 | Publication Date (Web): December 1, 2016 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2016-1223.ix002

A Active learning and symbolic math program active learning, case active learning, strategies for incorporation, 33 flipped classroom, conversion, 33 change, objectives, 31 teaching students problem-solving skills, 32 conclusions, 51 course structure, 34 class, student preparation, 35 class and class time, instructor preparation, 36 cooperative learning exercises, 37 cooperative learning exercises, examples of categories, 38t exams, 39 homework, 37 mapping exercise, example, 39f screencast videos, 35 symbolic math program in screencasts, use, 40 introduction, 29 physical chemistry courses, 30 lessons learned ACS standardized exam, 41 cumulative ACS standardized exam, mean scores, 42f difficult homework problems, 47 difficulty of physical chemistry, student responses, 50t Likert-type scale survey, responses, 44f Likert-type scale survey, techniques, 43t Mathematica, student responses, 48t physical chemistry sequence, scope, 49 questions about homework, student responses, 49t screencasts and cooperative learning, student responses, 47t student confusion, insight, 46 student survey responses, 42 summary of student responses to “thing that can be improved”, 45t summary of student responses to “one thing that was liked”, 46t

symbolic math program and screencasts, synergy, 50 next step, 51

F Flipped classroom, introduction, 1 history, 2 this book, 3 Flipping, new pedagogical technique class, first day, 10 classroom discipline, 11 conclusions, 15 flipping general chemistry I, 12 introduction, 9 pedagogical change, 10 syllabus, flipping, 13

G General, organic, and biological chemistry, experiences in flipping activities, 141 ionic compounds part 1, activity, 142f ionic compounds part 2, activity, 143f beyond the classroom, 143 future plans, 144 group structure, 137 CATME evaluation, results, 140f self and peer evaluation question, 140f survey for group formation, select questions, 138t introduction, 135 logistics, 136 outcomes, 144

I iPad devices, use in flipped teaching background, 74 cognitive load, 75 conclusions, 90 course components ChemDraw®, student quiz partial solution, 82f ChemDraw® mobile software application, 80

153 Muzyka and Luker; The Flipped Classroom Volume 1: Background and Challenges ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2016.

Downloaded by on December 12, 2016 | Publication Date (Web): December 1, 2016 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2016-1223.ix002

creating QR codes, 22 creating video lectures, 20 dual credit chemistry, 18 dual credit classroom, flipped classes model, structure, 24 flipped classroom, 19 watch video lessons on their cell phones, QR code, 19f frequently asked questions, 25 interactive lesson, incorporating video lectures, 21 finished lesson, view, 22f SoftChalk lesson creation, 21f introduction, 17

ChemWiki, 84 in-class problem solving, 82 iPad, 77 iTunes U and course organization, 85 iTunes U organization, 85f notability, 81 quiz question, Socrative student example, 80f quizzes, 78 sample ChemWiki page, 84f screencasts, 77 screencasts, example image, 78f Socrative, 79 Socrative Teacher example, 81f student solution to an in class quiz, example, 83f data attendance, 86 organic chemistry I courses, final exam grade distribution, 89f organic chemistry I courses, median final exam percentages, 88f student assessments, 87 student attitudes, 89 student responses to improvement question, 87f methods course information, 76 surveys, 76 why flipped teaching? engaged students, 74 where did I start?, 73


L Large enrollment chemistry courses effective, flipping a large classroom, 123 standardized final exam score, predicted difference in general chemistry class, 126t standardized final exam score, predicted difference in organic chemistry class, 125t flipped classes of any size, additional considerations, 130 large chemistry class, how to flip after class, 129 in-class time, 127 pre-class assignments and accountability, 126 Limited internet access, flipped classroom chemistry classroom, strategy for flipping flipped classroom, components, 23

Sophisticated epistemology, 93 conclusions, 102 flipped classroom approach, exemplar application context, 97 course, 97 examplar discussion questions, 100f example topic, 98 in-class challenging problem, 99 instructor-led discussion, 100 organization, 98 pre-class assignment, 98 sample in-class challenging problem, 99f student accountability, 98 flipped classroom can promote sophisticated epistemology, 101 higher education, epistemology, 97 introduction, 94 theoretical perspective, 95 Student engagement in the flipped classroom background, 106 conclusion, 121 effective pre-class activities, 106 Perusall reading, sample pre-lecture assignment, 107f exam prep assignments, 117 exam prep follow-up assignment template, 118f flipped classroom, taking notes, 115 students in a flipped classroom, note taking template, 116f introduction, 105 Learning Catalytics, peer instruction, 113 Learning Catalytics seat map, 114f

154 Muzyka and Luker; The Flipped Classroom Volume 1: Background and Challenges ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2016.

Downloaded by on December 12, 2016 | Publication Date (Web): December 1, 2016 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2016-1223.ix002

MasteringChemistry™ tutorials, 109 MasteringChemistry™ pre-class tutorial problem, 111f Molecular Orbital diagrams, pause and predict video, 112f Molecular Orbital Theory, introduction to the pre-lecture assignment, 113f Molecular Orbital tutorial, 111f Perusall confusion report, 110f Perusall, 107 Perusall annotation thread, 108f recitation, team-based learning, 116 student assessment plan, 118 performance of assessments, suggested resources, 120f risk responses, questions, 118

reflections ACS data, 66 ACS exam data, 67t cooperative learning, TBL, 67t student comments, 67 student survey, SALG instrument, 68f teaching physical chemistry, using TBL application exercise guiding questions, 65t application exercises, 62 designing, 58 first day of class, 59 implementing, 58 iRAT, 60 lead solder, phase diagram, 64f peer assessment, 66 physical chemistry course, excerpt from the RAT, 61f physical chemistry course, second excerpt, 63f preparation guide, readiness assurance, 64t RAT preparation guide, 59 readiness assurance preparation guide, 60t team formation, 59 unit exams, end, 66

T Team-based learning background, 55 conclusion final thoughts, 70 lessons learned and current work, 69 recommendations, 69 introduction, 56

155 Muzyka and Luker; The Flipped Classroom Volume 1: Background and Challenges ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2016.