perature and Humidity Chambers conduct many tests at once—and at low cost! Vaporpressure sys- tem—no wet bulb control wick to change. Simple, accu...
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THE FLOW SHEET One of a series devoted to enriching the Art of conveying & controlling fluids



Working With HIGH PRESSURE SAMPLES? Let Hoke Help You... CONTAIN PRECIOUS GASES OR LIQUIDS. Sampling cylinders are rated to 5000 PSIG and meet all ICC requirements. Capacities 10 milliliters to 5 gallons, single or double outlet connections. FILL PRESSURE VESSELS. Connect this cylinder valve to a single or double ended Hoke cylinder and collect samples with complete safety. PROTECT AGAINST OVERPRESSURIZATION. Hoke "Saf-tee" cylinder adapters come in spring loaded or pressure bursting disc styles for various pressure ranges. CONTROL FLOW OF SAMPLES. This needle valve has a removable Kel-F stem disc and "Dyna-Pak" Teflon packing for long wear and high pressure service.

And don't forget to hook-up the entire system with New, Hoke Gyrolok Tube Fittings. A catalog is available. For complete information on how these Hoke products can help you, contact your local Hoke distributor or write to us directly.


• Over 1 0 0 sizes in s t o c k - t o 2 2 0 0 ° F . • Exclusive design p r o v i d e s lead wire o p e n i n g s in c e r a m i c — helps p r e v e n t s h o r t c i r c u i t s . • Offsets on o u t e r edges of c e r a m i c e l i m i n a t e THERMAL " C o l d Line." • A n g u l a r design of rib s e c t i o n s p r o d u c e s larger arc of r a d i a t i o n . • A N D . . . YOU PAY LESS! GET GUARANTEED P E R F O R M A N C E S A M E DAY S H I P M E N T · LOWER PRICES Write for Technical Bulletin 102

Electro-Applications, Inc. 2439 West Pike Street, Houston, Pa. 15342 · Phone 412—745-7730 Circle No. 81 on Readers' Service Card



COUNTER-FLOW Combination Temperature and Humidity Cabinets with independent wet and dry bulb POWER-O-MATIC 60® Saturable Reactor Proportioning Control Systems. Extreme accuracy over a wide range . . . straightline performance with rro cycling. Four sizes: 1.5 to 10 cu. ft. AUTOMATICALLY CONTROLS TEMPERATURES FROM AMBIENT TO + 93°C. (±y 2 °C.) . . . R.H. FROM 20% TO 98% ( ± 1 % ) . VAPOR - TEMP® Controlled Temperature and Humidity Chambers conduct many tests at once—and at low cost! Vapor pressure syst e m — n o wet bulb control wick to change. Simple, accurate, dependable. AUTOMATICALLY CONTROLS TEMPERATURES FROM AMBIENT TO + 77°C. (±'/4°C) · · · R-H. FROM 20% TO 98% ( ± 1 % ) .

These are representative units of a complete temperature/humidity control capability. S E N D FOR FULL INFORMATION Clip ad to your signed letterhead for full details and low prices.

B L U EMElectricCompany Hoke Incorporated • 1 Tenakill Park · Cresskill, N.J. Circle No. 5 on Readers' Service Card 164 A



138th & Chatham Streets

Blue -Island, Illinois

See us a t P i t t s b u r g h , B o o t h F-3 Circle No. 75 on Readers' Service Card