The French have a word for DABCO catalyst - C&EN Global Enterprise

Nov 6, 2010 - The French have a word for DABCO catalyst .... This year, Organic Letters is celebrating its 20th year as the highest impact communicati...
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The French have a word for DABCO@catalyst "Parlez-vous français?" You don't have to. DABCO® is the same in any language, and the French enthusiasm for this unique urethane "cataliseur" is understandable —with reasons like these: Dependable Uniform Production. DABCO stability in storage and activator solutions assures uniformly high activity, minimizes catalyst adjustment. DABCO gives uniform foam processing characteristics regardless of seasonal temperature variations because DABCO catalyzed foam reaction rates are far less affected by temperature change than those using conventional amine catalysts. Economical Flexible Foam. Though DABCO costs more per pound than conventional amines, the overall cost of a "DABCO-tin" activator system is low. DABCO catalyzes both gellation and gas forming reactions, permitting minimum concentrations of both catalysts. Synergistic activity is high, so no auxiliary amine is required. Closed Molding. Economical molding requires fast mold cycles with minimum rejects—and DABCO helps shorten cure time. Topper pads and cushions come out of the mold easily without "finger printing". Molded foam has a quality look. Skins are smooth and soft. 38


Rigid Foam. DABCO is effective for all types of rigid urethane foam processing—"one shot", "frothed" and "prepolymer". In prepolymer systems, DABCO stability and high activity assure maximum shelf life. DABCO-33. Stable, non-aqueous DABCO solution, available in 1, 5, and 55 gallon containers. Easy to handle, highly soluble in water and urethane polyols. Offers advantages for rigid and flexible foams, elastomer and coating systems. For the full DABCO story write t o :


PROCESS A N D CHEMICAL COMPANY 1528 Walnut Street, Philadelphia 2, Pa.

*Houdry means Progress...through Catalysis Patent Reference: U.S. Pat. No. 2939851 issued to Houdry Process Corporation covers use of triethylenediamine (Trademarked DABCO) as catalyst in producing polyurethanes. Similar patents exist or are pending in other countries.