The future is within your reach. - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

May 28, 2012 - Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a ...
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The future is within your reach.™

Others may talk about the future. Only Codexis is delivering the future of biocatalysis – today. Through our proven CodeEvolver™ directed evolution technology, we provide superior enzymes, intermediates and APIs, for confidence in ‘results now’ screening. From off-the-shelf screening kits to fully optimized enzymes, we deliver higher yields, improved performance and greener, cost-advantaged manufacturing processes across the pharma product lifecycle. Supported by our capability to supply custom enzymes promptly, from lab to industrial scale, we are helping companies of all sizes achieve greater efficiencies. Experience the future of biocatalysis today. Visit 200 Penobscot Drive I Redwood City, CA, USA I Tel: +1 650.421.8100 I Fax: +1 650.421.8134 I Email: [email protected]