The Gooseneck Clamp

adjustments awkward; thus the gooseneck clamp was devised. A gooseneck clamp can be made from an old lamp gooseneck by welding a small clamp (such ...
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The Gooseneck Clamp Often it is necessary t o support small objects such as test tubes, thermometers, etc., in certain places. Normally this is accomplished in the laboratory by means of various clamps attached to a ring stand. All of the commercially available clamps have the disadvantage of being rigidly attached to the ring stand making positional adjustments awkward; thus the gooseneck clamp was devised. A gooseneck clamp can be made from an old lamp gooseneck by welding a small clamp (such as Sargent-Welch S-1930'-A) on one end. Small items may be attached t o the clamp and the position adjusted t o wherever is desired. One prototype easily supports a pound. Indiana University Bloomineton, 47401

S. R. Wilson

Volume 52, Number 6. June 1975 / 407