The Harshaw Chemical Co

windows only .016" thick. HARSHAW. Performance. Tested. Crystals. Crystals for use as. X-ray monochro- mators, X-ray detectors, reststrahl plates, and...
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Crystal Products C«IST»l SMIO SIAIf

Performance tested crystals for use as gamma radiation detectors, IR windows and UV components.

The Harsh aw Chemical Co.


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Infrared Optical Materials

Si · llmlni.

Obi «106 - 216 III 13DO

Harshaw infrared materials transmit to 70 microns. Available as blanks or polished to your finished specifications.

The Harshaw Chemical Co.



1945 { « I 97th St • U n t i l * Qtu MIOG · Pkwi 216 ?Z1130Π


IR Pressed Pellet Powders

KBr, Csl, and TIBr, IR Pressed Pellet Powders are suitable over a wide spectral and refractive index range.

The Harshaw Chemical Co. SUT! DIVISION


1945 Eut 9 M Si. · D w t t d .ft»« 0 6 . P I M Jit 721-1300


Silver Chloride Stan


This unique IR material is insoluble in water, transmits out to 22 microns, available as windows only .016" thick.

A cinephotomicrographic unit provides time lapse (from 1 to 20 f r a m e s / minute), normal speed and slow mo­ tion pictures (from 12 to 4 8 frames/ second) with any inverted microscope. Model 5 0 2 , with built-in frame and footage counters, includes controls for the camera drive mechanism and the exposure selector. Accessory equip­ ment is available to control specimen temperature and to protect against heat and light when film is not being exposed. Sage Instruments, 2 Spring St., White Plains, Ν. Υ. 10601 419

Thin L a y e r C h r o m a t o g r a p h y

S S ^ - E S S S Ër ™"


Performance Tested Crystals

Deep field microscope, Model 66-8-DFM, has been developed which is capable of photographing surface irregularities of up to 0.25-inch varia­ tion in perfect focus. Monocular optics, coupled with an inclined plane mounting platform and eucentric go­ niometer, achieve a magnification of 200X. Surface strips approximately 0.0003-inch wide may be successively focused and exposed for incremental examination. Electronics & Alloys, Inc., 1 4 3 - 4 9 S. Dean St., Englewood, N . J . 0 7 6 3 1 416


The Harshaw Chemical Co.


Crystals for use as X-ray monochromators, X-ray detectors, reststrahl plates, and refracting components.

The Model 240 spectrophotometer combines a quartz prism monochromator in a Littrow mounting with a wide range, linear absorbance photom­ eter. The monochromator has a linear wavelength scale over the range from 185 to 1000 nanometers with an average resolution of 1 nm. The high resolution photometer and light source stabilizers are housed in a modular solid state unit for strip chart recorder operation. Gil­ ford Instrument Laboratories Inc., Oberlin, Ohio 44074 417

A preparative TLC system features a multi-sandwich chamber, five 20- X 20-cm plates, stacked so that all plates develop simultaneously. Other ingredi­ ents of the kit, No. 51337, include: a spreader for proper thickness, adsorb­ ents and UV indicators, glass plates, drying racks and desiccators, and devel­ oping chambers. An automatic sample streaker is also available to ensure straight sample lines and uniform con­ centration. Gelman Instrument Co., 600 S. Wagner Rd., Ann Arbor, Mich. 48106 420

T r a c e Impurities

K a r l Fischer T i t r a t i o n

The BSP100 sphere photometer meas­ ures solution clarity and color indepen­ dently. Designed for use where clarity analysis is required for the detection of impurities, the self-contained instru­ ment makes separate measurements of light absorption and scattering. Phoe­ nix Precision Instrument Co., Inc., 3801 N. Fifth St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19140

The Aqua-Meter, an electrometric Karl Fischer titrator, automates direct and back titrations by solid state circui­ try. Accurate to 0.07 mg of water, the instrument features adjustable meterrelay with P t / P t electrode, solenoid titrant control, and a delayed shut-off timer for accurate end point determina­ tion. Bronwill Scientific, 39 Russell St., Rochester, Ν. Υ. 421

The Harshaw Chemical Co.

MTSiAi soi m



Your inquiries for complete information are invited.

The Harshaw Chemical Co. 194S East 97th St. · Cleveland, Ohio 44108 > Phone 216 721-8300 Utrecht, Netherlands —Harshaw-Van Der Hoorn N.V. Frankfurt, W. Germany— Harshaw Chemie GmbH Circle No. 22 on Readers' Service Card 136 A

