The Harshaw Chemical Co

windows are now feasible ... Ohio 44106 • Phone 216 721-8300. Ulrecht. ... For applications, working characteristics, and list prices, write for new...
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publications, including newspapers in 20 major m a r k e t areas, and technical journals in a variety of industrial and technical fields. T h e index for J a n u a r y of this year was up 100.1 points above J a n u a r y 1965, and it was 36.8 points above t h e previous record of 175.9 t h a t was set in November of 1965.





(1961 == 100.0) J a n u a r y 1966


J a n u a r y 1965


J a n u a r y 1964


J a n u a r y 1963


J a n u a r y 1962


J a n u a r y 1961


New IR Material

Silver bromide is a new far infrared material that transmits to 35 microns. Large far IR windows are now feasible.

The Harshaw Chemical Co. 1945 East 97th St. • Clmlaiid. Ohio 44106 • Phone 216 721-8300 Ulrecht. Netherlands —Harshaw-Van Der Hoorn N.V. Frankfurt. W. G e r m a n y — Harshaw Chemie GmbH

Circle No. 49 on Readers' Service Card

Deutsch and Shea predicts t h a t , barring major unforeseen actions on the international scene, the demand for engineers and scientists will remain a t a high level throughout 1966. B y M a r c h of this year, the index registered 211.6, which was 93 points above M a r c h 1965. There are indications t h a t the steady growth in demand m a y be reaching its peak with prospects of levelling off on a new high plateau. In the sub-index related to technical journal recruitment advertising, there was a new high of 157.4, compared to 123.0 for F e b r u a r y 1966 and 120.1 for J a n u a r y 1966. The M a r c h high was led by activity in the general science field (which more t h a n doubled) and the electronics field (which was up better than 5 0 % ). D e m a n d s in the mechanical engineering, metallurgy, physics, and nuclear fields also rose significantly, and demands in the aerospace, civil engineering, and chemical fields rose slightly. T h e most sobering aspect of the large increase in demand for engineers and scientists is t h a t the rise in the chemical field was very slight, compared to the others.

The Finest Oils, Greases, Waxes... for High Vacuum Work—also Lubricant for High Vacuum Equipment, Masking of Circuit Boards and Other Scientific Applications

Vacuum pressures of these excellent oils are as low as 10" 7 torr. Greases as low as M H 1 torr at room temperature. Scientists, who try Apiezon oils, prefer them for equipment used in nuclear physics, cyclotrons, electrical equipment, vacuum tubes, etc.; the greases for general laboratory work and gas-liquid chromatography; wax W with suitable solvent as a masking media. As exclusive distributor in the United States, we offer immediate shipment from stock on the complete range of Apiezon products. For applications, working characteristics, and list prices, write for new Bulletin 43-AC.

J A M E S G. B I D D L E CO. Electrical a n d Speed M e a s u r i n g I n s t r u m e n t s


Circle No. 31 on Readers' Service Card V O L . 3 8 , N O . 7, JUNE 1 9 6 6