The High Field Conductance of Mercuric Chloride at 25 and 45°1

The High Field Conductance of Mercuric Chloride at 25 and 45°1. Frederick E. Bailey Jr., and Andrew Patterson Jr. J. Am. Chem. Soc. , 1952, 74 (22), ...
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Nov. 20, 1952

NOTES A New Synthesis of Iodoacetaldehyde Diethyl Acetal B Y SABURO



RECEIVED J U N E 4, 1952

Iodoacetaldehyde diethyl acetal can be synthesized by the iodination of acetal with iodine and hydroiodic or by heating the mixture of bromoacetal and sodium iodide with dry acetone3 or ethyl alcohol4 in a sealed tube. The former is time consuming and the yield is very poor, the latter is rather troublesome. On the other hand, Filachione5 has reported the synthesis of bromoacetals by the bromination of vinyl acetate followed by acetalization with alcohols. Recently Bedoukian6 has improved this method by brominating vinyl acetate in carbon tetrachloride solution. Bedoukian's method suggested to us the application of his method to the synthesis of iodoacetal by using iodine instead of bromine, but our attempt was not successful because the addition of iodine to the vinyl double bond was very poor. But if iodine monochloride.was employed as the iodinating agent in carbon tetrachloride solution, the addition took place, yielding iodoacetal as well as cbloroacetal as the by-product. The result indicated that the reactions seemed to proceed in two directions

layers too vigorously because the main reaction is believed t o occur on the intersurface of organic and inorganic phase. After about 20 minutes, when iodine monochloride was no longer decolorized, the iodination was complete. At this point, the lower organic layer was separated rapidly, and was added t o the mixture of 150 ml. of ethyl alcohol (99.5100%) and 15 g. of calcium chloride. The whole was allowed to stand for three days a t 10-15'. T h e temperature of acetalization so seriously influenced the yield, that the yield was halved if it was kept a t 25'. Then the light red mixture was poured into 300 ml. of water, and the lower organic layer was Separated, and was washed successively with dilute sodium thiosulfate solution, then with water. After drying over calcium chloride, the product was distilled under reduced Dressure. Iodoacetaldehvde diethvl acetal (47 g. or 84%)*distilled a t 53.5-54' (2-mm.), #D 1.4734, d2'zz 1.492. Anal. Calcd. for C ~ H I J O ~C, I : 29.51; H , 5.37. Found: C, 29.42; H , 5.36.


The High Field Conductance of Mercuric Chloride at 25 and 45'' BY FREDERICK E. BAILEY, JR., ANDREWPATTERSON, JR. RECEIVED JUNE 9, 1952


Onsager2 has suggested that the high field conductance of mercuric chloride should be interesting from two points of view: 3CzHaOH since it is a weak salt ICH,ClCH,OCOCH3 ___) ICH2CH(OC2Ha)2 CH3COOCLHS+ HCl + H L o (1) yielding ions other than CHF=CHOCOCH~the very mobile hydroI IC1 ~CLH,OH gen ion it should exhibit ClCHJCH.OCOCHj + ClCHLCH( OCrIIs)2 CHJCOOCzHs + H I + H 2 0 ( 2 ) greater hydrodynamic effects than weak acids, and the yield of iodoacetal, even under optimum and, in addition, it might be liable to greater conditions, was below 307, from vinyl acetate. chemical relaxation time lags than acids. Such Then, an attempt was made to use the mixture acids as have been investiggted?~~ show no parof iodine monochloride and concentrated hydro- ticular deviation from the theory of Onsager for chloric acid as the iodinating agent. In this case, weak electrolytes and no unusual relaxation time the addition is very rapid, yielding a-chloro-p- effects, while insufficient data are available on iodoethyl acetate in almost theoretical quantities. bases to allow any distinctions between the beAs any chloroacetal was not obtained in this case, havior of acids and bases to be drawn. SVe present the reaction appeared to proceed as in (1). This herewith some high field conductance measurements method is applicable to small or large scale prepara- on mercuric chloride, approximately 9.3 X tions and the yield is S2-85%. Iodoacetal has a molar, a t 25 and 45", using potassium chloride as pungent odor and a slight decomposition takes reference electrolyte. The experimental results place on standing for a long time. are not sufficiently unambiguous as to permit a clear assessment of Onsager's predictions, but they Experimental constitute yet another addition to the list of Twenty grams of vinyl acetate (b.p. 72-72.5') was added peculiarities of this unusual salt.?

p 7



to 80 ml. of carbon tetrachloride and cooled in an ice-saltbath. To this solution, a mixture of 30 ml. of hydrochloric acid (39%) and 40 g. of iodine monochloride was added with gentle stirring. T h e temperature should be kept below 5", and the stirring should be regulated not t o mix the two (1) J. Hesse, Bcr., 30, 1442 (1897). (2) M. S. Losanitsch. ibid., 42, 4046 (1909). (3) F. Beyerstedt and S. M . McElvain, THIS JOURNAL, 58, 529 (1936). (4) F. Beyerstedt and S. M. McElvain, ibid., 68, 2268 (1937). ( 5 ) E. M . Filachione, ibid., 61, 1705 (1939). (6) P. Z. Bedoukian, ibid., 66, 651 (1944).

Experimental Mercuric chloride was purified by recrystallization from conductivity water; the solid was separated from the mother liquor, dried between absorbent paper, and further dried in a desiccator a t room temperature over calcium sulfate. (1) Contribution No. 1105 from the Department of Chemistry, Yale University. (2) L. Onsager, J . Chem. P h y s . , 2, 599 (1934). (3) F. E. Bailey and A. Patterson, THISJ O U R N A L , 7 4 , 4756 (1952). (4) N. V. Sidgwick, "The Chemical Elements and Their Compounds," Oxford University Press, New York, N. Y . , 1950, p. 324.

The dry, purified salt was weighed and dissolved in a weighed quantity of carbon dioxide-free conductivity water t o give :i strong stock solutiori, approximately U.2 molar i i i concentratioii. This stock solutioii \vas added from a weight buret to a previously weighed quautity of conductivity water in :i conductance cell t o a t t i i i ;I desired concentration or resi ance, a s the case might be. I,ow ficld conductance ~rieasu nients were carried out a t 23' using i i pulse bridge t e niquej t o gain some idea of the variation of equivaleiit conductance in the concentration rauge to be cniploycri. L o ~ v field conductances of both the potnsiuni a r i d mercui-ic alii1 4 .;' in order chloride solutions were inensureti a t 2.5, to determine the temperaturc coefficients of contluctance. High field nieasureineiits were perforined using a differential pulse transforrnfr bridgcj a t 25 a r i d 45'. The tenipcrxture control \viis t o within 0.015 at 25' and t o within 0.02' at thc other temperatures. All temperatures were measured reloti\-e t o a receiitly c:tlii~ratctl p1:ttinum resistaiicc therInoliicter.


l'lLhlt'bKA'TLKlL ;,

1 ~ E P t S S D E S C CIJF



C H L O R I D E .4A D P U r A S S I L M C H L O R I D E S O L I X I O i S R , LC1. ohms C. R: IIgCli, ohm>

956.3 (LI.:; S9X i; ( X 2 7 >: 1 0 ~ 13 1 1 o i ~ r ~ ill molar) :i.i 67 I 2 7-48,I

ijY3 , 2 (:3 .85 X


540 , ( 1


nioliir) 402.3

'I'he tciripcrature coelticient me:isureiii~nts \\ere rnatle in cotijunctioii with thc high field ~neasurements,and thus it was necessary to add potassium chloride a t the higher temperatures iii order to bring the resistances of thc two cells within the balancing capabilities of the variable resistors provided t o compensate for high field resistancc changes. This accounts for the two columus of data for potassium chloride. The tempcruture coefticient of rcsistunce of the Results incrcuric chloride, over this temperature range, is 1.90 i The results of the rieterminatioii uf equivalent cuntluct0.ill times as great its t h a t of the pctassium chloride. :tiicc zlcrstLs concentration are given i n Fig. 1 , together Lvith The tiic:tsuremeiitb at high fields were diflicult t o iriter(Jlic' poiiit froni I C T datad a t :L coml)xrcible coucentratio~i; prct because of the very consicicrable change of hdarice durrquivaleiit coiiductance, 1000 I, c, is given as a function of iug the period of the 1 iriicrosccond pulses used for observa2. ?i%Cse v d u c s are iivt i i i particu1:irly good agreement ii,ith thc one point from thc IC?'.;i fxct which might be ex- tion, :I tiifiiculty resulting, presumably, from the decided tiiffereiicc in temperature coefficients noted in the preceding plaiiictl by two recognized sources of error on o u r part: t h e paragraph. Figure 2 is a plot of the fractional high field i.tlt iiiay iiot have lieen wholly d r y ; ;iritl the resistuncei conductance quotient, SA ,Xu, x r s u s field strength for the u w i l :IS refcrences iu t h e bridge iueasurcrrieii rcsults obtained a t 25 and 4 5 O , as estimated from the bridge visely k i i u w i and entirely satisfactory for r balauces obtained near the eiid of the 4-microsecond pulse, inelits, had riot been calibrated with high accumcy. T h e and a t 23' from the beginning of the 4 microsecond pulse original ICT refereuce was iiut available for study. fioivcvcr, these & t a indicate t h a t rrierctiric chloride in aqueou< as well. ,4t G o ,however, in contrast t o the situation at 2 5 O , a perceptible leveling off was observed of the changoin alutioii is wily slightly ionized, its Sidgwicki ha.; pointed resistance balance a s a function of. applied pulse duratioii o u t , a i i d t h a t , i i i comparison irith i t potassium chloride mlutioii of the same specific conductance and of coiicentr,tt ion approsinlately 1 0 - 4 molar, the degree of ionizutioii i i I I 1 or less, tlcpcndirig upou thc possibilitics of h y d r o l y i i ~ . t i i d otlicr reactioii>. (






i i a l Criticdl I ~ l i l c i I l i C , XCW Y < , I k \ l' ,,



I' \'(#I



H i l l Rw8k

100 200 Field, kv./cm. Fig. ?.--High field conductance of aqueous solution of mercuric chloride: 0, 25", end of I-microsecond pulse; X , A,?':, i.rid of 4-microsecond pulse. 0 , 2.5', end of +microsccoiid ] ~ u l wvorrcc~ecl , for results of heating in coiiductancr cell. t,, 2.7 , estiiii;ttctl fruiri i)egiiiiiiiig uf pu1.e I)


Nov. 20, 1952

toward the end of the 4 microsecond pulse. For this reason the main emphasis htis been placed on the results for high field conductance change at the end of the pulse, since the leveling off of the change of resistance suggests t h a t a stable conductance was being attained after a time-of-relaxation phenomenon.

Discussion I t seems proper to assume from the results of the low field conductance measurements above, as well as the data recorded by S i d g ~ i c k that , ~ the following equilibrium exists between the entities in solution HgC1,


+ C1-


If we assume that the degree of dissociation is 0.01, then the value of K ( 0 ) would be K(0)


(9.3 X 1 0 - 3 ~ ( ~ . 0 1 ) ~ / ( l 0.01) = 1 0 - 6 ilpprox.

If the high field conductance increase were due to an influence upon this equilibrium by the high field, then the increase in conductance should be comparable with or greater than that for acetic acid, K ( 0 ) = 1.7 X 10-j. For acetic acid at 147 kv.; cm. the experimental fractional increase in high field conductance is '7.31i9?0.3 For a 1-1 valence type electrolyte at a similar field and with a smaller K(O),the high field conductance quotient would be proportionately greater. U'e may therefore conclude that the above is not the equilibrium principally responsible for the much smaller conductance increase observed with mercuric chloride. Onsager has assumed the existence of two equilibria in the place of that of equation (1) HgC12 (covalent molecule) I_ { HgC1+C1-JU(ion pair)

\ IlgCl-Cl-~"

Jr HgCl + C1+

(3) (4)

appear indistinguishable from a relative Wien effect of some 1.0%. We have attempted to estimate the change of resistance due to heating for each of the points on the curve for 23' using the data taken from the end of the 4 microsecond pulses, and have obtained a corrected high field conductance curve which lies in the vicinity of the curve for 45'; see Fig. 2. However, it would be stretching matters entirely too far on such sparse evidence to compare the admittedly similar curves for the "corrected" data for mercuric chloride a t 25" with the results for magnesium and zinc sulfates. The large temperature coefficient of conductance of the mercuric chloride may result from a temperature sensitive equilibrium of the types shown in equations (3) or (4). In the case of magnesium sulfate' the ion pair-ion equilibrium was found to be relatively temperature insensitive. Faced with the existence of this large temperature coefficient, however, it is difficult for one to make any more than an educated guess as to the high field conductance change of mercuric chloride. It is thus not presently possible to make any conclusions relevant to time-of-relaxation or hydrodynamic effects to lend support to the postulations of Onsager.? Although, as pointed out, the oscilloscope balance patterns a t 45" appeared to reach a steady value, nevertheless with longer pulses the heating effects could only be greater and more confusing. If timeof-relaxation effects were present in the range of pulse lengths including 4 microseconds, shorter pulse lengths tending to minimize heating would not reveal the time-of-relaxation effects anticipated with application of high fields. Xccordingly, we have not attempted to investigate other pulse lengths. Since very small quantities of highly ionized electrolytes will entirely overshadow both the low and high field conductance behavior of a weaker electrolyte, some concern must be expressed for the influence of hydrolysis products which are undoubtedly present. Sidgwick4 states that mercuric chloride is almost wholly covalent, even in water, and so very slightly hydrolyzed. The hydrolysis products may be postulated as HgClOH and HCl; the first compound presumably supplies at least a moderate number of ions to the solution, else the extent of hydrolysis would be greater than it is. The principal strong electrolyte is thus hydrochloric acid, the high field conductance behavior of which is comparatively well known. The authors have found that concentrations of this electrolyte in the order of only 10-5 molar will entirely alter the shape of high field conductance plots such as Fig. 2 for weak electrolytes. We may thus conclude from the resulting straight-line plots in Fig. 2 , rather than a curve typical of a strong electrolyte, and from the magnitude of the quotients, A A / b , which have been obtained experimentally, that no significant amounts of a strong electrolyte such as hydrochloric acid are present. Acknowledgment.-This work was supported by the Office of Naval Research.

and has associated a longer chemical time of relaxation with equation ( 8 ) as .contrasted with the short Langevin time lag for equation (4). Of these two equilibria, only that of equation (4) is affected by the field, but it is equilibrium (3) which should demonstrate an appreciable relaxation time. From the magnitude of the high field conductance increase actually observed, between 2 and 3Y0,we may estimate the size of the equilibrium constant for equation (4) to be in the order of The magnitude of Wien effect observed is similar to that exhibited by such symmetrical electrolytes as magnesium and zinc sulfates; these electrolytes behave in a manner which may be suitably explained on the basis of an ion-pair equilibrium with the assumption of K ( 0 ) values in the order of lop3.' LVith a cell resistance of '31s ohms and an applied field of 150 kv. 'cm., corresponding to the conditions for the highest point on the curve for the power dissipated during a single pulse is 0.98 joule, equivalent to a temperature rise of 1.16", if we may assume that at the end of 4 microseconds no significant amount of thermal conduction has taken place from the small solution volume between the electrodes to both the electrodes and the solution nearby. Such a rise in temperature would correspond to a resistance decrease of about 16 ohms more in the mercuric chloride cell than in the CHEMISTRY LABURATURY refereiice potassium chloride cell, and would thus STERLING YALEUNIVERSITY %j",

( 7 ) F. E. Bailer a n d A . PLltterSon, T H I s

J U W R X A L , 74, 4428
