The in-organic side of organic chemistry

was accomplished by Wohler one hundred years ago. With this ... whose interests lie in both fields, or the results of whose investigations are applica...
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The first synthesis of an organic compound from in-organic constituents was accomplished by Wohler one hundred years ago. With this synthesis, the distinction between organic and in-organic chemistry was definitely broken down and it might have been expected that subsequently these two fields of chemistry would develop more or less together and that they would exert a marked influence on each other. However, such has not been the case. Up to the present time, chemistry is still rather sharply divided into the organic and the in-organic divisions and there are but few chemists whose interests lie in both fields, or the results of whose investigations are applicable to both. This state of affairs is, in part, due to the reluctance of chemists to break away from time-honored tradition. But, in a measure, it is also due to the great difference in the behavior of common organic and in-organic compounds. There is a regularity in the behavior of organic compounds that, seemingly, is entirely lacking in the case of in-organic compounds. The conditions under which most reactions of organic chemistry are carried out differ widely from those of in-organic chemistry. On the whole, the organic chemist has been more enterprising than the in-organic chemist. He has felt free to make use of in-organic materials in carrying out his syntheses of variods organic compounds, while, at the same time, he has claimed as his own pracbically all compounds containing carbon. Now, it is true that any compound containing carbon may properly be termed an organic compound, but it does not necessarily follow that all the reactions of such compounds are properly classed as organic reactions. Indeed, numerous reactions of organic compounds might well be termed in-organic. An organic compound may contain a considerable number of atoms other than carbon and hydrogen. Many of our most important organic compounds are of this type. I need only mention the organic derivatives of oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, phosphorus, arsenic, etc. If, in a reaction of a compound containing elements other than carbon or hydrogen, the valence bonds of carbon are not concerned; that is, if only valence bonds of in-organic elements are primarily involved, then such a reaction might well be termed an in-organic reaction of an organic compound. The mechanism of the reaction is primarily determined by the atom of the inorganic element, and carbon, in so far as its presence in the compound has any influencea t all, serves merely as a make-weight. 1 An address delivered before the New England Association of Chemistry Teachers at Brown University. March 16. 1929.

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Let me illustrate what I have in mind. A typical in-organic reaction is that between an alkali metal, such as sodium, and water, which takes place according to the following equation: HOH

+ Na = NaOH + '/nH*

The reaction consists in that one of the hydrogen atoms of water is substituted by sodium, with the consequent formation of sodium hydroxide and molecular hydrogen. The mechanism of the reaction, of course, involves an electron due to sodium, but for the purposes of our present discussion, we need not go into the details of this mechanism. Now, let us consider the reaction that takes place when ethyl alcohol is treated with sodium. This reaction is expressed by the following equation: GHsOH

+ Na = GHsONa + '/*Hs

The reaction is strictly analogous to the preceding one between water and sodium. In both cases a hydrogen atom, attached to oxygen, is replaced by sodium. The only differencelies in that, in the first reaction, the second valence of oxygen is satisfied by hydrogen, while, in the second reaction, the second valence of oxygen is satisfied by an ethyl group. It is to be noted, however, that in the second reaction the ethyl group itself takes no direct part in the reaction; after the reaction, as before, it is attached to one and the same oxygen atom. And, moreover, the properties of sodium alcoholate do not differ materially from those pf sodium hydroxide. There is no need here for differentiating between the two reactions and, indeed, to so differentiate would merely serve to obscure the generality of the fundamental reaction that is involved in both cases. Let me give another illustration. When aniline is treated with sodium under suitable conditions, sodium anilide is formed according to the equation:

+ Na




+ '/%HZ

Aniline is an important organic compound and sodium anilide is an important organic reagent. Nevertheless, this reaction does not diier essentially from the following reaction, which is a purely in-organic one: HNH.

+ Na = NaNHa + '/.H2

The latter reaction represents what occurs when ammonia is treated with sodium under suitable conditions. It is obvious that the two reactions are strictly analogous, that the presence of the phenyl group in aniline does not materially affect the reaction mechanism and that, moreover, the resulting products of the two reactions, sodium anilide and sodium amide, do not differ essentially in their properties. Both compounds are salts, or, in liquid ammonia, both are ammono bases. Both are dissociated in liquid ammonia and both react with other substances in a similar manner.




It will not be possible to discuss in detail this interesting field that lies in the "twilight" zone between organic and in-organic chemistry. I can only indicate how extensive this field is and point out a few examples. Altogether, there are more than forty elements that form definite compounds with hydro-carbon groups, all of which have a chemistry which is chiefly dependent upon their in-organic constituents. I n many respects, these elements will, therefore, have a chemistry that more or less resembles that of oxygen or nitrogen when combined with carbon or hydro-carbon groups. By far, the greater proportion of the elements that form stable compounds with hydro-carbon groups occupy a position in the periodic system either within two groups to the right or within seven groups to the left of the rare gas group. If we arrange these elements in sequence and in periods according to their atomic number, we have the following table: I TABLE TABLE SHOWING THE ELEMENTS THAT FORM STABLE COMPOUNDS WITH HYDRO-CARBON 1



B A1 Ga

Cd Hg


Be M g

Cu Ag













Ne A Kr Xe Rd

Na K Rb Cs













Sb Bi




Ca Sr Ba Ra

Leaving out the rare gases, which are c$mically inert, all the elements in this table are known to form compounds with organic groups with the exception of radium, polonium, and gallium, which have not, thus far, been investigated. On the other hand, aside from these elements, there are only three or four others, namely, chromium, platinum, and, perhaps, iron, that are known to form more or less stable compounds with hydro-carbon groups. It is evident, from this table, that compounds of the various elements with hydro-carbon groups are formed by almost half of the chemically active elements and by far more than half of the more common elements. These compounds of organic groups with the various elements each have properties that are characteristic of the elements in question, which properties are not primarily dependent upon the carbon groups. These compounds, moreover, enter into many reactions in which the carbon groups are only indirectly concerned. Organic chemists have long made use of the organic derivatives of the halogens and of oxygen, sulfur, nitrogen, etc., and most chemists consider that these compounds are typically organic and that their reactions are typical of organic compounds. This, however, is not strictly true. All these compounds have an in-organic side, so to speak: they have properties that are primarily determined by their in-

organic constituents and these properties, in many instances, are the very ones that render these compounds important. No sharp distinction can be drawn between the organic derivatives of most of these elements. The chemistry of the organic derivatives of oxygen or nitrogen, for example, cannot be differentiated from that of tin, germanium, or boron. The compounds of these elements with hydro-carbon groups closely resemble the corresponding compounds of the same elements with hydrogen. In general, the order of stability of the hydro-carbon derivatives corresponds to that of the hydrogen derivatives, but the former are usually more stable than the latter. Let us tabulate the hydrogen derivatives of the various elements in the preceding table.


CHI SiH, GeH, SnHl PbH,

NHs PHa ASH. SbH3 BiHa

0% SH, SeHs ~ e &



CaHs SrH. BaHz

Twenty-seven of the elements of Table I form hydrides. In a given group of the periodic system, the stability of the hydrides decreases as the atomic number increases, while, in a given peripd, the stability increases with increasing atomic number as we approach the rare gas group from the left and increases in reverse order from the right. Thus, in the 7th group, hydrogen fluoride is more stable than hydrogen iodide, or, in the 5th group, ammonia is more stable than phosphme or the hydrogen derivatives of any other element of higher atomic number in the same group. On the other hand, in the period beginning with silicon and ending with chlorine, for example, the order of stability increases from silicane to hydrogen chloride. So, also, in the alkali metal group, lithium hydride is more stable than cesium hydride. Most of the elements, in the groups beyond the second group, do not form well-defined hydrides comparable, for example, with sodium hydride or calcium hydride. Referring to Table I, it will be observed that the rare gas group divides the elements into two main divisions. Those to the right are strongly electropositive metallic elements, while those to the left are electronegative, non-metallic elements, although they become more metallic and less electronegative as we recede from the rare gas group. An examination of Table I1 will show that the hydrides formed by the elements to the right of the rare gas group differ fundamentally in their properties from the hydrides of the elements to the left of this group. The hydrides of the

alkali metals and the metals of the alkaline earths are high melting solids which exhibit the properties of salts. In these salts, the hydrogen acts as negative ion. For example, lithium hydride is a solid melting a t 680'. The liquid hydride, as well as the solid a t higher temperatures, is an electrolyte, the lithium acting as cation and the hydrogen as anion. On the other hand, the hydrogen derivatives of the elements to the left of the rare gas group are highly volatile non-polar2compounds. It is true that the hydrogen derivatives of the halogens exhibit electrolytic properties when dissolved in suitable solvents, such as water, for example, but the pure hydrides themselves do not exhibit electrolytic properties in marked degree. In general, we may say that the hydrogen atoms are attached to these elements by means of non-polar bonds. Nearly all the elements of Table I, excepting the >are gases, and all the elements of Table I1 form compounds with hydro-carbon groups and, in general, these compounds are more stable than are the corresponding compounds of the same elements with hydrogen. Nevertheless,these compounds with hydro-carbon groups closely resemble the corresponding compounds with hydrogen. Thus, for example, the alkali metals form compounds with alkyl groups known as the alkali metal alkyls, which are difficultly volatile solids a t ordinary temperatures and which, we have reason to believe, are salt-like in their properties. On the other hand, the elements to the left of the rare gas group form volatile non-polar compounds with organic groups and their properties closely resemble those of the corresponding hydrides. c The order of stability of the organic derivatives of the various elements closely parallels that of the corresponding hydrides. Thus, silicane, SiH4, is stable in the absence of oxidizing agents up to 500°, while plumbane, PbHa, decomposes even at ordinary temperatures. Correspondingly, tetraethyl silicane is a very stable compound that may he distilled in air and which is oxidized with difficulty, while tetraethyl lead decomposes spontaneously a t temperatures slightly above 100°, and is readily oxidized a t ordinary temperatures. In general, theorganic derivatives of the elements to the left of the rare gas group are much more stable than are the corresponding hydrides, and numerous elements that do not form hydrides form relatively stable organic derivatives. Just as the hydrides to the right of the rare gas group are salt-like in nature, while the hydrides of elements to the left of that group are nonpolar, so, in the case of the organic derivatives, compounds of the alkali metals and alkaline earth metals are salt-like in properties, while comIn the present discussion the term "polar" is used to designate compounds in which a transfer of electrons occurs and in which then two appositely charged ionic species exist. The term "non-polar" is thus used in connection with compounds where such a transfer of electrons does not take place.

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pounds of all elements to the left of the rare gas group are non-polar. In the case of certain hydrides, and particularly the hydrides of carbon, we may substitute one or more hydrogen atoms by halogens or other atoms. So, in the case of the organic derivatives of the various elements, one or more of the organic groups may be substituted by other organic groups or by elements other than carbon, such as the halogens, oxygen, and even the alkali metals. It is not possible to enter into a detailed discussion of the numerous compounds formed by these various elements. We may, however, discuss briefly the chemistry of a typical metallic element such as tin. Tetramethyl tin, for example, is readily prepared and 1, 2, 3, or 4 of the methyl groups may be replaced by bromine, for example. We thus have the series of compounds, (CH3)Bn, (CH&SnBr, (CH&3nBr2,C&SnBr3, &BD. I t is obvious that this series of compounds is closely analogous to corresponding series in the case of carbon. While the chemistry of some of these compounds is very interesting, time forbids our entering into a detailed discussion. I t may be pointed out, however, that the compounds of these elements are much more individualistic in their behavior than are the corresponding compounds of carbon. In many instances, it is difficult to predict the nature of the reactions that these compounds will undergo, particularly as one passes from element to element in a given group or a given period. Let us consider, briefly, the properties of some of these compounds of tin. In the first place, let us return, for a momept, to carbon. I want to bring out the fact that many of these compounds of tin resemble those of carbon very closely. It was formerly supposed that the chaining of carbon atoms was a property characteristic of that element. This, however, is by no means the case. We shall see, presently, that chains of atoms may readily be formed in the case of tin and similar chains may be formed by germanium, silicon, and other elements. In place of attempting to compare a hydride of carbon with an organic derivative of tin, let us compare a carbon derivative in which the hydrogen has been substituted by carbon groups. Consider, for example, triphenyl methane, (C6H&CH. It is a very simple matter to prepare the corresponding compound of tin, triphenyl stannane, (C6Hs)SnH. Triphenyl methane is much more stable than triphenyl stannane, but its reactions are, in general, very similar. The hydrogen of triphenyl methane may readily be replaced by chlorine, yielding triphenyl methyl chloride, (CsHs)sCCI. Similarly, the hydrogen of triphenyl stannane may readily be replaced by chlorine yielding triphenyl stannyl chloride, (C6H5)SnC1. These two compounds are very similar in their behavior. Neither conducts the electric current in the liquid condition, but both are soluble in liquid ammonia and both yield solutions that conduct the electric current. So, also, solutions



of the same compounds in numerous other solvents are electrolytic conductors. Triphenyl methyl chloride is readily reduced by means of metals, or other reducing agents, whereby triphenyl methyl, (CaHs)&!, is formed. Triphenyl methyl is a high melting solid (147'), which, when dissolved in benzene, or certain other solvents, is largely associated to [(C6H6)3C]2. It is readily oxidized by atmospheric oxygen or other oxidizing agents. Similarly, triphenyl stannyl chloride may readily be reduced-for example, by means of sodium in liquid ammonia-whereby triphenyl stannyl, (&Hs)3Sn, is formed. Like triphenyl methyl, triphenyl stannyl has a high melting point (226'), and in benzene solution, its molecular weight corresponds to the formula: [(CeHs)aSnle. Like triphenyl methyl, triphenyl stannyl is readily oxidized or reduced. There is this diierence between derivatives of tin and derivatives of carbon: while, for example, trimethyl methyl, (CH3),C, polymerizes to form the very stable compound hexamethyl ethane, which is not readily split apart by means of oxidizing or reducing agents, the corresponding compound of trimethyl stannyl closely resembles triphenyl stannyl or triphenyl methyl. Hexamethyl stannoethane, (CH3)$Sn-Sn(CH&, is measurably dissociated when dissolved in benzene, particularly a t high temperatures, and is readily oxidized and reduced. Schlenk has shown that, on treating triphenyl methyl with sodium, sodium triphenyl methide, NaC(CsHJ3, is formed. This compound is a true salt, as has been shown in this labpratory, being highly ionized in liquid ammonia solution and exhibiting other salt-like properties. Similarly, when trimethyl stannyl, or triphenyl stannyl, is treated with sodium, the corresponding compound, NaSn(CHa)a or NaSn(CaHs)a, is formed. Sodium trimethyl stannide and sodium triphenyl stannide are stable salts, readily soluble in liquid ammonia and highly ionized in that solvent. Indeed, the ionization of compounds of this type is markedly higher than that of ordinary salts. Correspondimg derivatives of many elements other than tin may be formed. In the case of germanium, even sodium germanyl, NaGeHs, may readily be obtained by the action of sodium on germane, GeH,, in liquid ammonia. Sodium germanyl is a close analog of sodium methyl, NaCH3. It, however, has the remarkable and useful property that, unlike sodium methyl, it is comparatively stable toward hydrolyzing agents. Sodium germanyl forms stable solutions in liquid ammonia. If we reduce dimethyl tin dicbloride, (CH3)2SnC12, with sodium in liquid ammonia, we may form the divalent free group, (CH&Sn, or, on further reduction, the salt, disodium dimethyl stannide, Na2Sn(CH&. Compounds such as this are of importance in synthesizing the more complex metallo-organic derivatives of tin and other elements. Let me illustrate

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how this compound may be employed in the synthesis of a chain of tin atoms. Let us, for example, synthesize dodecamethyl stannopentane, Sns(CH3)12. If one molecule of dimethyl tin dichloride is treated with 4 atoms of sodium, reaction takes place according to the equation: CHs I

If the resulting solution of disodium d i e t h y l stannide is treated with dimethyl tin dichloride, in the proportion of 2 mols of the former to 1 mol of the latter, reaction takes place as follows: Na i n (Na




+ CI$Sn (C1 + A)Sn Na = h a Sn




Sn !-Sn Na f 2NaCI.






Disodium hexamethyl stannopropane is formed and if, now, the resulting solution is treated with trimethyl tin chloride, 1mol of the former to 2 mols of the latter, the following reaction occurs: CHs

I CH8 - Sn I





+ Na) Ln - Ln - Sn







I, + C1) Sn - CHI

i -



CH8 CHs CHJ CHs CH8 r =

I I I - Sn - Sn I I I

CHI - Sn


I - i n - CH, + 2NaCI. I I

- Sn


Sodium chloride is split out, the corresponding tin atoms are linked together, and dodecamethyl stannopentane is formed as the finalproduct of the reaction. In a similar manner, corresponding butanes and propanes have been prepared, as have also certain compounds in which silicon or germanium are linked to tin. To summarize, the in-organic side of organic chemistry comprises the study of the characteristic properties and reactions of atoms which have carbon groups attached to them. The number of elements that form stable compounds with carbon groups is extremely large and the chemistry of these compounds is both varied and interesting. The further study of the metallo-organic compounds, as they are called, gives promise of yielding many interesting results that should prove of value to the in-organic as well as to the organic chemist. Be intensely in earnest. Enthusiasm invites enthusiasm-R. H. CONWELL