The Inspection and Testing of Trinitrotoluene - Industrial

May 1, 2002 - The Inspection and Testing of Trinitrotoluene. K. K. Stevens. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1917, 9 (8), pp 801–803. DOI: 10.1021/ie50092a037. Pub...
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is contended that chemical liberality has opened the doors t o merely interested and even ignorant persons-a condition which can be remedied only by legislation. The actual profession of the consulting chemist should require very careful preparation by one who seeks to enter it; but while many may have occasion t o consult him, comparatively few can determine the qualifications of learning and skill which he possesses. This is the basis of the argument that reliance should therefore be placed upon the assurance given by a license, issued by an authority competent t o judge in that respect, that he has the requisite training. The wisdom underlying the statutes requiring a definite preliminary education, supplemented by special study a t accredited schools, as qualifications precedent to the application for license t o practice medicine, dentistry, or pharmacy, cannot be questioned. The legislation of the several states of the United States i n this respect has been approved by the courts in holding those statutes constitutional which prohibit the practice of those professions by unlicensed persons. The profession of the chemist, of inestimable importance t o society, has not, however, found a place in our legislatures. While the chemist does not have to deal with the influences upon which health and life depend, he has been active in the protection of public health, of vital moment in modem government, and it is therefore surprising, perhaps, that society has not taken advantage of the right to prescribe rules of conduct for the chemist which would attempt t o conduce t o the general welfare. But the condition may be explained by the fact that, logically, as it now exists, the chemical profession is constituted of varied specialists and assistants responsible thereto, and it is a well-established principle of law that“In all those employments where peculiar skill is requisite, t h e one who offers his services is understood as holding himself out t o the public as possessing the degree of skill commonly possessed by others in the same employment.” Then, too, as in the case of the engineer, the great majority of chemists are definite employees whose qualifications have been passed upon by the organizations they serve and which are responsible therefor, and admittedly the skill and knowledge possessed by these representatives are not for the determination of society in general. Important elements of this nature serve to differentiate the status of the non-consulting chemist from that of the general medical practitioner. The question when a chemist becomes a specialist or expert will never be one of law, but one of fact for his own determination and for the recognition of his employers or colleagues; but when he holds himself out as a consulting specialist in some subject of chemistry, he assumes the obligation to use that degree of skill which such a n expert should necessarily possess in the opinion of the profession. Statutory licensure would therefore appear t o be unnecessary. The reasoning in this contention is predicated upon the law relating t o the liability of the medical specialist. The fact that there have been so few damage suits involving consulting chemists is a monument to the general high integrity of the chemical profession. Indeed, the rarity of chemical quackery is convincing testimony that there is no moral need for legislative protection of the public. Society must, however, look to professional organizations of the type of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers to raise constantly the ethical and scientific standards of chemical consultants, discouraging and prohibiting unprofessional conduct. hTo one should be regarded as a chemical engineering consultant until he can qualify for membership in the American Institute of Chemical Engineers,’

I t is not contended t h a t every chemical engineer should be expected t o seek membership in t h e American Institute of Chemical Engineers, b u t i t is reasonably maintained t h a t every one who holds himself out a s a consulting chemical engineer should be able t o comply with t h e standard established by t h a t organization a n d t h a t this qualification should be employed legally in connection with expert a n d opinion evidence.



and it is highly desirable that a n institute of analysts also be established, in order to advance the cause of analytical chemistry and t o give the analyst such standing before the community as will justify the complete recognition of his profession by municipal, state and federal authorities in public works. Those engaged in the practice of chemistry have become conscious of their work as a social service and their devotion t o this work is intensified by the recognition that they are united in a sort of invisible brotherhood. It is therefore a natural result that their personal pride in individual achievements has become so elevated by consciousness of class that it has been converted into an abiding professional pride. The industrial chemist has been obliged to contend with infinite diversity of institution and with empiricism, but the introduction of scientific methods is providing a new center of interest for him as well as for the organization which he serves. h1ELLOX INSTITUTE OF INDUSTRIAL




Trinitrotoluene, although long known to chemists, is comparatively new in the field as a military explosive, and for brevity is designated by various trade names, such as “Trotyl,” “Tritol,” “Trinol,” “Tolite,” “Trilit,” and commonly known as ThT. Picric acid or trinitrophenol was, and is still, used to a large extent as the principal explosive of this class, under the names of “Lyddite” and “Shimose.” Picric acid and TNT belong to the “brisant” or shattering class, and are used largely in the manufacture of shells, torpedoes, mines, and, either alone or as components, in detonators or “exploders.” The chief disadvantage in the use of picric acid is its tendency to form very sensitive picrates with the metals of shells, etc., and necessitates strict specifications for these materials. TNT has several advantages over picric acid, viz. : ( I ) Inertness towards heavy metals, in direct contrast to the picric acid, although caustic potash or soda will form compounds with TST which will cause it to esplode a t even 160” C. (z)-Lower fusion temperature, which allows pouring to be done a t S I ’ C. or lower, while picric acid requires a temperature of I I j to 1 2 0 ’ C. (3)-Stability in storage; it can be stored indefinitely without change in composition. (4)-Insensitiveness to shock of impact or firing, so that i t can be safely handled and transported. A rifle bullet fired through a case of T S T has no esplosire effect, and covering with either sand or water has no effect on shattering force. The velocity of detonation is less than picric acid: 7 1 0 0 meters per second against 7600. The expansive force test shown in the “Trausel lead block” method gives for T S T Z I S cc. against 2 2 8 for picric: these figures may vary with different grades of material, and are merely cited for comparison. The lower expansive or shattering force is in some instances advantageous; for example, a shell blown in very small pieces will not have the disastrous effect produced if the fragments are larger. Used in detonators, TKT replaces the more expensive mercury fulminate; e . g., in a KO. 7 cap containing I . j g. of fulminate, 0.7 g. of TNT will replace 0 . 5 g. of fulminate.



TNT is also used as component of many explosive mixtures, having greater effect if combined with compounds like chlorates and nitrates, which furnish oxygen for complete combustion of the TNT, which is decidedly lacking in oxygen, and when exploded alone gives a dense black smoke. INSPECTION

TNT is on the market in two grades, primarily, crude and refined. The crude has not been recrystallized from solvents, while the refined has. Of these two grades, there may be several other grades based on the melting point (M.P.) or usually the solidification point (S.P.). The crude TNT is the more common in the C . S.and when purchased by foreign governments is shipped crude and either refined or blended with other substances. The greater bulk of TNT made, up to very recently, has been shipped crude, probably only three plants in the U. S. manufacturing the refined grade in any quantity. I n the different plants the product is obtained in lots of approximately 2200 lbs. each, called “runs.” The specifications usually call for containers, such as cases or kegs, which hold from 60 to IOO lbs., are lined with oiled paper, and numbered as to shipment, “run” and case. The inspector may be expected to check the weights, and take samples for analysis. SAMPLING

Samples should represent amounts of 4000 lbs., and for convenience a composite sample from two runs is often taken. The cases are selected, opened, the samples taken from different parts of the case, mixed, and three I-lb. bottles filled: one each for buyer, seller, and referee, the latter’s bottle being sealed by the buyer’s inspector. TESTIXG

should be light yellow, for crude, cream for refined. Comment-The color changes rapidly when exposed to strong light, sunlight changing it from yellow to orange in I j to 20 minutes, although usually the deeper shades of yellow are not an indication of impurity. The brownish grades should be inspected, though not necessarily condemned in the crude grade without confirmatory tests. In the refined grade the color may vary with the solvent used in recrystallizing, but should usually be of a light cream, melting to a clear light brown, not darkening appreciably a t 100’ C. for z hours. FISENESS-FOr crude, 90 per cent shall pass through a IOmesh sieve. For refined, 99 per cent shall pass through a 12mesh sieve. For exploders, all shall pass through a 30-mesh sieve. Comment-The crude may contain frequently 7 to 8 per cent of lumps larger than specified, but usually is 0. K., always being sieved before packing, and the lumps forming on the sides of the crystallizing tub have been allowed, intentionally or accidentally, to get into the sieved product. MOISTURE shall not be more than o I O per cent for crude or refined (some specifications allow o 1 5 per cent) and shall be determined by drying z g. over sulfuric acid for 24 hours. Comment-The method is efficient and will remove as much as 30 per cent moisture in the time specified. ACIDITY-There must be no acidity. This determination is made by shaking I O g . , melted, with IOO cc. boiling distilled water, allowing to cool, pouring off the water extract into a flask, and reserving; the operation is repeated with 50 cc. water, adding the second extract to the first. The combined extraction is titrated with N / z o caustic alkali, using phenolphthalein as indicator, COLOR

Vol. 9 , No. 8

Other specifications less definite are as follows: Shake 5 g. with IDO cc. of distilled water in a IOO cc. graduated cylinder one minute, add blue litmus paper and stand 30 minutes, with occasional shaking. The paper must not show any acid reaction a t the end of this time. One specification allows 0 . 0 3 per cent acid calculated as sulfuric. Comment-The method of the first specification seems better, although any sodium bicarbonate washing (not used a t present) will give acid reaction a t this point, whereas methyl orange will give only the mineral acids. The litmus paper shows acidity with phenolic compounds as well as acids, but if the determination is carried out as specified, there will be no color to the litmus paper, it having been completely bleached, and any acid reaction is more or less doubtful. The method may be modified as follows: Shake 5 g. with 400 cc. distilled water I minute, filter, stand j minutes and add the litmus paper; any acid reaction will be detected in z minutes. The litmus might be used instead of titrating in the first method. INSOLUBLE MATTER must not exceed 0.15 per cent, as determined by boiling I O g. with 1.50 cc. of 95 per cent alcohol, collecting on weighed Gooch crucible, washing with not more than 150 cc. of 95 per cent alcohol, drying a t 95 C. I hour and weighing. Some specifications call for benzene as the solvent and allow 0 . I per cent for refined, 0 . 1 5 per cent for medium, and 0 . z per cent for crude. Comments-The method is efficient. Turbidity in the wash water is one cause for high insoluble matter, and another is allowing the T N T to stand too long in the lead-lined wash tanks, the acid attacking the lead and forming lead salts. ASH IN CRUDE TNT must not exceed 0 . I O per cent, determined by igniting I g. in a platinum crucible, allowing to burn slowly and igniting completely, precaution being taken to prevent loss of ash. Comments-The sample should be heated, ignited directly with the flame and allowed to burn without first melting; if melted and then heated further the sudden combustion will expel it from the crucible. The size of the sample should be about z g., taking into consideration the low percentage of ash present. The residue called “insoluble matter” might be conveniently used for the ash determination. Some specifications called for sulfated ash, probably to avoid loss of potassium or sodium salts during ignition. ASH IN REFINED TNT for exploders must be less than 0 . 0 5 per cent. NITROGEN-CrUde T N T must not contain less than 18.00 per cent nitrogen determined by the Dumas combustion method. Refined TNT must not contain less than 18. z nitrogen determined by the Dumas combustion method. Comments-The Dumas method, standard for nitrogen, requires little comment, results being very satisfactory, although it is necessary to make determinations on a substance of standard nitrogen content. The method requires from 1 1 ; ~ to z hours, and unless the chemist possesses several furnaces, not very many determinations can be made daily. For the nitrogen determination on many organic compounds, the Gunning-Arnold method or modification of it has been used. The only modifications reported t o be satisfactory for trinitrotoluene or other nitro compounds are the zinc-dust reduction by pi. C. Cope, U. S. Bureau of Mines, and the use of nitron as reagent, by W. C. Cope and J. Barub, J . Am. Chem. SOC., 39 (I914), 504-14,

Aug., 1917


The nitrogen determination is important, although if the melting point or solidification point is up to specifications, the nitrogen is seldom below. In many instances it is common practice to average several samples for the determination of nitrogen. DIPHENPLAMINE TEST-crude TNT shall contain no products which will give the nitric acid reaction with a sulfuric acid solution of diphenylamine. The determination is made by shaking with 50 cc. distilled water in a graduated glass stoppered cylinder, standing I j minutes, filtering and testing a few drops of the filtrate by adding to the diphenylamine solution No nitric acid reaction should be obtained. blue color characteristic of this reaction is Comments-The readily recognized and the test is extremely delicate. Care must be taken that vessels are free from traces of nitric acid or nitrates. Since other oxidizing agents, such as chlorine, chlorates, bromates, etc., will respond to this test, it is of more value, as a negative test, and fairly positive, because the oxidizing agents mentioned are not likely to be found in trinitrotoluene. A pale blue color is not confirmative; the color should be deep blue. MELTING POINT

The MELTING POINT of crude TNT must be 7 5 . 5 C. or higher. Note-This is the mean, some specifications calling for a melting point of 7 4 . 5 ‘ C., others 76.5’ C. Medium TT\TT must have a melting point of 7 9 . 3 to sI , o C. C. Refined TNT for exploders must melt from so to sI Comments-Methods for obtaining melting points are not usually given in the specifications, but it is absolutely necessary that a definite procedure and definite apparatus be agreed upon, The following points should be taken into consideration: Calibration and stem correction of thermometers, size of tubes, amount of substance taken, degrees of melting a t which reading is to be taken, rate of melting and vessel or liquitl to be used as bath. The following is given by H. B. P. Humphries, Engineer: APPARATUS AND METHOD-2k beaker of 1500 cc, capacity should be filled 3/’4 full with distilled water, heated by a n adjustable Bunsen, arranged with a mechanical stirrer with the center of the blade level with the thermometer bulb, clearing it by i12in. The thermometer should be graduated in tenths of a degree, and lowered so that the bulb is i the height of the beaker from the bottom and I inch from the side. Tubes should be made from thin-walled 6 in. x i,il in. test tubes drawn out into I, 18 in, internal diameter, cut into in. lengths, and sealed a t one end. Set stirrer going and heat until the temperature is about 1 5 O C. below the melting point. &leanwhile introduce a 114 to 3 , in. column of the powdered sample (previously dried a t suitable temperature) into a tube and tap and tamp down gently, Attach the tube to the thermometer by a rubber ring so that the center of the column of material is level with the center of the thermometer bulb, and replace thermometer as before. Reduce the heat so that the temperatura rises I’ in z or 3 minutes. The slower rate should be adopted if several determinations are made a t the same time. Readings-Note the temperature when: (a) The first globule of melted material is observed; ( b ) The material is half molten and half unmelted; ( 6 ) The melting is complete and the clear liquid is obtained in the tube. Record these readings and call ( b ) the uncorrected melting point.


CORRECTED M.P.-Correct the readings for exposed mercury stem as follows: while the thermometer is registering approximately the melting point, place a drop of melted diphenylamine on the stem and allow to flow down. For a small distance above the water surface the diphenylamine will remain molten; above this it will solidify. Xote the point separating the solid from melted diphenylamine. Then, if K = No. of degrees of mercury stem exposed above this point. T, = Surrounding air temperature and T, = Melting point the correction is, X(T, -To) X 0.000154. Add this correction to the recorded temperature ( b ) for the corrected M.P. The grading of the TNT being almost entirely dependent upon this determination, the method should be carefully followed. Comments-The tubes above mentioned seem too large in diameter, and a tube I mm. or less in diameter would give a result closer to the real melting point. One quarter inch of substance is sufficient, because the higher the column, the more difficult it is to decide when half is melted completely since this compound does not always melt in one place in the tube, but often a t the top and bottom simultaneously and it is left to the operator’s judgment, a t which point the reading is to be taken. The three readings are usually taken as a check on each other. SOLIDIFYING POINT

The uncertainty of the M.P. is avoided to a great degree, when the solidifying point is determined. Only one set of specifications gives the method which is given by E. M. Weaver, Brig.General U. S. A. and Chief of Coast Artillery, in his book “Notes on Military Explosives.” zoo to z5° g. TNT in a dry porcelain dish Of I 5 cm. diameter and 500 CC. capacity. Melt below 90‘ C., remove heat and stir with thermometer. The temperature falls gradually until TiVT begins to crystallize, when it rises. Continue stirring until the highest temperature is reached: this is the solidifying point. Comments-This determination is more apt to give consistent results, and is simple enough so that the different operators check It is more accurate, since a larger sample is used, and the point of taking the reading more certain than in the M.P. determination. The above method is followed, without adhering to the size or form of dish. The majority of chemists use smaller dishes, test tubes and beakers without varying results. Although the M.P. and S.P. are generally considered the same, there is some difference, reports from different chemists showing the S.P. t o be in some instances higher and in others lower than Some report identical results for the the The writer has noted that where the M.P. was higher the TNT had been dried a t j o o C., and where lower, the undried sample had been used. Further evidence is necessary for a decision On this Point. STABILITY TESTS are not usually required on crude material, although some specifications have required it on refined, as follows: The substance, about 3 g., is placed in a 6-in. test tube having a strip of potassium iodide starch paper suspended on a glass hook which passes through the stopper. The tube with contents is placed in a bath and heated to 65 O C. for from I j to 30 minutes (depending on specification). h-o blue color showing presence of nitrous acid should develop.’ CARNsoIs


PITTSBURGH. PA. This is the “Abel” heat test, usually used on less stable nitro compounds 1