The Inspiration Behind One of The World's Most Effective Polymer Anti

Nov 12, 2010 - The Inspiration Behind One of The World's Most Effective Polymer Anti-Aging products. Chem. Eng. News , 1989, 67 (36), pp 60-B–60-C...
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Wouldn't it be nice if things stayed exactly the way they were made, resisting the onslaught of use and age? For people it's called a miracle. For plastics, it's called 330. More precisely, Ethanox® 330 antioxidant from Ethyl Corporation. Not only does 330 greatly reduce the rate of oxidation and degradation in finished products, it minimizes polymer degradation during the manufacturing process. That means greater product integrity and fewer rejects. And perhaps even more importantly, Ethanox 330 antioxidant is sanctioned by the FDA for any polymer now used in indirect food contact applications. In fact, 330 can even be used in any such sanctioned polymer yet to be invented. Additionally, it won't leach into water like many competitive materials. All of which make it the antioxidant of choice for anything designed to carry goods meant for h u m a n consumption. Finally, to improve our already outstanding record of product uniformity, we


EQIP,SM (Ethyl


Improvement Process). For additional product data, just call (800) 535-3030. In Louisiana, call (504) 388-7556.

Ethyl CIRCLE 33 ON READER SERVICE CARD ©1989 Ethyl Corporation, Chemicals Group, 451 Florida Blvd., Baton Rouge, LA 70801 Ethanox is a registered trademark of Ethyl Corporation. EQIP is a service mark of Ethyl Corporation.