The Interaction of Oil Body and Protein in Soymilk Making - ACS

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Chapter 7

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The Interaction of Oil Body and Protein in Soymilk Making Y. Chen* and T. Ono The United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences, Iwate University, Ueda 3, Morioka, Iwate 020-8550, Japan *[email protected]

It is known that some protein bind on oil body surface in raw soymilk but they would release from oil body by heating. But the mechanism is not clear. This study showed that protein bind with oil body by electrostatic deposition in raw soymilk. Heating changed intact oil body little but could increase the surface hydrophobicity of protein. It is considered that the surface hydrophobicity increase is the reason for the protein release from oil body which still has a hydrophilic surface after heating.

Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] seeds contain about 20-30% lipid and 30-40% protein. Lipid is mainly stored in an organelle named as oil body while protein is stored in protein storage vacuoles (PSVs). Soybean is soaked, ground, filtrated (raw soymilk) and heated to obtain soymilk. In the grinding process, PSVs are destroyed and their protein (mainly glycinin and β-conglycinin) are dispersed into the homogenate; oil bodies could keep their integrity after short time grinding. After filtration, raw soymilk is obtained. It was reported (1, 2) that some protein bound on the oil body surface and the other were dispersed in raw soymilk; the protein on the oil body surface and that dispersed in raw soymilk, were denatured by heating, dissociated and re-associated to form soluble protein (40nm). According to the Huang’s famous oil body model (3, 4), oil body has a TAGs matrix core, covered by a layer of phospholipids and embedded by oil body intrinsic protein, oleosin. Some surface phospholipids (hydrophilic parts) expose to exterior. Therefore, it is considered that oil body properties are determined by © 2010 American Chemical Society In Chemistry, Texture, and Flavor of Soy; Cadwallader, K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010.

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oleosins and the exposed phospholipids. It is known that soybean oil body has three intrinsic oleosins, 24kDa, 18kDa and 17kDa (5, 6). And there is one more protein, known as P34, Gly m Bd 30K or Gly m Bd 1 (7). Initially, it was termed as one kind of oil body oleosins, but in natural seed it was present in PSVs and was one kind of allergy proteins to human (6). As stated above, glycinin and β-conglycinin are deposited in one kind of membrane organelles, PSVs. Also, there are some other proteins (such as lectin, β-amylase) existing in PSVs. PSVs are so weak that they are destroyed by grinding and the deposited protein in them are dispersed into the homogenate. Glycinin has five subunits of A1aB2, A2B1a, A1bB1b, A3B4 and A5A4B3, β-conglycinin has three subunits of α′, α, β. Generally, glycinin exists as hexamer and β-conglycinin exists as trimer. The molecular structures of β homotrimer and A3B4 homohexamer were determined (8, 9) and they had a size of 9.6×9.6×4.4nm and 9.5×9.2×8.0nm by X-ray crystallography, respectively. In this study, the aim is to clarify the mechanism why protein bind with oil body in raw soymilk and protein release from oil body by heating.

Materials and Methods Materials Soybeans Tosan 205 (2007), Suzuyutaka (2007) and Yumeminori (2007) were used in this study. Tosan 205 is glycinin deficiency and Yumeminori is α′, α deficiency. Suzuyutaka is a typical soybean in Iwate prefecture, Japan. They were stored at 4°C until use.

Preparation of Oil Body and Protein Fraction from Raw Soymilk and Soymilk 20g soybean was soaked in de-ionized (DI) water for 18h at 4 °C. The total of soybean and DI water was made 200g and ground with an Oster blender (13,900rpm, 2min; Oster, Milwaukee, WI, USA). The homogenate was filtrated through double Kimwipe sheets (Nippon Paper Crecia Co., Ltd. Tokyo, Japan). The filtrate was designated as raw soymilk. Raw soymilk was heated at >95°C for 5min and designated as soymilk. Sucrose (20% (w/w)) was added into raw soymilk and soymilk. They were stirred and centrifuged (59,860xg, 30min). Both raw soymilk and soymilk were separated into three fractions: floating (oil body), supernatant, precipitate. The supernatant fractions were designated as the protein fractions of raw soymilk (native protein, NP) and soymilk (denatured protein, DP). The oil body fractions were washed three times in a solution (20% sucrose, 50mM KCl) by centrifugation (59,860xg, 30min). These were designated as oil body of raw soymilk and soymilk.

104 In Chemistry, Texture, and Flavor of Soy; Cadwallader, K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010.

NaCl Effect on Raw Soymilk by Ultracentrifugation (156,000xg, 30min) 10ml raw soymilk was put into five beakers, and NaCl was added to make their concentrations of 0mM, 25mM, 50mM, 250mM and 500mM and mixed. 8.8ml of these raw soymilks was added into 10ml centrifuge tube and treated by ultracentrifugation (156,000xg, 30min). The picture was taken by a digital camera (FinePix F50fd, Fujifilm holdings, Tokyo, Japan).

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Soybean Oil Body Extracted by pH8 Washing (Suzuyutaka) Sucrose (20%, w/w) was added to raw soymilk (Suzuyutaka). Suzuyutaka was just used here. The raw soymilk was mixed and adjusted to pH 8 by 0.1M KOH. It was treated by centrifugation (59,860xg, 30min). The floating was collected and washed two times (59,860xg, 30min; pH8, 50mM KCl, 20% sucrose) and used as oil body extracted by pH8 washing. Preparation of Intact Soybean Oil Body 20g soybean was soaked in 30mM Tris for 18h at 4°C. The total soybean and 30mM Tris was made to 200g. Then it was ground for 2min and filtrated. 20% sucrose was added, stirred for 20min and centrifuged (59,860xg, 30min). The floating fraction (oil body) was obtained and washed 4 times by centrifugation (59,860xg, 30min; 30mM Tris, 20% sucrose). The floating fraction was carefully resolved into 30ml DI water with a stirrer. The oil body suspension was dialyzed in DI water by 1:10000. This was designated as intact oil body suspension. Oil Bodies of Four Mixtures Four mixtures were prepared from 5ml unheated intact oil body (UOB) suspension and 20ml protein fraction of raw soymilk (NP), 5ml heated intact oil body (HOB) suspension (>95°C, 5min) and 20ml NP, 20ml UOB and 5ml protein fraction of soymilk (DP), and 20ml HOB and 5ml DP. They were stirred and centrifuged (59,860xg, 30min). Their floating fractions were obtained and washed three times by centrifugation (59,860xg, 30min; 50mM KCl, 20% sucrose). These were termed as oil bodies of four mixtures. SDS-PAGE SDS-PAGE was conducted with the method by Laemmli (10) with the concentrations of the stacking and running gels being 5% and 12.5%, respectively. The buffer in the reservoir contained 0.025M Tris, 0.192M glycine and 0.1% SDS, while the buffers in the stacking and running gels were 0.125M Tris-HCl (pH 6.8) and 0.38M Tris-HCl (pH8.8), respectively. 0.01% samples contained 0.25M Tris-HCl (pH 6.8), 1% SDS, 2% 2-mercaptoethanol, glycerol and bromophenol blue. This stood for overnight. Each sample was put into a sample well in the stacking gel and electrophoresed. 105 In Chemistry, Texture, and Flavor of Soy; Cadwallader, K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010.

Coomassie brilliant blue G-250 was used for staining protein in gel by the method of Blakesley and Boezi (11). Gel was destained using tap water and dried on a filter paper (No. 2, Advantec Toyo Co., Tokyo Japan) in decompression condition at 75°C.

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pH and CaCl2 Effects on Unheated and Heated Intact Oil Body 1ml intact oil body suspension was added into six test tubes and diluted 10 times with DI water and adjusted to pH 5.0, 5.2, 5.4, 5.6, 5.8 and 6.0 with 0.01M HCl solution, respectively. They were centrifuged at 400xg for 10min. 1ml intact oil body suspension was added to six test tubes and diluted 10 times with DI water and prepared to CaCl2 0mM, 5mM, 10mM, 15mM, 20mM and 25mM. They were centrifuged at 1,600xg for 20min. The pictures were taken by the digital camera above.

Surface Hydrophobicities of Intact Oil Body and Protein 1ml intact oil body solution was diluted to 40 times with 0.1M phosphate buffer (pH6.8). 20ml suspension was heated at >95°C for 5min. Six samples of 2ml diluted heated oil body suspensions were adjusted to 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10×10-5M of 1-anilino-8-naphtalene sulfonate (ANS) with a final volume of 10ml by using the 0.1M phosphate buffer. The six samples of unheated diluted oil body suspensions were prepared in the same way. The fluorescence intensity was determined after 2h by a fluorescence spectrophotometer (RF-5300PC, Shimadzu Co., Tokyo, Japan). The excitation wavelength was 375nm and the fluorescence wavelength was 475nm. 1ml protein fraction of raw soymilk (NP, Tozan 205) was diluted with 0.1M phosphate buffer (pH6.8). 20ml suspension was heated at >95°C for 5min. Then it was done just as the intact oil body.

Results and Discussion The Interactions between Oil Body and β-Conglycinin or Glycinin It was reported (2) that protein (mainly β-conglycinin and glycinin) bound with oil body in raw soymilk and protein released from oil body by heating. But the respective interactions between oil body and glycinin or β-conglycinin are not clear. Thus, Tosan 205 (glycinin deficiency) and Yumeminori (α′ and α deficiency) were used to examine them. The NaCl effect on raw soymilk was examined by ultracentrifugation (156,000xg, 30min). Figure 1 shows that there are little floating fraction and much precipitate in low concentration (0-50mM; 1-3) NaCl, floating fraction appear and precipitate decreases in high concentration (250-500mM; 4-5) NaCl Yumeminori raw soymilk; there are floating fractions in all (0-500mM; 6-10) Tosan 205 raw soymilk. 106 In Chemistry, Texture, and Flavor of Soy; Cadwallader, K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010.

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Figure 1. The NaCl (0-500mM) effect on raw soymilk by ultracentrifugation (156,000xg, 30min). Centrifuge tubes 1-5 (Yumeminori raw soymilk) and 6-10 (Tozan 205 raw soymilk): 1 and 6, 0mM; 2 and 7, 25mM; 3 and 8, 50mM; 4 and 9, 250mM; 5 and 10, 500mM NaCl. The β homotrimer and A3B4 homohexamer have a size of 9.6×9.6×4.4nm and 9.5×9.2×8.0nm, respectively (8, 9); the average size of soybean oil body is about 380nm (12). By calculation, the oil body density would be smaller than water (1g/cm3) if oil body is covered by just one layer of glycinin or β-conglycinin (protein, 1.2g/cm3; oil, 0.92g/cm3). Therefore, it is considered that oil body in Yumeminori raw soymilk is covered by many layers of glycinin molecules while that in Tosan 205 raw soymilk is covered by one layer of β-conglycinin. This should be caused by the different properties of glycinin and β-conglycinin. It is known (13) that pH 6.4 is used for glycinin isolation from β-conglycinin. This means that glycinin has little solubility at pH 6.4. So glycinin should have a trend to aggregate in raw soymilk (about pH6.5). This should be the reason why oil body could be covered by many layers of glycinin in Yumeminori raw soymilk. β-conglycinin (14) is one kind of glycoprotein and its subunits, especially α′ and α, have two oligosaccharide chains and a highly hydrophilic extension region (β have one oligosaccharide chain but no extension region). This should be the reason why Tosan 205 oil body is just covered by one layer of β-conglycinin.

The Molecular Interactions between Oil Body and Protein The result above showed that oil body could be covered by many layers of glycinin or one layer of β-conglycinin. But the molecular interactions between oil body and protein (glycinin and β-conglycinin) are not clear. Thus, oil body was extracted from Suzuyutaka raw soymilk by pH8 washing. Figure 2 shows that raw soymilk oil body (lane 3) not only contains the oleosins (24kDa, 18kDa and 17kDa) but also β-conglycinin and glycinin while oil body extracted by pH 8 (lane 4) does not contain glycinin and β-conglycinin. It was reported (15) that protein could bind with cell membrane by electrostatic deposition or hydrogen bond. Oil body has a similar surface (protein and phospholipid) with cell membrane. 107 In Chemistry, Texture, and Flavor of Soy; Cadwallader, K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010.

Thus, it is considered that both β-conglycinin and glycinin bind with oil body by electrostatic deposition (Figure 2).

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Heating Effects on Intact Soybean Oil Body From this section, we want to clarify the mechanism for the protein release from oil body by heating. It is known that soybean protein (glycinin and β-conglycinin) would be denatured by heating. But the heating effect on oil body is not known. Thus, intact oil body was extracted by 30mM Tris washing. At first, the heating effects on surface charge were examined. As shown in Figure 3, unheated (a) and heated (b) intact oil body show the same trend, both of them coagulate at pH5.4-5.8. Tzen et al. has reported (16) that seed oil bodies from diverse species have an isoelectric point in pH range 5.7-6.6. Thus, it is suggested that intact soybean oil body has an isoelectric point in pH 5.4-5.8 and holds negative charge in soymilk (about pH6.5).

Figure 2. The SDS-PAGE pattern of the protein compositions of soybean oil body extracted by pH 8 washing. Lane 1, marker; Lane 2, raw soymilk; Lane 3, raw soymilk oil body; Lane 4, soybean oil body extracted by pH8 washing. Marker: Bovine serum albumin (67kDa), Ovalbumin (45kDa), Chymotrypsinogen (25kDa), Lysozyme (14kDa).

108 In Chemistry, Texture, and Flavor of Soy; Cadwallader, K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010.

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Figure 3. The pH effects on unheated (a) and heated (>95°C, 5min; b) intact soybean oil body.

Figure 4. The CaCl2 effects on unheated (a) and heated (>95°C, 5min; b) intact soybean oil body. Calcium ion (Ca2+) is used as a kind of coagulant for tofu making. Its effect on intact oil body is not clear. Figure 4 shows that unheated and heated intact oil body show the same trend. Intact oil body does not coagulate when CaCl2 is 0mM, but heavily coagulates (1,600xg, 20min) when CaCl2 is 5mM. Then coagulation is gradually weakened. It is considered that the intrinsic negative charge of intact oil body is why intact oil body does not coagulate at 0mM CaCl2; Ca2+ plays a role of Ca-bridge when Ca2+concentration is low (5mM), but intact oil body would change to have positive charge when Ca2+concentration is high, which makes intact oil body disperse again. The results above showed that heating did not give obvious effect on the surface charge of intact oil body. But it is well known that the surface hydrophobilicities of many proteins increase by heating owing to the expose of hydrophobic amino acid to the exterior. As stated above, there are oleosins on oil body surface. Therefore, the heating effect on the surface hydrophobicity of intact oil body was examined. Figure 5 shows that the surface hydrophobicity of intact oil body is not affected but that of native soybean protein (NP, protein fraction of raw soymilk (Tosan 205)) is increased by heating. 109 In Chemistry, Texture, and Flavor of Soy; Cadwallader, K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010.

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Figure 5. The surface hydrophobicities of unheated and heated intact soybean oil body and protein fraction of raw soymilk (Tosan 205).

Figure 6. The heating effect on the interaction between intact oil body and protein (a, Tosan 205; b, Yumeminori). Lanes 1 and 9, marker; lanes 2 and 10, intact oil body; lanes 3 and 11, raw soymilk oil body; lanes 4 and 12, soymilk oil body; lanes 5 and 13, oil body from unheated intact oil body (UOB) and protein fraction of raw soymilk (NP) mixture; lanes 6 and 14, oil body from heated intact oil body (HOB) and NP mixture; lanes 7 and 15, oil body from UOB and protein fraction of soymilk (DP) mixture; lanes 8 and 16, oil body from HOB and DP mixture. Marker: Bovine serum albumin (67kDa), Ovalbumin (45kDa), Chymotrypsinogen (25kDa), Lysozyme (14kDa). Heating Effect on the Interaction between Intact Oil Body and Protein The results above showed that the surface charge and hydrophobicity of intact oil body were not affected by heating. This means that intact oil body might change little by heating. Therefore, the mechanism for protein release from oil body might be induced by protein denaturation. In order to clarify it, four mixtures were prepared: unheated intact oil body (UOB) and protein fraction of raw soymilk (NP), heated intact oil body (HOB) and NP, UOB and protein fraction of soymilk (DP), HOB and DP. Their oil bodies were prepared by centrifugation. Figure 110 In Chemistry, Texture, and Flavor of Soy; Cadwallader, K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010.

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6(a) shows intact oil body from Tozan 205 only has two bands (oleosins 24kDa, 18kDa). 17kDa should be included in the band 18kDa. Other than oleosin bands, raw soymilk oil body has α′, α, β bands but soymilk oil body contains little α′, α, β bands. Interestingly, UOB and HOB could be bound by β-conglycinin (lanes 5 and 6) but they could not be bound by denatured one (lanes 7 and 8). Yumeminori (Figure 6(b)) shows the same trend. These reveal that heating changes intact oil body little and the protein release from oil body is induced by the heat denaturation of soybean protein (mainly glycinin and β-conglycinin). Figure 5 show that the surface hydrophobicity of soybean protein is increased by heating. Huang reported (4) that oil body has a hydrophilic and negatively charged surface at neutral pH. According to the result above (mainly Figure 5), intact oil body should still have a hydrophilic surface after heating. Thus, the hydrophilic surface of intact oil body should be the reason why heat-denatured protein (increased surface hydrophobicity) release from oil body.

Conclusion Lipid and protein locate in different organelles with lipid in oil bodies and most protein in protein storage vacuoles (PSVs). So oil body and protein could not freely interact with each other in soybean seed. By soaking, PSVs absorb water and become expanded beautiful sphere (picture is not shown) while oil body could not absorb water. By grinding (13,900rpm, 2min), oil body keeps the integrity while PSVs are destroyed and protein release into the homogenate. Generally, raw soymilk is about pH 6.5, where protein have negative charge but weak, especially glycinin. As a result, protein bind with oil body by electrostatic deposition. In addition, glycinin not only could bind with oil bodies but also could bind with each other, which causes the formation of large oil body and glycinin aggregates. β-conglycinin (glycoprotein) is different from glycinin and just could form one layer on oil body surface by electrostatic deposition. Heating changes intact oil body little and still hold hydrophilic surface. On the other hand, raw soymilk protein change to protein particles and soluble protein by heating. These protein particles and soluble protein are more surface hydrophobic than raw soymilk protein. The two things above cause the protein release from oil body.

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