The International Nickel Company, Inc

Metals that fail too soon call for corrective study and action. Inco is prepared to help you deter mine the nature and causes of metal failure and sug...
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Photo and Information courtesy of CHEMICAL 1'KOCESSING.

Corrosion protection of Monel nickel-copper alloy extends over

ma η way lip in this Monel-clad steel-jacketed autoclave. Solid Monel alloy is used for baffle plates and agitator parts.

Three of these units were fabricated by the Colonial Iron Works Co., Cleveland, for Westvaco Chlor-Alkali Division of Food Machinery & Chemical Corporation.

Now good for three times the life! Monel withstands attack by abrasive silica in 50% caustic and Research Division. T h i s Monel-clad autoclave h a s been These t e s t s indicated t h a t Monel* producing sodium silicate for s i x nickel - copper alloy provided t h e years a t Westvaco's plant in South m a x i m u m resistance to t h e abrasiveCharleston, W. Va. corrosive action of silica flour in an Inspection indicates t h a t t h e unit agitated 5 0 % caustic a t 175 psi a n d is good for a t least another four 3 5 0 ° F . T h e t e s t s f u r t h e r indicated years. T h a t ' s better t h a n t h r e e times t h a t a 0.125-inch Monel alloy clad­ the life of its predecessor. ding on steel could be expected to last In-plant corrosion tests ten years or more. determined choice T h e first few m o n t h s experience with t h e initial Monel-clad unit con­ As t h e basis for redesign of earlier firmed test results, so a second, and equipment, engineers a t t h e West­ later a t h i r d , unit w a s installed. vaco plant relied on t h e results of inMaintenance and replacement sav­ plant corrosion tests conducted co­ ings have been substantial and all operatively with Inco's Development

three units have plenty of service life left. Metals that fail too soon call for corrective study and action Inco is prepared to help you deter­ mine the nature and causes of metal failure and suggest materials able to withstand the conditions. All it takes to get this help is a note to our Development and Research Division. • Registered trademark

The International Nickel Company, Inc. New York 5, Ν. Υ.

67 Wall Street