The Ionization Constants of the Pyridine Monocarboxylic Acids: a

Janette M. Villalobos , Amanda J. Hickman and Melanie S. Sanford. Organometallics 2010 29 (1), 257-262. Abstract | Full Text HTML | PDF | PDF w/ Links...
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Experimental Specimens of leached but un-fired vitreous silica ("Vycor") oiie inch square and one-eighth inch thick were examined by X-ray diffraction both i n the equilibrium condit,ion and when saturated with water. Filtered copper I 0.1 .V HCI; , 1.O2VHHCI; --------,5.0:YHCI.

For reasons similar to the above, picoliiiic and nicotinic acids would also presumably behave as zwitterions in ~ o l u t i o n . ~ Acknowledgments.-T am intlel,tetl to AIr. Leonard Doub of these laboratories for tiis siiggestJions on se\reral points of int,erl)i,et:ttioti : i n ( I to Dr. J. 11. Vandenbelt of these 1nl)orntories f'ot. providing the instrumentat ion sen.ices of his st,;rff. Experimental Preparation of Isonicotinic Acid Methyl Betaine (I).Pyrolysis of iiietliyl isoiricotit~iite~ g:i.vv 42.4!'; yirltl or Inii'e product. Purificntioii coiisislrtl of t'oiri, iwi,,yst:illiz:tt ioiw from ethniiol-acet>one ( - 4:I ) , t h e firat, two iiivluding nctivnted charcoal treatment of the solutions. After dryiiig to constant weight, in uucuo over P20, at, loo", t,lie n.hite crystnlliiie pvocluc*t meltte~ls11:ii~~)Iy \vith ~ ~ l t ' c ~ ~ v r s c:.Iet i 262' ic~~ ___


( 2 ) P;, J. Colin iiiiil .[. T. E(lsall, " l ' r o i r i l t h , .\illinn) .4riclh, ii11d lp