The January 20th News Edition of Industrial and ... - ACS Publications

8:30 P.M. Public address, WM. C. ROSE, "Dietary Facts and Fads." (Keith's. Theater). Th'hurrdey, April 2. 8:00 A.M. Busses leave Claypool Hotel for an...
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PRELIMINARY PROGRAM, INDIANAPOLIS MEETING OF THE A. C. S. MARCH 3O-APRIL 3, 1931 The January 20th News Edition of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry contains an outline of the general plans for the 8lst meeting of the American Chemical Society. The preliminary announcement of the program of the Division of Chemical Education was published in the January issue of the JOURNAL oa CAEMICAL EDUCATION 18, 180 (Jan., 1931) I, while final details will appear in the April, 1931, issue which will come from the press about March 20th. The complete program for the entire meeting will be published in the March 20th Nevls Edition of Industrial end Engineering Chemistry. The following Divisions will devote one or mare sessions each t o the presentation and discussion of papers: Amicultural and Food Chemistry, Bioloeical Chemistry. n, Chemistry, Gas a n d ~ u e~l h e m i s G , Cellulose chemistry, ~ h e m i c a i ~ d u c a t i oColloid History of Chemistry, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Paint and Varnish Chemistry, Petroleum Chemistry, Physical and Inorganic Chemistry, Rubber Chemistry, Sugar Chemistry, and Water, Sewage, and Sanitation Chemistry. These meetings will be held in the Claypool, Lincoln, and Severin Hotels, which are within very convenient distances of one another. Program of the Division of Chemical Education. While i t is too early t o forecast the details a t this writing (February k t ) , the Divisional program will be integrated with that of the general society essentially as follows:

Monday, March 30 8:00 A.M. Breakfast meeting of the Executive Committee of the Division of Chemical Education. (Claypool Hotel) 2:00 P.M. Meeting of the Council of the A. C. S. (Lincoln Hotel) 7:00 P.M. Subscription Dinner and Dance. (Claypool Hotel)

Tuesday. March 31 9:30 A.M. Symposium on "CoBperation between Industry and Chemical Education." Under the auspices of the Division of Chemical Education. DR. FRANK B. WADE will preside. (Claypool Hotel) 12:OO M. Division luncheon. (Ball Room. Columbia Club). Complimentary to teachers of high-school chemistry. 2:00 P.M. Division of Chemical Education. Miscellaneous papers. 5:00 P.M. Meeting of editors, JOURNAL o~ CXEMICAL EDUCATION and The Chemistry Leajfet. 6:00EM, Editors' dinner. 7:30 P.M. Complimentary smoker and entertainment. (Ball Room, Indiana Theater)

Wednesday, April 1 7:30 A.M. Breakfast meeting, group of Divisional officers. (Louis XIV Room, Claypool Hotel) 9:00 A.M. Meeting of the Senate of Chemical Education. (Claypool Hotel) 11:OO A.M. Meetings of standing committees, Division of Chemical Education. (Claypool Hotel)


VOL.8. No. 3 2:00 P . M . 5:00 P.M. 6:00 P.M. 8:30 P .M .



Division of Chemical Education. Miscellaneous papers. (Claypool Hotel) Bnsine~smeeting, Division of Chemical Education. Group dinners. Public address, WM. C. ROSE, "Dietary Facts and Fads." (Keith's Theater) Th'hurrdey, April 2

8:00 A.M. Busses leave Claypool Hotel for an all-day trip t o Blaomington to dedicate the new chemistry building a t Indiana University. [See J. CHEM. EDUC., 8, 392-4 (Feb., 1931).1 The excursion is sponsored by the Division of Chemical Education. Members who elect to take the trir, will be the ruests for the day of Indiana University and the Limestone Associations. Reservations must be made in advancc. Busses will return to Indiana~olisbefore 6 P.M. Friday, April 3 8:30 A.M. Optional inspection trips to Eli Lilly & Co., Van Camp Packing Co., Republic Creosoting Co., Reilly Chemical Company, Reilly Laboratories, U. S. Encaustic Tile Works, Marietta Mlg. Co.,and the Prestolite Co. Registration. The Registration Bureau will openat 9 A. M. , Monday, in the Claypool Hotel and will continue there a t 8 A. M. on Tuesday and Wednesday. The Convention registration fee, required by vote of the Council to help carry local expenses, has been fixed a t $3.00 for members and guests other than American non-member chemists; $8.00 for Amcrican non-member chemists. Hotel Reservations. Reservations should be made with the hotels direct. I n case of difficulty address the chairman of the housing committee, WM. HIGBURG, 1605 Merchants Bank Building, Indianapolis. Papers. By votc of the Council of the A. C. S., papers by American chemists not members of the A. C. S. shall not appear on the program unless they be joint papers with society members, and no papers may be presented a t a meeting unless the title has

Titles for papers designed t o be read before the Division of Chemical Education should be rent as early as possible to the Secretary of thc Division. while the completed paper together with two copies of an abstract must be received not later than March 1st. Mannscripts which reach the Secretary after this date will be held over, with the author's consent, for a subsequent meeting. Papers read before the Division become the propcrty of the Society, and, if acceptable for publication, will appear later in the J OURNAL OF CHEMICAL EDUCATION. Since the time available for each paper will be strictly limited, authors are earnestly reauested t o cobcrate as follows: 1. Condense the material so that it may be presented in 5-8 minutes, leaving time for adequate critical discussion. which should be oneof thechief functions of our -program meetings. I n gencral, not more than fifteen minutes, including discussion, will be allotted any one paper. 2. Organize significant features on slides, films, or in mimeographed form for distribution. 3. Do not send in a title unless you expect to be present to read your paper. JOHNR. KUEBLER, Local Secretary, for the Indianapolis Meeting. 5503 E. Washington Street, Indianapolis, Ind.

R. A. BAKER,Secretary, Collegeof the City of New York, 17 Lexington Avenue. New York. N. Y.