The Jelly Strength of Gelatins and Glues

THE JELLY STRENGTH OF GELATINS AND GLUES. By S. E. Sheppard, S. S. Sweet and J. W. Scott, Jr. R{¿sí-;akch Laboratory,. Eastman Kodak Company ...
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T I I E . i o i . ~ K x . iI, O F


o i i j e c t i i m to the p r o d u c t is its complicated method of

manufacture, which is admittedly much more difficult and expensive t h a n the customary simple processes. I t is nevertheless felt that the ncw product can be made more cheaply per unit absorption than any of thc previous inateriais, a n d will find a wide iise wlicrevcr R hifill clegree of nbsorpt,ive activity ; r n d capacity is

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?'he writer desires t o cxprcss his ap cnreful wcirk of Lietit. 'if?. B. Ross and his :it .\nicric:~n University i n carrying wpcrimm4.s o n which t h i s :irti 1

stnniiarci. This :in11 c;il-ries t h e uppcr "grip" €or the jelly cylinders, wiiicii is rigidly connected with a pulley revolving irecly on ii ball mcc. The pulley (about 2 . 5 in. i n diainetcr) c:irries Scale H . The groovcs i n thc standard bring rile pulley and the u p p e r Krip into perpendicular iinil centered iiiignincnt with the lower xrip, t h e pulley u.heel connecting, 3 s shown. l,y i i silk or fine c h a i n c:~hle with i! lever. nicjving, as slio~vn.along :I c:di!mtc, position to which it li:~s I v x n raised T h e load of this counterpoise can be ;iltcreii b y placinl: jockey weights o n the bob, so t h a t multiplying factors of two a n d three times the

Pic. i

carries as a standard ir steel roil grooved on opposite sides for its entire length. A short section a t the top is iree t o rotate. This grooi-et1 standard carries an arm (Fig. I ) which is free t o move up and down escept i w fixed b y an arljustahle setting collar, b u t which cannot rotattl v x c e p t when in position on t h e t o p section of the

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