Aftcr this rehearing was denied the inquisition of damages ljefore the master was continued and about IO years later, at the beginning of 1903, a seco...
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T H E J O C R S . 4 L O F I X D L ' S T R I A L A N D E ~ V G I N E E R I X GCHE.VIS1'RZ'

into its constituent parts. It therefore follows, even if the conclusion already reached is not well founded as t o the effect of the evidence touching the solubility of alumina in fused cryolite, t h a t Hall's patent would still be a valid one. * * * *" Aftcr this rehearing was denied the inquisition of damages ljefore the master w a s continued and about I O years later, a t the beginning of 1903, a second petition for rehearing was made, based on the question whether the commercial success, which had so greatly influenced t h e Court before, resulted from the practice described in the Hall patent or from some important modification of, or addition to, such process, and whether or not internal heating sufficient t o fuse is necessarily incident t o the use of the electric current in electrolysis. The Court granted the rehearing on condition t h a t defendant pay all the costs of the accounting before the master. This rehearing was liever actually had. Other matters intervened and subordinated the interest in this case t o one in which the former defendant was the complainant and the former complainant was the defendant. This latter case and one of the conditions precedent t o it will be considered nest. (Part II? to br conclt*ded i?? December issuc) 7 I