The determination of fat in ice cream by the Bab- cock method is simple, desirable, and accurate, if properly conducted. In this laboratory the hydro-...
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S e p t . . 191 j


t h e device a means is provided t h a t can be k e p t ready for use i n t h e laboratory a n d t h a t permits t h e successive determination of solids a n d f a t of milk a n d t h e direct determination of t h e solids-not-fat, t h u s effecting a very considerable saving of time on t h e p a r t of t h e analyst. CHSMICAL







f a t column i n t h e neck of t h e bottle. Whirl z minutes. R e a d from t h e b o t t o m of t h e fat column t o t h e ext r e m e t o p of t h e meniscus a n d multiply t h e reading b y 2. If a centrifuge without a heating device has been used. t h e bottle should be held in water at 5 j O C. for I O minutes before reading. Chalk, powdered calcium carbonate or t a l c rubbed on t h e g r a d u a t e d neck of t h e bottle facilitates reading t h e f a t column. A few examples will illustrate t h e value of t h e method:


Ice cream mixture containing P e r cent b u t t e r fat f o u n d Butter , ' S o . Thickener f a t (VC) A B C D

Per cent


Dit7 Per cent



Received J u n e 14, 1915

T h e determination of f a t in ice cream b y t h e B a b cock method is simple, desirable, a n d accurate, if properly conducted. I n this laboratory t h e hydrochloric-acetic acid method has not been found satisfactory in most cases. If much g u m thickener, gelat i n e , or condensed milk, has been a d d e d , a white precipitate comes up i n t h e neck of t h e bottle o n t h e last addition of water. obscuring t h e f a t column. t h u s preventing a n accurate reading. T h e following m e t h o d , making use of a mixture of sulfuric a n d acetic acids, was des;eloped i n this laborat o r y . I t has been i n use over a year a n d has given excellent results on commercial ice cream. I t has also been checked against ice cream mixtures of knon-n f a t content. Since developing t h e method t h e a u t h o r has been told t h a t t h e r e is such a method i n existence b u t he has been unable t o locate i t . T h e details are offered for what t h e y m a y be worth. PROCEDURE

sAauLE-Warm t h e sample t o 40' C. a n d mix b y pouring a n d stirring. If the f a t has separated, a few granules of powdered sodium h y droxide may be necessary t o aid in t h e emulsification. B--wEIGHISG-~T'eigh 9 grams of t h e well-mixed sample i n t o :a I O per cent Babcock milk bottle. A pipette, with a large outlet, b u t sufficiently small t o fit i n t h e neck of t h e bottle, is desirable. S e a r l y t h e required a m o u n t can be added t o t h e bottle b y bloviing a n d t h e remainder b y dropping. C---THE B A B C O C K PRocEss-Make u p a mixture of equal p a r t s b y volume of commercial sulfuric acid (sp. gr. 1.83) a n d glacial acetic acid.' -4110~t h i s mixture t o cool before using. A d d 1 2 t o I j cc. of t h i s mixture t o t h e ice cream in t h e Babcock bottle a t a b o u t t h e same t e m p e r a t u r e . Shake t h e mixture, using a r o t a r y motion. Place t h e bottle in a s t e a m b a t h or hot waterl a n d h e a t with occasional shaking until it t u r n s a d a r k chocolate color. Remove t h e bottle from t h e s t e a m b a t h a n d allow i t t o s t a n d I O minutes. Place in a centrifuge (preferably a s t e a m centrifuge) a n d whirl I O minutes. Shake t h e bottle again, using a whirling motion. Fill to t h e neck with hot water a n d mix. A precipitate sometimes forms on t h e addition of hot water. This can usually be destroyed b y adding a fen- cc. of t h e acid mixture. Whirl 3 minutes a n d a d d boiling water t o bring t h e .+--MIXING


6 Condensed milk andgelatin





S U M bl A R Y

T h e method as outlined, using a mixture of sulfuric a n d acetic acids, gives good results i n t h e determination of f a t in ice cream. Checks were obtained i n ice cream mixtures made u p according t o various formulas within from 0.04 t o 0 . I j per cent of t h e a m o u n t occurring in t h e mixtures. T h e above method has been i n constant use for over a year i n t h i s laboratory a n d uniformly good results have been obtained on commercial samples of ice cream. FOOD LABORATORY,






\Ye use Grasselli Chemical Co. glacial acetic acid, 99.5 per cent strictly c. P.



Corup-Besanez made t h e first experiments in 1 8 4 7 ~ t o demonstrate t h e presence of a proteolytic enzyme. These results were published in t h e Berichte a n d later confirmed b y t h e work of K e ~ m e i s t e r . ~ Langley i n 1886 found t h a t pepsin which is secreted b y t h e glands of t h e stomach as a pepsinogen needs a specific acid t o activate i t , which acid he shom~edwas hydrochloric. R . K a h l in 1 8 9 3 ~pointed o u t t h a t similar t o t h e manner in which starch is dissolved during t h e mashing process a n d b y means of diastase converted i n t o dextrine. iso-maltose a n d maltose, so t h e insoluble proteins of barley, partially during malting b u t more extensively during mashing, are b y means of peptase, a proteolytic enzyme of malt a n d a counterpart t o pepsin. converted into three different proteins: albumoses, peptones a n d amides, t h e process of peptonization progressing as long a s t h e mash is held a t a t e m p e r a t u r e favorable t o t h e operation of t h e peptic enzyme. Silson showed in 1 9 0 3 ~a n d again in 1 9 0 4 ~ t h a t t h e peptonizing of proteins b y peptase was dependent t o some extent on t h e acidity of t h e mash. H e ex-


Presented a t t h e 5 1 s t Meeting of t h e American Cht-mica1 Society, S e w Orleans. March 31 t o April 3 , 1915. 2 Ber.. 7 (1847), 1478; 8 (18753, 1510; 9 (18i6). 673. =Imer. Brewers' Rev., 7 , 185, 201. I b i d . , 7, 185, 201. 6 Ibid , 17, 294-7. 8 I b i d . . 18, 294-7.

7 74


pressed t h e view t h a t t h e germ a n d endosperm of t h e barley does n o t contain free enzymes i n sufficient q u a n t i t y t o m a k e germination possible, a n d t h a t t h e enzymes a r e set free b y chemical action of t h e acids produced b y t h e living bacteria of t h e barley corn, which bacteria, i n exchange for t h e soluble carboh y d r a t e s a n d proteins extracted b y t h e steeping water from t h e barley, send back i n t o t h e germ a n d endos p e r m t h e lactic acid which dissolves t h e insoluble proteins a n d t h e r e b y sets free t h e enzymes. R . W a h l i n I 9 I 2l published extensive researches on t h e proteolytic enzyme of malt, in which he showed conclusively t h a t t h e peptic enzyme contained i n malt becomes active t h r o u g h liberation b y bacterial acidity. T h e researches of H. L. White2 bear o u t t h e fact t h a t acid extracts of b r a n when added t o t h e dough i n breadmaking effects a n improvement in t h e bread. T h e a u t h o r s p e n t t h e s u m m e r of 1914 s t u d y i n g i n Copenhagen, D e n m a r k , with D r . S. P. L. Sorensen a n d Dr. H. Jessen Hansen i n t h e Carlsberg Laboratories of Biological Research, i n order t o become thoroughly familiar with Dr. Sorensen’s3 method of measuring t h e concentration of hydrogen ions a n d t h e researches of Dr. H. Jessen Hansen i n applying t h e principles of t h i s science t o extracts of flour. D r . H . Jessen H a n s e n showed, i n 1 9 1 1 , ~t h a t a definite relation exists between t h e concentration of hydrogen ions of water e x t r a c t s of flour a n d i t s baking value. Prof. L. D. Bushwells gave a n address in 1915 showing t h a t acids a d d e d t o t h e dough h a v e certain germicidal tendencies therein. SCOPE O F PRESEXT ISVESTIGATION

T h e investigation here described is concerned mainly with t h e improvement of bread a s influenced b y t h e presence of lactic acid produced b y Bacillus Delbruecki. N o details of operation are given, it being m y intention t o publish t h e m a t some later d a t e . T h e scope of t h e work f r o m t h e results of which m y conclusions were reached included: I-The investigation of t h e effect of various kinds a n d concentrations of acids i n breadmaking when a d d e d t o t h e dough. 2-The investigation of t h e effect in breadmaking of t h e various lactic acids produced b y different microorganisms when a d d e d i n various concentrations to t h e dough. 3-Researches on t h e diastasis a n d peptonization of t h e s t a r c h a n d proteins contained i n t h e flour as influenced b y t h e n a t u r a l lactic acid produced b y Bacillus Delbruecki. 4-The investigation o f t h e influence of this bacterial lactic acid on t h e basic phosphates a n d insoluble proteins of flour. 5-Researches t o determine t h e value of t h e products of t h e flour made soluble b y bacterial lactic acid a s nourishment for bakers’ yeast. 1

Communication 8th Intern. Congress App. Chem., XIV, 215


THISJOURNAL, 5 (1913). 990.

a Meddelelser Carlsberg Labor., 1909, Vol. 8. 4


Comfit. rend., Carlsberg Labor., 1911, Vol. 10. Bakers’ W e e k l y , Vol. XXXII, No. 8.

Vol. 7 , NO. 9

6-Researches on t h e effect of various acids on t h e mucilaginous coating surrounding t h e yeast i n a n a t t e m p t t o produce a non-cluster forming yeast type. 7-The measurement of t h e hydrogen ion concentrat i o n of bacterial lactic acid e x t r a c t s of flour. 8-The investigation of bacterial lactic acid ext r a c t s of b r a n for their value as yeast food. 9-Researches on t h e bacterial lactic acid e x t r a c t s of various malted cereals for proteolytic a n d diastatic strength. DISCUSSION

T h e results of m y researches lead me t o believe t h a t t h e lactic acid produced b y a certain t y p e of lactic acid microorganism known a s Bacillus Delbruecki found i n germinating barley when a d d e d t o bread i n t h e dough stage a c t s t o liberate a n d a c t i v a t e t h e proteolytic enzymes contained in very small q u a n t i t i e s i n t h e flour, besides itself acting enzymatically i n splitting u p t h e insoluble proteins i n t o soluble p e p t o n e s a n d amino bodies. T h i s bacterial lactic acid also effects t h e solution of t h e basic phosphates a n d these soluble phosphates together with t h e soluble peptones a n d amino bodies provide t h e food required b y t h e yeast t o build u p its protoplasm, much of t h e required yeast food being contained in t h e flour i n a n u n assimilable because insoluble condition, b u t which t h e lactic acid transforms a n d makes soluble a n d assimilable. T h e acidulation does not become markedly noticeable, either i n t a s t e or otherwise, because t h e lactic acid is neutralized b y t h e alkali of t h e basic phosphates. T h e potassium, calcium a n d magnesium phosphates, which a r e present as bases, are i n t u r n changed f r o m basic t o acid phosphates. It is also t o be n o t e d t h a t t h e production of yeast food b y t h e effect of lactic acid o n t h e phosphates a n d protein substance of t h e flour aided b y t h e a c t i v a t e d proteolytic enzymes has a marked stimulating a n d invigorating effect on t h e y e a s t , whereby t h e l a t t e r is caused t o produce within a given time a much larger a m o u n t of carbonic acid gas, so t h a t i n t h e period of making bread during t h e t i m e of dough f e r m e n t a t i o n a s well a s i n t h e “proofing,” t h e gas generated is i n dependably large quantities. T h e increased nourishm e n t afforded t h e yeast with i t s resultant invigoration produces increased yeast growth a n d a c o n s t a n t t e n d e n c y t o s e p a r a t e t h e yeast i n t o individual cells a n d t h u s avoid cell aggregations, whereas if t h e individual yeast cells comprising t h e m be undisturbed o r insufficiently nourished, t h e y remain intact a n d t h r o u g h combined action of t h e aggregated cells, cause t h e production of holes i n t h e c r u m b , or a lack of uniformity i n i t s texture. T h e lactic acid itself has a tendency t o dissolve t h e mucilaginous coating s u r rounding t h e individual yeast cell membrane, which renders t h e yeast sticky a n d forms t h e non-readily dispersible cell aggregations already referred t o , t h e yeast t h u s yielding more readily t o thorough mechanical mixing with t h e dough. T h e greater volume of t h e loaf is d u e t o t h e increased distribution of t h e invigorated yeast cells combined with a larger n u m b e r of t h e l a t t e r so t h a t each particle of t h e dough becomes, as i t were, aerated,

Sept., 191j

T H E JOCRLV,lL OF I - l i D r S T R I d L A S D E S G I S E E R I S G C H E M I S T K I -

each cell being surrounded by gluten (gliadin a n d glutenin) modified b y t h e lactic acid in t h e direction of greater elasticity. Bread made b y usual methods has often t h e alkaline taste of t h e basic phosphates of t h e flour from which it was made. By the transformation of these basic phosphates, by the lactic acid. t o acid phosphates n-ith their palatable qualities. together with t h e agreeable taste of t h e lactic acid itself, a much sweeter and more pleasant flavor is imparted t o t h e resulting bread. T h e crumb of t h e bread is a t the same time rendered m-hiter b y t h e bleaching effect of t h e lactic acid on t h e bran specks. oil a n d other coloring matter of t h e flour. T h e change of t h e tribasic alkaline phosphates of calcium and magnesium t o soluble acid phosphates, a n d the partial change of t h e insoluble nitrogenous substances t o soluble peptones a n d amino bodies renders t h e bread more wholesome and more readily digestible. Iforeover, t h e acid, be i t t h e added lactic acid or t h e acid phosphate produced, has a general retarding influence on t h e development of t h e foreign ferments. or other microorganisms, t h e growth of which would tend t o produce b a d odor. discoloration. ropiness or sourness in t h e bread. T h e organisms Bczcilliis Dclbiuecki can be propagated in almost a n y media containing solublc phosphates, proteins, and sugars, such as crushed wheat, rye, corn, or t h e flours therefrom: fresh. stale, or defective b r e a d ; or b r a n . T h e organism mill not grow in milk without added sugar in t h e form of saccharose, maltose, or glucose, since t h e organism cannot ferment t h e lactose of t h e milk. When propagated in milk, whey, or similar milk products a n d t h e whole added t o t h e dough. the resulting bread is much improx-ed for reasons similar t o those given above. ; i bran mash is the most desirable propagation media, since the highly nutritious soluble phosphates a n d soluble proteins contained in relatively large quantities therein, are dissoll-ed out b y t h e acid, and are t h u s incorporated into t h e dough v h i c h adds materially t o t h e effectiveness of t h e propagated acid. This lactic liquor of a n acid strength of 1-2 per cent niay be employed with crushed wheat or rye malt flours, t h u s liberating t h e proteolytic enzyme. peptase contained in t h e malt or malt flour, which enzyme goes into solution together with t h e diastase of t h e malt flour. T h u s the acid-extracted substances of t h a t flour containing. in addition, this activated peptase a n d diastase, besides t h e free lactic acid. will, when added t o t h e dough. effect a n inversion not only in t h e protein a n d basic phosphates, b u t also of t h a t form of starch which is in a gelatinized condition. Starch, in a gelatinized condition, m a y be added coni-eniently t o the dough which t h u s provides not only for t h e yeast food that forms t h e protoplasm of t h e yeast cell, ~Lliz., amino bodies and soluble phosphate salts (potassium phosphates a n d acid phosphates) b u t also malt sugar and dextrin through the splitting u p of which into carbnn dioxide and alcohol t h e \-ita1 energy of t h e yeast necessary t o carry on its life function is


supplied. T h e malt sugar so produced and not used b y t h e yeast, adds color t o t h e bread when bnlicd, due t o the low caranielization temperature of t h e sugar. TT’hile commercial lactic acid may be tised with i n proved results in all cases, it is preferable t o L I S ~ bacterial lactic acid on account of its greater effec.ti1.cness since this acid with t h e extracti\-e substances in it! contains a much greater concentration of hydrogcm ion. upon which the effectiveness of the acid largc‘lydepends. c 0 s c I. u SI 0 s 5 I n the main it K;IS found t h a t : I-The general appearance of a loaf of l.)rentl is greatly improved by t h e use of bacterial lactic w i l l ; a larger loaf results per weight of bread with imprni-cd bloom, a n d color of crust. 11-Through t h e chemical influences of t h e b a c t e r i d acidity, there results a greater whiteness of crumb n i t h improved texture consisting of a more uniform tiistribution of t h e fermentation gas cells 1vhic.h arc> nf smaller size in augmented number. with avoidancc oi 1ar ge h ol es t h u s eliminating cr u mbl e nes s a n d prod 11 c i n g a more velvety crumb. 111-By t h e addition of bacterial lactic acid t o t h e dough there results a finer flavor a n d increased palatableness in t h e bread b y virtue of a chemicxl combination Ivith t h e phosphates of t h e flour. l h c t o its physical condition: it produces a more pleasant t a s t e , and adds zest and appetizing qualities t o the bread. I1--Bp using bacterial lactic acid produced by propagating Bacillus Delbriii2cki in a bran mash. all t h e highly nutritious extractive substances of the bran are t h u s incorporated into t h e dough, while t h e lactic acid renders soluble the proteins and hasic: phosphates of t h e flour which results in a more viholrsome product by reason of its increased cligestihility. \--The employment of bacterial lactic acid insures better bread since t h e “microbi-cidal” tend(,ncics of lactic acid check t h e growth of those undesir:ililc microorganisms which t e n d t o caiise a tlisngrec~n1)lc: taste. bad odor, ropiness and other h e a d diseases. 1-I-Bacterial lactic acid extracts of malted ccre:tls a t lon- temperatures contain in addition t h e activate11 proteolytic and diastatic enzymes, peptase, ant1 diastase, which act during dough fermentation t o cffect a partial digestion of t h e dough, t h c resulting soluble proteins. phosphates. and carbohydrates serving as a most desirable nourishment for the yeast. TII-hfilk> whey, buttermilk, a n d similar mill; products containing either added or developed hacterial lactic acid, when added t o t h e dough, also effect a similar improrement in t h e bread. YIII-Commercial lactic acid may be usetl i v i t h irnproi-ed results b u t bacterial lactic acid is preferable a n d t h a t bacterial lactic acid which is produced by t h e organism Bacilliis Delbrinecki is t h e most desiratile, since this lactic acid with t h e extractive substances in it contains a much greater concentration of hydrogen ions upon which t h e effectiveness of this acid largely depends. U‘AHLEFFICIESCY INSTITUTE FOR BAKING RESEARCH 327 S O U T H I,.%SALLES T R E E TCIIICAGO ,