on carbohydrates entering into common foodstuffs, such as potatoes, breakfast cereals, bread, and so forth, and upon pure starches, such as are found ...
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diastase a n d yeast upon glucose, indicate t h a t all t h e bodies of this series are normally present in glucose which is produced b y t h e incomplete hydrolysis of starch b y acids, just as t h e y are present in liquors containing t h e products of t h e incomplete hydrolysis of starch b y diastase, a n d t h a t these bodies in glucose yield t o further treatment with diastase, just as do those produced b y diastase itself. From these facts, it is apparent t h a t t h e claim for t h e presence in glucose of unfermentable reducing bodies as reversion products brought about by t h e action of t h e acids a t a high heat is untenable. A s t u d y of t h e action of hydrolytic agents and yeast on carbohydrates entering into common foodstuffs, such as potatoes, breakfast cereals, bread, and so forth, and upon pure starches, such as are found in these various food products, has been made in comparison with parallel experiments on glucose. I n these experiments it was found t h a t t h e carbohydrates of glucose agree closely in gas production with t h e carbohydrates of t h e more readily digestible foodstuffs, such as white bread, breakfast cereals and potatoes. It was also found t h a t these several carbohydrates when acted upon by isolated ferments and yeast, as in t h e experiments conducted, yield variable b u t appreciable amounts of unfermentable carbohydrate products, just as t h e mashing of cooked starch with malt diastase in t h e making of malt liquors results in a liquor which after fermentation contains appreciable quantities of such unfermented and apparently unfermentable carbohydrate products. T h e fact t h a t commercial glucose, when i t is treated with diastase and t h e n subjected t o yeast fermentation, is almost wholly converted into alcohol and carbon dioxide goes t o prove t h a t it consists of products t h a t are wholly assimilable and, therefore, i t furnishes a food t o t h e body of a sugar nature. I n this respect i t is a more concentrated and a t the same time a more readily assimilable food t h a n are most of the carbohydrates belonging t o t h e ordinary foodstuffs which first h a t e t o undergo cooking and then complete hydrolysis by t h e action of t h e digestive enzymes before t h e y can be utilized by t h e body. I n this respect glucose. pound for pound of dry weight, will furnish a t least as much energy as does cane sugar. RESEARCH DBPARTMENT



Since Osborne a n d hIendel found certain substances in milk and butter, apparently of lipoid nature, necessary in h u m a n food t o maintain health and growth, it is interesting t o compare butter and margarine as t o their respective content of lipoid substances. Of t h e material tested t h e butter was taken from one of the cooperative dairying factories in Frisia; “Klappa” and “Planta,” both “vegetable butter,” f r o m special factories in Xmsterdam and Oss, whereas t h e “margarine proper” was taken from a noted margarine factory. .Is Ear as information could be

YoI. 8,S O .I I

obtained, Klappa and Planta are made b y means of skim milk. First of all, an easy method was required L O find t h e lipoid content of fats and oils. T h a t which t h e writer used is based on t h e observation t h a t lecithin is soluble in concentrated acids, but is precipitated again when t h e acid solution is mixed with water. The first observations were made with lactic acid. b u t more rapid results could be obtained with hydrochloric acid of 1.19 sp. gr. T h e lipoid precipitate could be separated easily from t h e diluted acid. Afterm r d s it was collected on a filter, washed with acid water, dried a t 100’C. and weighed. The lipoids thus obtained, after burning, gave an ash which showed a large phosphorus content on testing with molybdic reagent. Sesame oil, thus shaken with an equal volume of hydrochloric acid (1.19 sp. gr.) proved t o have entirely lost its lipoid content. With t h e method described t h e following results were obtained: GRAXSO F Sesame Oil Arachis Oil Olive Oil Cod Liver Oil


Traces Traces Traces

L I P O l D S IN

100 CC.

Raffinated Coconut Oil Traces Filtered Butter F a t Traces Butter 0,400

Klappa Planta Margarine “Bran Butter”

0.750 0.475 0.975 1.125

From these figures two conclusions may be drawn: ( I ) T h e seat of the lipoids in butter is not the fat itself b u t t h e casein solution mixed with it. ( 2 ) The lipoids in butter represent only a part of t h e total lipoid content in milk ( * o . o 7 j per cent). The remaining part is responsible for the lipoid content in margarine and vegetable butter as far as they are made by means of skim milk only. The high figure for “margarine proper” may be due t o t h e use of egg yolk besides skim milk as a n emulsifying agent. I n order t o enhance the liptid content of “vegctable butter” the albumin-bearing seeds may be turned t o account. Just as egg yolk, they contain lipoids in a chemical combination or a n adsorption with albumins. So little are t h e y inclined t o give u p their lipoids to solvents t h a t a sesame oil which was hcated Lvitli wheat bran a t 100‘ C. afterwards proved even t o have lost a great deal of its lipoids. From this combination or adsorption t h e lipoids may be set free b y treating t h e seed material with liquors t h a t dissolve t h e albumins. The “steep liquor” of t h e corn starch factories, obtained by treating t h e corn n-ith slightly acidulated 75-ater, is an example of such a solution. T o set free the lipoids of wheat bran the b r a n vias treated v i t h diluted lime-water during 24 hrs. The liquor pressed off and separated from t h e subsiding starch was shaken with a molten mixture of raffinated coconut oil and arachis oil. After t h a t a quantity of skim milk was added, amounting t o one-fifth 01 t h e emulsion, and t h e mixture allowed t o ripen. Then the fat was separated and worked t o a butter-like product, which showed the high lipoid figure above (bran butter). The lipoid content may be increased by altering the proportion of bran and fat. Another interesting point in t h e process described is t h a t the liquor separated from t h e “bran butter’’

Nov.. 1916


m a y be easily worked t o a kind of cheese, in which a large p a r t of t h e wheat albumins are made available for human food. T h e process is in no wise restricted t o t h e use of wheat bran. Maize, peanuts, almonds a n d many other albumin-bearing seeds a n d oil cakes await their testing as t o t h e production of' palatable food. I n fact t h e r e is a variety which could never be attained b y t h e dairying industry working with cows' milk only. SNEFK, HOLLAND


During t h e past few years t h e subject of t h e moisture content of bread has been receiving more a n d more attention. Excess of :moisture is considered much in t h e nature of adulteration a n d in certain quarters t h e advisability of fixing a definite standard for t h e water content of bread is being considered. I t will be necessary in t h a t event., however, t o arrive a t some understanding as t o t h e method of determining moisture in bread, since this is still a mooted question. Xccording t o Jago,l a thin slice should be t a k e n from t h e center of t h e loaf, t h e crust cut off a n d t h e interior portion crumbled, these crumbs thoroughly mixed a n d used for analysis. Neumann2 calls attention t o t h e fact t h a t t h e proportion of crust t o crumb, which varies with t h e size and form of t h e loaf, must be taken into consideration. He states t h a t t h e total water content of bread may be known only b y determining t h a t of crust a n d of crumb a n d finding the relation of crust t o 'crumb. Berman3 asserts t h a t t h e results are practically t h e same whether t h e moisture is determined on t h e crust a n d crumb together (direct method), or on these separately a n d t h e n calculated for t h e entire loaf (indirect method). He uses a wedge-shaped slice a n d takes into consideration t h e proportion of crust t o crumb. B o ~ t r o u x ,like ~ Jago, cuts a slice from t h e center of t h e loaf, trims off t h e crust, crumbles t h e interior a n d mixes these crumbs thoroughly. He goes farther, however, in t h a t he determines t h e moisture on crust a n d crumb separately. Boutroux also refers t o work done along this line b y Balland i n which he gives t h e water content of crust, of crumb a n d of t h e whole bread. Wiley6 uses t h e entire loaf, which he chops i n t o bits, weighs at once a n d dries until t h e bread is reduced to a small bulk. The dried bread is weighed a n d t h e loss of moisture d e t e r m h e d u p t o this point. This bread is t h e n ground fine a n d a further moisture determination made upon a sample thereof. A very rapid method for t h e determination of moist u r e in bread is t h a t described b y Wilh. Thornere and recently modified b y F. Schaffer.' I XVm. Jago and W. C. Jago, "The Technology of Bread-Making," 191 1 Edition, p. 834. * M. P. Neumann, "Brotgetreide u n d Brot," 1914, pp. 436-7. a "R'atergehalte van Wittebrood," Pharm. W t e k h l n d , 48, 675. L. Boutroux, "Le Pain et la Panification," 1897, p . 308. Bureau of Chemistry, B i ~ t ! 13, . P a r t 9 (1898), 1121 %. angew. Chem.. 2 1 (1908), 148. . l l i f t . Lebensm. Hyg., 6 ( l g l S ) , 6.


These are really modifications of Hoffmann's method for t h e determination of moisture in hops,' a n d t h e principle underlying t h e m is similar t o t h a t used in t h e well-known Brown-Duvel moisture tester.2 ilccording t o Schaffer t h e loaf of bread is cut in two lengthwise a n d again in two crosswise; from every one of these four portions is cut a slice, from 0 . j t o I cm. in thickness, which is crumbled fine a n d these crumbs thoroughly mixed. Of this well-mixed material a 2 5 - g . sample is weighed off a n d distilled with 2 0 0 cc. of heavy petroleum. T h e water which distills over is collected in a graduated cylinder a n d t h e amount calculated t o I O O g. of bread. Schaffer refers t o t h e difficulty of getting a fair proportion of crust a n d crumb b u t suggests t h a t since t h e time requlred for t h e entire operation is comparatively short, two moisture determinations may easily be made a n d their average taken. For t h e purposes of t h e work described i n this paper, Schaffer's method of taking his sample, from t h e center of t h e loaf alone, does not meet our requirements. There is also much opportunity for loss of moisture b y evaporation during t h e operation of sampling a n d weighing. Finally, t h e difficulty of obtaining in a 2 5-8. sample t h e correct proportion of crust a n d crumb seems a decided objection. It is planned later t o make use of t h e Brown-Duvel moisture tester in determining t h e moisture in bread according to t h e suggestion of Schaffer, modifying his method of sampling t o meet t h e objections above stated. For t h e purpose of studying t h e variations in t h e moisture content in different parts of t h e same loaf this work was undertaken. The method used for t h e determination of moisture consists in weighing as quickly as possible in a t a r e d dish, on a torsion balance, t h e portion of bread selected. This bread is carefully heated a t a temperature not exceeding 60" until practically dry. The dried bread is t h e n allowed t o s t a n d exposed a t room temperat u r e for a few hours, in order t o let it come into equilibrium with t h e air. T h e loss i n moisture u p t o this point is t h e n determined. T h e air-dried bread is t h e n immediately ground t o a fine meal a n d t h e moist u r e on a 2 - 8 . sub-sample thereof determined i n t h e vacuum oven at t h e temperature of boiling water. From t h e per cent of additional moisture lost b y this sub-sample, t h a t of t h e entire sample is calculated and added t o t h e amount lost on heating a t 6 0 " . T h e combined loss gives t h e total percentage of moisture in t h e bread. This method is practically t h e same as t h a t described in Arbeiten aus denz Kaiserlichen Gesundheitsamk, 48 ( I ~ I S ) , 60j. Three loaves of different types, a n d differing in shape as well, were bought on t h e open market, all being approximately I O hrs. old a n d unwrapped. Sub-samples from a slice 2 in. thick, cut from t h e center of each loaf, were taken in t h e following order (see Fig. I ) : T ~ ~ Q C h S C h r&all . , 18 (1903). U S Dept Agr

, B. P I , LZYC. 72 (1910).