ture at all times and a comparatively small rise in tem- perature produced a considerable change in the amount of nitrogen fixed. The calcium equivale...
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T H E J O C R S A L OF I S D U S T R I A L A S D E - Y G I X E E R I S G C H E M I S T R Y

Sept., 1 9 1 3

t u r e at all times a n d a comparatively small rise in t e m perature produced a considerable change i n t h e a m o u n t of nitrogen fixed. T h e calcium equivalent t o t h e silica, as found b y analysis, in 4 p a r t s of t h e feldspar is equal t o 4.3 p a r t s of calcium carbonate. This proportion seems best suited in t h e fixing of nitrogen since smaller yields were obtained when t h e proportion of lime t o feldspar was increased or decreased beyond this limit. T h e same results were obtained starting with t h e oxide of calcium as with t h e carbonate. Only a very slight a m o u n t of nitrogen was fixed when a mixture of lime a n d carbon were ignited a t 1400’ in t h e absence of feldspar. T h e increase of fixation with time of ignition is shown in t h e following table, when J. p a r t s of feldspar, 2 p a r t s of carbon a n d 4 . 3 parts of calcium carbonate mere ignited for diffeqent lengths of time. T i m e of ignition Hours

. 2. . . . . . . 4........ 1. . . . . . . . 2 . . . . . .. . 1. . . . . . .

Potash Nitrogen fixed in volatilized in percentage of percentage of total feldspar aluminum in present taken feldspar 55,s 1.27 12.2


Temperature about 1200’ a b o u t 1200’




a b o u t 1200’


1 68

a b o u t 1400’


6 10

16 1 58.5

a b o u t 1400’

100 . o



Since t h e nitrogen in aluminum nitrid a m o u n t s t o j 1 . 6 per cent of t h e aluminum, i t follows t h a t t h e nitrogen fixed i n t h e last t w o experiments is greater t h a n w h a t would correspond t o t h e aluminum in t h e feldspar. K O direct experiments have yet been made t o determine i n w h a t form t h e nitrogen is combined, whether as nitrid or carbo-nitrid of silicon or aluminum. W h e n boiled with water t h e material gave off ammonia very slowly, a n d even slowly when boiled with sodium hydroxide solution although in this case t h e ammonia was evolved more rapidly t h a n when t h e digestion was made with water alone. E q u i p m e n t is now being installed t o carry on t h e experiments on a larger scale a n d at higher temperatures. I n t h e meantime i t was t h o u g h t advisable t o publish t h e preliminary results obtained. BUREAUOF SOILS U. S. DEPARTMENT OB AGRICULTURE WASHINGTON




Received June 27, 1913

Drift, kelp usually has a very low content of potash


or’ rather potassium chloride. It has been currently reported t h a t t h e loss of potassium chloride from t h e freshly c u t plant proceeds quite rapidly. Theoretically, there should be a distribution of t h e base between t h e plant a n d t h e water in which i t lies, a n d t h i s redistribution might reasonably be expected t o commence at once, a n d even t o be much augmented or accelerated because of t h e relatively high content of sodium chloride in sea water. This problem is one of considerable economic importance, since i t has been proposed in t h e harvesting of kelp as a raw material for t h e production of potassium salts, t o t o w t h e c u t kelp from t h e groves t o t h e landing a n d t h u s avoid lifting t h e material upon a barge or boat. I n order t o obtain some information a n d d a t a bearing directly on this economic question, Professor W. C. Crandall, of t h e Scripp’s Biological Station, a t L a Jolla, California, collected t w o large samples of M a c v o c y s t i s on a recent cruise of t h e y a c h t , “ i l g u x i ” , of t h a t station, towing these samples a n d taking subsamples from time t o time which were forwarded t o t h e laborat o r y of t h e Bureau of Soils, in Washington, for analysis. One of t h e large samples for t h e leaching espcrim e n t was collected n e a r Pt. Loma a n d t h e other near Coronado Island. T h e subsamples, on their receipt i n Washington, h a d commenced t o ferment. This fact, however, could not h a r e a n y particular influence on t h e d a t a here given. T h e tables which follow are self-explanatory. T h e analytical methods employed have been described i n THIS J O U R N A L , 4, 431 b y Turrentine, a n d acknowledgment is here made t o N r . T. C. Trescott, of t h e Bureau of Chemistry, who kindly made t h e nitrogen determinations for us. F r o m t h i s examination i t is evidently a m a t t e r of considerable difficulty t o obtain a fair average sample of wet kelp. I t also appears t h a t freshly cut kelp, when immersed in sea water, does n o t , at least at first, lose i t s potash content very rapidly. Attention is called t o t h e analysis of “ s e a lettuce” in Table 11. This is n o t a kelp b u t a rock weed rather common on t h e Pacific coast. Algae other t h a n t h e giant kelps have not usually shown a high potash cont e n t , b u t this analysis indicates t h a t t h e m a t t e r is worthy of further investigation. ’rhe difficulties t o be apprehended in harvesting rock weeds, however, d o not leave much promise for their economic importance a t present, even though t h e y should be found t o have a high content of potash or other valuable

TABLE I-SAMPLE TAKEN NEAR CORONADO ISLANDS No. lm.. ... . . . . .. 1ex. . . . . . . . . , , 1A.. . , . . , . . . . 1B... . . . , . . , , 1 c . ., . . . , . . . 1 D . . . ... . . . . . 1E.. , . . . . . . . . IF.. .. . . . . . . 1 G . ., . . , . . , . .

T i m e exposed


) fresh c u t

3 hrs. 6 hr5. 14 hrs. 1 7 1x5. 20 hrs.

Per cent Kz0 12.48 13.47 15.56 17.30 17.61 13.35 10 74 18.28 9.90

P e r cent Per cent P e r cent sol. salts org. m a t t e r ash 31.46 31.26 34.00 38.26 38.30 31.96 26.36 36.78 25.94

65.38 65.98 62.38 58.66 58.30 54.96 T0.66 60.86 70.18

3.16 2.76 3.62 3.08 3.40 3.08 2.98 2.36 3.88

1 Scientist in Soil Laboratory Investigations, Bureau of Soils, U. S. Dept. Agr. 2 Scientist in Fertilizer Investigations, Bur. of Soils, U. S. Dept. -4gr.

Per cent KC1 19.72 21.28 24.59 27.33 27.87 21.10 16.97 28.89 15.64

Per cent N 0.98 0.79 0.95 1.00 1,07 0 83 0.90 0.51 0.84

Per cent 1

0.16 0.14 0.13 0.13 0.06 0 10

0.13 0.13 0.07

Remarks Dried and sent b y mail Wet, sent b y express in j a r Wet, sent b y express in jar Wet. sent by express in j a r \Vet. sent b y express in j a r Wet, sent b y express in jar Wet, sent by express in j a r Stems only, dried a n d sent b y mail Leaves only, dried a n d sent b y mail

constituent, and t h e importance of t h e matterprobably lies in showing that their occasional O r




.. . . . . . ... .. .. 2c. . . . . . . . . 2 D . . . .. . . . . 2 E . . . .. . . . . 2F.. ... .. . . 2G. . .. . . . . . 2H. . . . . . . . . 21.. . . ,.. . . . 2J ... . . . .. . . 2 K . . . ... . . . 2L. . . . . . . . . 2 M . . . . . ... . 2 N . ..... . . . 2 0 . . .. . . . . . 2 P . . . .. . . . . 2Q. . , . . . . . . 2R. . .... . . . 2s......... 2 T . .. . . . . . . 2u. . . . . . . . . 2A.. 2B..

2V. . . . . . . . . 2W. . . . . . . , . 2 . . . . . . .. . . hl. P.. . . . . .



P e r cent sol. s a l t

Per cent org. m a t t e r

15.82 13.43 14.96 13.05 11.00 11.59 13,68 10.31 16.39 11.77 16.69 15.77 16.74 16.75 14.67 12.61 15.54 17.62 17.03 15.61 20.28 15.72 15.60 15.27 30.00

40.88 34.82 37.66 34.34 30.22 30.52 38.94 27.84 38.78 32.44 39.72 40 80 42.58 38.64 35.58 34.74 40.84 41.42 42.44 3i.80 46.28 38.80 39.24 34.52 57.10

47.32 56.54 52.76 60.12 62.52 59.92 50.56 62.38 53.30 60.54 54.22 45.88 45.36 55.28 58.12 55.46 48.92 49.48 44.50 54.42 43.96 51.44 48.74 57.42 32.76

Per cent

Time exposed None 3l/2 hrs. 15’/z hrs. 1B1/2 hrs. 211/2 hrs. 24l/2 hrs. 27l/z hrs. 39I/z hrs. 4Z1/2 hrs. 45l/2 hrs. 48’/2 hrs. 511/z hrs. 63I/z hrs. 66l/2 hrs. 72l/2 hrs. 75I/z hrs. 8 7 I / ~hrs. 901/z hrs. 93’/z hrs. 96I/z hrs. 99l/2 hrs. 11 ll,’z hrs. 13j1/2 hrs. 11 1 I / a hrs.

P e r cent ash 11.80 8.64 9.58 5.54 7.26 9.56 10.50 9.78 7.92 7.02 5.96 13.32 12.06 6.08 6.30 9.80 10.24 9.10 13.06 7.i8 9.76 9.76 12.02 8.06 IO. 1 4

presence in harvested kelp is not detrimental t o t h e value of t h e kelp. U.




Received June 23, 1913

I S T R 0 D UC T I 0 S

I n Nelson County, Va., there are large bodies of rock locally known as Nelsonite which consist essentially of t h e two minerals ilmenite a n d apatite. The material is not only of scientific interest b u t in t h e light of some recent experiments performed in this laboratory may be of considerable commercial importance. The rock occurs in the foothills of t h e Blue Ridge near Roseland, Va., a b o u t 7 miles northwest of Arrington, a station on t h e Southern R. R., a n d 24 miles northeast of Lynchburg. According t o WTatson2 it is probably of pre-Cambrian age a n d occurs in dikes which a r e in places over 65 feet thick and 2,100 feet in length as exposed on t h e surface. T h e formation can be traced in a general northeast southwest direction Watson described i t a s “a hard for a b o u t ’ 7 miles. rock composed of granular white apatite a n d black ilmenite.” After weathering, however, t h e rock can be readily disintegrated a n d a more or less clean separation made of t h e two minerals by either of t h e methods described further on in this paper. ILMENITE

Ilmenite or titanic iron is a black crystalline mineral having feebly magnetic properties. I t has a specific gravitywhen pure of 4. j t o j . 0 a n d t h e following formula a n d composition: Titanium oxide (TiOz). . . . . . . . . . . .


{ Iron protoxide (FeO) . . . . . . . . .



5 2 . 7 per cent 4 i . 3 per cent

According t o Dana,3 however, t h e ratio of iron t o Scientist in Fertilizer Investigations, Bureau of Soils, U. S. D e p t . Agr. “Mineral Resources of Virginia,” 1907, p. 300; “Economic Geology,” U. S. Geol. Survey, 1909, pp. 206-7. “A System of Mineralogy.” 1892, pp. 217-219. 1


NEAR PT. L O M A Per cent Per cent N KC1

Vol. j, No. 9


25 .oo 21.22 23.64 20.62 17.38 18.31 21.62 16.29 25.90 18.60 26.37 24.92 26.45 26.46 23.18 19.93 24.56 27.84 26.90 24.67 32.05 24.84 24.65 24.13 47.41

2.77 2.66 2.40 1.77 1.85 2.10 2.22 1.97 2.22 1.99 1.79 2.29 2.49 1.91 1.88 2.66 2.47 2.16 2.28 2.16 2.12 2.26 2.57 1.80 1.66

Per cent Remarks

I 0.18 0.19 0.15 0.15 0.16 0.14 0.24 0.14 0.21 0.22 0.19 0.22 0.21 0.19 0.19 0.22 0.19 0.16 0.20 0.10 0.20 0.23 0.27 0.18 0.06

W e t , sent in j a r W e t , sent in j a r Wet. sent in j a r W e t , sent in j a r Wet, sent in j a r Wet, sent in j a r Wet, sent in j a r Wet, sent in j a r Wet, sent in j a r Wet, sent in j a r Wet, sent in j a r Wet, sent in j a r Wet, sent in j a r Wet. sent in j a r Wet, sent in j a r Wet, sent in j a r Wet, sent in j a r Wet, sent in j a r Wet, sent in j a r Wet, sent in j a r Wet, sent in j a r Wet, sent in j a r W e t , sent in j a r Dried a n d sent b y mail Sea lettuce from Marrowstone Point

titanium varies widely corresponding t o t h e general formula RIFeTi03.NFe203. Ilmenite is rather widely distributed in nature, occurring in beds in gneiss and other crystalline rocks; also in small particles in many crystalline rocks a n d frequently associated with magnetite. It is used in t h e manufacture of ferro-titanium for the steel industry. I n 1911 there were j 1 . 1 7 tons of ferrot i t a n i u m imported i n t o this country valued a t $ 2 2 , 7 0 0 , which gives an average price of $443.61 per ton. APATITE

Apatite or phosphate rock is a brittle crystalline mineral which varies in color from almost white t o dark green-red a n d brown. There are two main varieties of this mineral; namely, chlor-apatite a n d fluorapatite, t h e latter being much more plentiful t h a n t h e former. The specific gravity of apatite varies from 3.17 t o 3 . 2 3 a n d t h e formula a n d composition of t h e two varieties according t o D a n a , are as follows: f P205 = 41.0 per cent Chlor-apatite, CaC1.Ca4(P04)3= CaO = 53.8 per cent C1 = 6.8 per cent P205 = 42.3 per cent Fluor-apatite, C a F . C a 4 ( P 0 4 ) 3 ={ CaO = 55.5 per cent IF = 3.8 per cent



Apatite, however, is seldom found absolutely pure a n d though widely distributed in n a t u r e does not often occur in minable quantities. On t r e a t m e n t with sulfuric acid i t yields a very high-grade superphosphate, a n d if i t were not for t h e fact t h a t t h e better deposits are rather inaccessible a n d t h a t careful picking or “cobbing” is necessary before a product sufficiently high-grade for t h e market is obtained, this mineral mould be more extensively used in t h e fertilizer industry. S E P A R A T I O N O F APATITE AND I L M E N I T E

4 t first sight t h e association of apatite a n d ilmenite in a rock would seem t o seriously affect t h e commercial value of both of these minerals. I n t h e manufacture