of the statements made by the officials of the Bureau of Mines before they had a process of extraction and before they had produced a milligram of rad...
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on average ore, rather than on the exceptional ore which cannot be available to large scale producers. Taking the average ore as it is now mined, unquestionably it must be concentrated, to be treated economically. Why then base efficiency and the cost of production figures on high-grade unconcentrated ore? The answer is that the public had to be convinced of the truth of the statements made by the officials of the Bureau of Mines before they had a process of extraction and before they had produced a milligram of radium in the form of a high-grade salt. Reading between the lines in BdZ. 104, i t is possible to note some of the inconsistencies. Hoi~ever,the average physician who plans to use radium does not consult an abstruse technological bulletin. He reads in the newspapers stories about government production of radium which are based on press notices from the Bureau of Mines and Secretary of the Interior such as: “The Bureau of Mines .+* * * * * devised methods for the production of radium from the carnotite ores of Colorado and Utah a t an average cost of $36,500 a gram, two-thirds cheaper than the market price of $120,000 asked by foreign producers, the new, cheaper methods making it much more certain that medical institutions will be able to procure a sufficient quantity of radium for the treatment of cancer and other malignant growths. With an adequate supply of radium for therapeutic use, it is intimated that the progress in the future in curing cancer will rival that made in wiping out diseases that once were prevalent. Physicians who have been enabled to make cures by reason of obtaining a greater quantity of the radium through Bureau of Mines methods say that radium in cancer will prove an inestimable boon to man.”

Is it fair and honest for the Bureau of Mines to countenance such chicanery? In spite of all of the publicity by the Bureau of Mines, which includes official bulletins, newspaper statements, Dr. Parsons’ moving picture lectures, etc., the Bureau admits that it does not necessarily follow that the price of radium will be reduced as a result of the development of “cheaper methods of production” (Bull. 104,p. IZ), and it is the writer’s conviction that the condition of free competition wilI soonest result in the establishing of a competitive market price for radium; and in the establishing of this market price the work of the Bureau of Mines can play no more important part than it has in supplying the immediate requirements of the world’s radium market. I n this discussion of the work of the Bureau of Mines on radium production, etc., the writer has tried to confine his remarks to the subject. Dr. Parsons in his letter has clouded the issue by discussing the Standard Chemical Company, the efficiency of its processes, etc., in part on the basis of testimony given several years ago, and in part on the basis of data given in connection with my previous letter, etc. The writer, unlike Dr. Parsons, is not a t liberty to discuss publicly the processes, efficiency, etc., relating to the treatment of carnotite ore by the Standard Chemical Cpmpany. Suffice it to say that in two years it is possible to effect considerable changes in process methods and efficiency. Our failure to discuss these matters in no way weakens what we have said about the work of the Bureau of Mines, since they have stated what they proposed to do and have later published a statement of what has been done, and a little consideration, even hy one not familiar with the technology of radium extraction, shows how far the results have fallen short of that which was to be accomplished. In the meanwhile the sick must continue to suffer, the radium industry must bear the set-back as best it can, and the progress of radium therapy is hindered so that the National Radium Institute, Inc., may secure a few grams of radium through the work of the Bureau of Mines. CHARLESH. VIOL STANDARD CHEMICAL COMPANY PITTSBURGH, May 22, 1916

Vol. 8 , No. 7

LABORATORY PROBLEMS IN INDUSTRIAL CHEMISTRY Editor of the Journal of Industrial a n d Engineering Chemistry: I have read with considerable interest Dr. H. K. Benson’s article on “Laboratory Problems in Industrial Chemistry,” which appeared in the June number of THISJOURNAL and believe that he struck the right note in suggesting an interchange of views on the subject by those teaching industrial chemistry, I believe with Dr. Benson that previous personal experience has considerable to do with the courses in industrial chemistry which are offered in our colleges and I also think that another factor which has a strong influence in shaping a course is local manufacturing, especially if there happens to be a predominating industry in the neighborhood. This is only natural, perhaps, but it is likely to cause the course to lean a bit toward that one industry since the instructor will probably be more or less interested in it. I t seems to me that considerable effort should be made to evolve a course as well balanced as possible so that the student who has been able to work out only one or two problems in the laboratory may get a good idea of other lines of work in the class conferences. The laboratory course in industrial chemistry a t this university is offered in the first term of the senior year to students in chemistry and chemical engineering; they have a t this time covered inorganic chemistry, qualitative and quantitative analysis, organic chemistry and some physical chemistry and have reached a point when they can be given a course of work in which they can apply not only the chemistry but also the engineering which they have been absorbing for three years. To this end the students are given problems in commercial chemical manufacturing which involve such general operations as solution, filtration, evaporation, etc., and the use of suitable apparatus for the carrying on of these and other operations which are commonly met with in manufacturing processes. The work is carried out on fairly large quantities of material so that the student comes to realize that there are other measures of weight than the gram, and the course of the work is followed by chemical analyses t o ascertain where the losses occur, all the operations being carried out quantitatively. When the laboratory work on the problem is complete the student turns in a report, written from his notes, taking up a consideration of the process as a whole, the relation of the various steps to each other, the reasoiis for carrying out the various operations and finally cost sheets for each step of the process. Toward the end of the term each student is required to prepare drawings showing the layout of a plant for the manufacture of some material based on work done in the laboratory, giving also rough specifications. The accomplishment of this work requires that the student shall do considerable outside reading, thus becoming acquainted with chemical and engineering literature and his attention is particularly directed toward the use of trade catologues of the various manufacturers of chemical and metallurgical appliances and machinery. Some of the problems which we have been handling in this laboratory in regular class work as outlined above, are: I-Production, from bauxite, of newspaper alum complying with the tentative specifications of the Alum Committee of the Diaision o f Industrial Chemists e n d Chemical Engineers of the A m e r i c a n Chemical Society. a-Production of beta-naphthol from commercial naphthalene. of fusel oil with special reference to the 3-Fractionation recovery of the propyl alcohol and the subsequent conversion of the amyl alcohol into amyl acetate. i$ 4-Production of ultramarine from china clay. j-Production of dichromates of soda or potash from chrome iron ore or chrome cobbing with special reference to the proportions ofisoda ash and lime as affecting not only the yield of di~

July, 1916


chromate but also the physical condition of the furnace product, which bears directly upon the proposition of leaching. 6-Recovery of values (silver and gold), from zinc retort residues by some method of leaching. 7-Production of aniline oil from crude benzole. 8-Production of nitrate of potash from Chili salt peter and muriate of potash by fractional crystallization. 9-Coking of coal with recovery of the by-products, paying particular attention to the yield of ammonia. Io-Electrolytic production of bleach liquor. I I-Electrolytic production of permanganate of potash. 12-Electrolytic production of carbonate of lead. 13-Fractionation of water gas tar and determination of the constituents of the light oil fraction. LABORATORY OF INDUSTRIAL CHEMISTRY S.H. SALISBURY, JR. LEHIGHUNIVERSITY, June 15, 1916

ON PRECIPITATION OF MANGANESE Editor of the Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry: It may be of considerable interest to chemists to note that in precipitating manganese by ammonium. hydroxide and an oxidizer that sodium and hydrogen peroxides may be used in the place of bromine or bromine water now so generally used. Sodium peroxide added to a manganese solution precipitates the dark brown manganic hydroxide similar to the precipitate with ammonia and bromine water. Sodium peroxide supplies both the alkali, NaOH, and the oxidizer, oxygen. The powdered Naz02, in small quantities, is added to the hot manganese solution until the reaction is alkaline. This precipitates all of the manganese as a dark brown manganic hydroxide in a granular form which quickly settles. If the introduction of sodium into the solution is objectionable, hydrogen peroxide should be used. I n such cases a few drops of a I O per cent hydrogen peroxide solution are added to the manganese solution. After heating to boiling, ammonia is added until the solution is strongly alkaline. Dark brown manganic hydroxide is instantly precipitated. The hydrogen peroxide must be added to the manganese solution before the ammonia is added, otherwise the manganese is incompletely precipitated as a yellow-brown precipitate which is very difficult to filter. These reagents have many advantages against the use of bromine as they do not produce annoying fumes, do not increase the volume of the solution, and are far more effective and cheaper than bromine as only small quantities are necessary to oxidize manganese. ANALYTICAL LABORATORY GREGORY TOROSSIAN NATIONAL CARBONC o . , CLEVELAND April 18, 1916

ON THE FORMOLITE REACTION OF OIL RESIDUALS, ETC. Editor OJ the Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry: The writer has read with some surprise the paper entitled “The Formolite Reaction of Nastukoff as Applied to Oil Residuals and Natural Asphalts,” by Mr. Clifford Richardson, appearing 8 (1916), 319. in THISJOURNAL, Mr. Richardson’s experiments are based upon only those constituents of the various asphalts which he dissolves out by means of a vague solvent designated “naphtha” yet he neglects the proportions and characteristics of the insoluble constituents in his deductions as to the proper constitution of asphalts. The work, therefore, is open to the serious criticism of incompleteness from the scientific standpoint. The most amazing feature, however, is that paragraph on page 321 wherein two asphalts are differentiated from three other materials and misleading intimations presented as to their relative industrial behavior. When it is realized that the author of the paper is the paid expert of the company handling the two first mentioned asphalts, the commercial aspect of the article becomes a t once apparent and it is difficult to understand how


such paragraphs received the approval of your edit.oria1 staff. As a matter of fact the bitumen constitutes a t best only from 9 to 12 per cent of an asphalt pavement and the other constituents, as well as the workmanship of their mixing and laying, are certainly important factors bearing on the serviceability of the construction. Furthermore, in view cf these conditions, it is quite possible to find both good and bad examples with all of the asphalts mentioned so the association of the formolite reaction with industrial hehavior is by no means established. As the technical representative of a prominent asphalt refining company holding corporation membership in the Society, I wish to enter a strong protest against the publication in our journals of such papers of advertising nature and request that this communication be given due prominence. U. S. ASPHALTREFININGCOMPANY LEROYM . LAW EASTBROOKLYN, BALTIMORE, April 24, 1916


Editor of the Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chcmistry: We wish to protest against the publication of the article by Clifford Richardson entitled “The Formolite Reaction of Nastukoff as Applied to Oil Residuals and Natural Asphalts” which appeared in THISJOURNAL, 8 (1916), 319. Mr. Richardson’s article would appear to be an advertisement for Trinidad and Bermudez asphalts, two products controlled by the Barber Asphalt Company for which company Mr. Richardson is the chief chemist. Mr. Richardson’s statement that the “deficiencies of the artificial asphalts in their industrial behavior, as demonstrated by service tests, may be considered to be satisfactorily explained’’ is particularly objectionable in that it is not in accordance with the facts. The various grades of asphalt referred to by Mr. Richardson under the term “artificial asphalt” have been used for paving purposes in this country over a period of from ten to twenty years and with success so marked that in the case of some of the larger cities Trinidad asphalt has been excluded and Bermudez asphalt permitted only under the general specification that would admit the grades of asphalt described by Mr. Richardson under “artificial asphalts.” 17 BATTERY PLACE, N E W YORK CITY JOHN BAKER,JR. April 2 6 , 1916

POTASSIUM PERMANGANATE FOR SULFUR DIOXIDE DETERMINATIONS Editor of the Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry: Considering the high cost of iodine and potassium iodide, a cheaper reagent for determining sulfur dioxide in routine tests is desirable. A solution of potassium permanganate serves admirably for such work, giving very constant and close agreement with iodine solution. In making up such a solution only 0.9 the theoretical amount should be taken. Thus I O g. KMn04 t o I lite; should theoretically give a solution, I cc. of which would be equivalent to 0.01 g. SOI, but the amount actually required is almost exactly g g. per liter. I n standardizing the solution, titrate against a sulfur dioxide solution of known strength a s determined by an iodine solution. CLINTON SUGAR REFININGCOXPANY A. P. BRYANT CLINTON.IOWA, April 21, 1916

THE NEW NATIONAL FORMULARY The Committee on Publication of the American Pharmaceutical Association makes the following announcement: The National Formulary, 4th Edition (N. F. IV), will be ready for distribution about July I, 1916. The prices of the book in the various bindings will be as follows: Muslin, plain, $2.50; Buckram, plain, $2.75 ; Buckram, interleaved, $4.00. The Midland Publishing Company, Columbus, Ohio, has been appointed General Sales Agent with the following sub-agents: The Baker-Taylor Company, New York City; The Chicago Medical Book Company, Chicago; L. S. Mathews Company, St. Louis, Mo.; The Pacific Drug Review, SanFrancisco and Portland.