THE JOURNAL OF Organic Chemistry Notice to ... - ACS Publications

Mead Johnson Research Center ... GEORGE P. MUELLER ... CONSULTING EDITOR: GEORGE H. COLEMAN, Chemistry Department, Wayne State University, ...
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Organic Chemistry

Chemistry Department, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts

A S S I S T A N T E D I T O R S : G L E N N A. B E R C H T O L D AND T H E O D O R A W. G R E E N E Chemistry Department, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts S E N I O R P R O D U C T I O N E D I T O R : A L L E N D. B L I S S , ACS Office, Mack Printing Company, 20th and Northampton Sts., Easton, Pennsylvania

BOARD OF EDITORS N O R M A N L. A L L I N G E R Wayne State University

ALSOPH H . CORWIN Johns Hopkins University

WERNER HERZ Florida State University

RICHARD T . ARNOLD Mead Johnson Research Center

D A V I D Y. C U R T I N University of Illinois

F R A N C I S A. H O C H S T E I N Charles Pfizer and Co.

WILLIAM J. BAILEY University of Maryland

W I L L I A M G. D A U B E N University of California (Berkley)

J E R O M E A. B E R S O N University of Southern California

E R N E S T L. E L I E L University of Notre Dame

H E R B E R T C. B R O W N Purdue University


F R A N K C. M C G R E W E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. GEORGE P. MUELLER G. D. Searle & Co. MILTON ORCHIN University of Cincinnati

H A R L A N L. G O E R I N G University of Wisconsin

HAROLD SHECHTER Ohio State University

G E O R G E S. H A M M O N D California Institute of Technology

MARTIN STILES University of Michigan

RICHARD B. TURNER Rice University WILLIAM H. URRY University of Chicago STANLEY W A W Z O N E K State University of Iowa ERNEST WENKERT Indiana University W I L L I A M C. W I L D M A N National Heart Institute BERNHARD W I T K O P Iowa State University

G E O R G E H . C O L E M A N , Chemistry Department, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan


H E R B E R T O. H O U S E Massachusettes Institute of Technology

ROBERT ROBINSON 170 Piccadilly London, W.1

P. KARRER Zurich

Notice to Authors 1. Forwarding Address. Manuscripts for publication should be addressed t o Frederick D . Greene, Editor, D e p a r t m e n t of Chemistry, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge 39, Massachusetts.

should not be divided into sections, b u t should contain experimental descriptions and necessary discussion grouped together as concisely as possible. Compounds reported in Communications should nonetheless be characterized b y physical constants and analyses or literature references as in Articles.

2. Subject Matter and Manuscript Classes. T h e Journal invites new a n d original contributions, not previously published, on researches in organic chemistry. Articles are t o be comprehensive and critical accounts of work in a given field. Notes are t o be brief, concise accounts of studies of smaller scope. Communications to t h e Editor afford a mechanism for presenting significant advances in the field which warrant immediate publication. Timeliness and significance are essential requirements. In general, t h e length should not exceed 500 words ; it is recognized t h a t in some cases an increase in length m a y be necessary. Interpretive reviews of existing data which present new viewpoints are acceptable whereas reviews of t h e pure compilation t y p e are not. Suggestions by authors with respect t o referees for their manuscripts will be appreciated.

Both literature citations a n d explanatory notes are included in footnotes, and must therefore be numbered in one consecutive aeries. I n t h e text, footnotes are indicated as unparenthesized superscripts. T h e footnotes m a y be placed, suitably offset, following t h e line of text in which they are cited, or they m a y be grouped in numerical order at t h e end of the manuscript. A footnote giving t h e name and address of t h e author to whom inquiries should be directed m a y be included if such information is not obvious from t h e heading. Abbreviations of journals should be those used b y Chemical Abstracts (see "List of Periodicals Abstracted by Chemical Abstracts"). Sample periodical reference, indicating arrangement and punctuation: (1) J. Cason, P . B . Taylor, and D . E . Williams, J. Org. Chem., 10, 1187 (1951).

3. Preparation of Manuscripts. Manuscripts should be submitted in triplicate and must be typewritten doublespaced on substantial paper; mimeographed copies and others made b y a permanent duplication process are acceptable. Authors should consult recent issues of the Journal as a guide t o format. Please note t h a t t h e format differs for Articles, Notes, and Communications. Articles should bo preceded by a brief abstract. Articles and Notes should have t h e Experimental section clearly set apart, a n d should use other center headings sparingly. Communications

Book references must contain name of author, title, publisher, publication data, and page. I n referring t o a book written by various contributors, cite author first a s : (1) S. Wiusteiii and R. B . Henderson, "Heterocyclic Compounds," Vol. 1, R. C. Elderfield, éd., John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, Ν . Υ., 1950, p . 60.
