The JPC Periodic Table - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

Jul 18, 2019 - very first measurements on Po, Ra, and other radioactive elements. Among the elements ...... Chem. 1963, 67 (7), pp 1425−1432. DOI: 1...
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The JPC Periodic Table

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ions are important in biophysics, and we also note that our papers on O and S are concerned with biophysics. Several of the papers are concerned with elemental liquids or solids either as covalent materials (C, Si, Ge, S, Sb, Tl) or as metals (alkalis, noble metals, Fe, Ni, Nb, Pd). Of course, water and solvation are prominently featured (H) and occasionally elements that form molecular liquids (Be). Many of the metals in the table form colloids (noble metals), and then there are the important oxides, sulfides, nitrides, arsenides, etc. that form nanostructures of various types (Ti, Sc, Zr, Cd, Sn, La, Ce, Ir. Pb, Bi, Th, Pa, U, Am), including 2D nanomaterials (F, B, P, As). Battery materials show up in many places (Li, P, Se), and we also find examples of elements that play a crucial role in coordination chemistry (Ru, Rh), catalysis (N, Fe, Sr, Mo, Re, Pt), electronic materials (In,Te, Hf, Ta, W), and intermetallics (Sb, Po). Thermodynamic properties and earth abundance are important in some of papers we cite. Ca, Ba, Tc, At, Fr, Pu, and the lanthanides have their expected roles as emitters, contrast agents, and electronic materials. Finally, we note that the paper we list for Hg involves the use of mercury drop to describe autonomous motion in the presence of a K2Cr2O7 crystal. This discussion amply notes the incredible richness associated with the periodic table that one sees in a list of 116 papers. We are delighted that JPC has been able to play (thanks for Cathy Murphy’s suggestion) an important role in the dissemination of these scientific discoveries.

n this Virtual Issue, we celebrate the International Year of the Periodic Table by presenting one paper in JPC that is concerned with each of the 118 elements. Actually only 116 elements have appeared in JPC papers, with elements 109 and 110, meitnerium and darmstadtium, somehow missing as far as we can tell. However, all the rest are there, and the JPC editors, including editors of JPC A, B, C, and Letters, have all contributed to the list given below, with links to the original articles provided. In choosing these papers, we tried to focus mostly on papers that are well cited and that refer to the element of interest rather than to complex chemistry where the element is one of many involved. However, in many cases the importance of an element is defined by its role in important molecules or materials, so some of the papers are concerned with the physical chemistry of the molecules or materials. Of course, many of the chemical elements have multifaceted personalities when it comes to their physical chemistry, so we apologize that we could only list one paper for each element when, in fact, there were many excellent choices. Near the bottom of the periodic table (Z > 100), the number of papers concerned with some elements is quite limited, so the few people brave enough to study these elements receive a lot of publicity in this document. There are numerous interesting stories that are woven through these papers. We could easily write a story about each element, but to keep this discussion focused, let us only mention a few general issues. It is notable to think about the dates on these papers and when the elements were discovered. The elements with Z > 92 were all discovered since 1940, so many of the papers on our list refer to physical property measurements that were done shortly after their discovery. And elements with Z > 99 are sufficiently unstable that most of the papers refer to computational studies or empirical models, sometimes done in advance of the discovery of the element (and often before the element had a name, so only the atomic number appears in the paper, or perhaps the name “Eka-X” where X is the corresponding element from the row above on the periodic table). Theory plays an important role with many of the lighter (but still heavy) elements, particularly those that are radioactive (Z > 83) and are in low abundance. There have also been several experimental papers concerned with the radioactive properties of these elements. We were not able to include papers going back to the beginning of JPC in 1896, but one can find papers by Marie and Pierre Curie and Henri Becquerel that refer to some of the very first measurements on Po, Ra, and other radioactive elements. Among the elements with Z < 100, one theme refers to elements that are gases, including the rare gases (but some of our papers for those refer to liquid or solid forms) and non rare gas molecules that form gaseous diatomics (N2, O2, Cl2, Br2, I2). The papers in this case refer to spectroscopic measurements or, in some cases, gas-phase chemical reactions of either neutrals or ions. There are many elements where ions in solution are extremely important (our papers include K+, Rb+, Cs+, Mg2+, Pr3+, Np3+, Cm3+, Bk3+, Cf3+, Es3+, and Fm3+). Many of these © 2019 American Chemical Society

(AN#1) - H - Hydrogen Polarizable Atomic Multipole Water Model for Molecular Mechanics Simulation, Pengyu Ren and Jay W. Ponder J. Phys. Chem. B 2003, 107 (24), pp 5933−5947 DOI: 10.1021/jp027815+ Publication Date (Web): May 24, 2003 Introduction of the AMOEBA polarizable force f ield for water −ABM (AN#2) - He - Helium Helium Separation Using Porous Graphene Membranes, Joshua Schrier J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2010, 1 (15), pp 2284−2287 DOI: 10.1021/jz100748x Publication Date (Web): July 8, 2010 Computational study of He transmission through graphene, exploring the role of quantum tunneling −ABM (AN#3) - Li - Lithium Lithium−Air Battery: Promise and Challenges, G. Girishkumar, B. McCloskey, A. C. Luntz, S. Swanson, and W. Wilcke J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2010, 1 (14), pp 2193−2203 DOI: 10.1021/jz1005384 Publication Date (Web): July 2, 2010 Perspective on Li−air batteries that highlights challenges associated with achieving high throughput air-breathing systems Published: July 18, 2019 5837

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpca.9b03461 J. Phys. Chem. A 2019, 123, 5837−5848

The Journal of Physical Chemistry A


J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2018, 9 (24), pp 6963−6966 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.8b02918 Publication Date (Web): November 27, 2018 Fluorine - a chemical modification of phosphorene by f luorination is proposed for electronics applications −OP

that pass O2 and keep out environmental contaminants while assuring electrochemical stability of both the electrolyte and the cathode itself −FZ (AN#4) - Be - Beryllium A First-Principles Description of Liquid BeF2 and Its Mixtures with LiF: 1. Potential Development and Pure BeF2, Robert J. Heaton, Richard Brookes, Paul A. Madden, Mathieu Salanne, Christian Simon, and Pierre Turq J. Phys. Chem. B 2006, 110 (23), pp 11454−11460 DOI: 10.1021/jp061000+ Publication Date (Web): May 24, 2006 A computational study of BeF2 with comparisons to experiment −ABM

(AN#10) - Ne - Neon Infrared Spectra of UO2, UO2+, and UO2− in Solid Neon, Mingfei Zhou, Lester Andrews, Nina Ismail, and Colin Marsden J. Phys. Chem. A 2000, 104 (23), pp 5495−5502 DOI: 10.1021/jp000292q Publication Date (Web): May 23, 2000 Highly cited paper focusing on the spectroscopy of UOx compounds in combination with calculation −ABM

(AN#5) - B - Boron Soluble, Exfoliated Hexagonal Boron Nitride Nanosheets, Yi Lin, Tiffany V. Williams and John W. Connell J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2010, 1 (1), pp 277−283 DOI: 10.1021/jz9002108 Publication Date (Web): November 30, 2009 Hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) was f unctionalized using lipophilic and hydrophilic amine molecules. The f unctionalization induced the exfoliation of the layered structure of h-BN, resulting in few-layered and monolayered nanosheets. −JB

(AN#11) - Na - Sodium An Accurate Electromagnetic Theory Study of Surface Enhancement Factors for Silver, Gold, Copper, Lithium, Sodium, Aluminum, Gallium, Indium, Zinc, and Cadmium, Ellen J. Zeman and George C. Schatz J. Phys. Chem., 1987, 91 (3), pp 634−643 DOI: 10.1021/j100287a028 Publication Date: January 1987 Electromagnetic theory study of surface enhancement factors for plasmonic metals −TZ

(AN#6) - C - Carbon Spectroscopic Insights into Carbon Dot Systems, Marcello Righetto, Alberto Privitera, Ilaria Fortunati, Dario Mosconi, Mirco Zerbetto, M. Lucia Curri, Michela Corricelli, Alessandro Moretto, Stefano Agnoli, Lorenzo Franco, Renato Bozio, and Camilla Ferrante J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2017, 8 (10), pp 2236−2242 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.7b00794 Publication Date (Web): May 4, 2017 Spectroscopic insights into carbon dot systems −GS

(AN#12) - Mg - Magnesium Hydration of Beryllium, Magnesium, Calcium, and Zinc Ions Using Density Functional Theory, Maria Pavlov, Per E. M. Siegbahn, and Magnus Sandström J. Phys. Chem. A 1998, 102 (1), pp 219−228 DOI: 10.1021/jp972072r Publication Date (Web): January 1, 1998 Well cited paper that determined Mg+2 hydration energy using DFT −GCS (AN#13) - Al - Aluminum Reactions of Laser-Ablated Aluminum Atoms with Cyanogen: Matrix Infrared Spectra and Electronic Structure Calculations for Aluminum Isocyanides Al(NC)1,2,3 and Their Novel Dimers, Lester Andrews, Han-Gook Cho, and Yu Gong J. Phys. Chem. A 2018, 122 (24), pp 5342−5353 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpca.8b02036 Publication Date (Web): May 15, 2018 Matrix infrared spectra and electronic calculations discover novel Al(NC)1,2,3 dimers and a stable anion Al(NC) 4− f rom laserablated aluminum reacting with cyanogen. −TC

(AN#7) N - Nitrogen The Influence of Nitrogen Gas upon the Organic Catalysis of Nitrogen Fixation by Azotobacter, Dean Burk J. Phys. Chem. 1930, 34 (6), pp 1174−1194 DOI: 10.1021/j150312a005 Publication Date: January 1929 The influence of nitrogen gas upon the organic catalysis of nitrogen f ixation by azotobacter −JZ (AN#8) - O - Oxygen Lifetime and Diffusion of Singlet Oxygen in a Cell, Esben Skovsen, John W. Snyder, John D. C. Lambert, and Peter R. Ogilby J. Phys. Chem. B 2005, 109 (18), pp 8570−8573 DOI: 10.1021/jp051163i Publication Date (Web): April 8, 2005 Singlet molecular oxygen, created in a single nerve cell upon irradiation of a sensitizer incorporated in the cell nucleus using a focused laser beam, was found to be long-lived and dif f use over appreciable distances including across the cell membrane into the extra-cellular environment. −JZ

(AN#14) - Si - Silicon Doping and Electrical Transport in Silicon Nanowires, Yi Cui, Xiangfeng Duan, Jiangtao Hu, and Charles M. Lieber J. Phys. Chem. B 2000, 104 (22), pp 5213−5216 DOI: 10.1021/jp0009305 Publication Date (Web): May 11, 2000 Doping Si nanowires: tuning semiconductor at nanoscale. Nice demonstration! −HZ (AN#15) - P - Phosphorus Electrochemical Activity of Black Phosphorus as an Anode Material for Lithium-Ion Batteries, Li-Qun Sun, Ming-Juan Li, Kai Sun, Shi-Hua Yu, Rong-Shun Wang, and Hai-Ming Xie J. Phys. Chem. C 2012, 116 (28), pp 14772−14779 DOI: 10.1021/jp302265n

(AN#9) - F - Fluorine Difluorophosphorane-Flattened Phosphorene through Difluorination, Dmitriy Steglenko, Ruslan M. Minyaev, Vladimir I. Minkin, and Alexander I. Boldyrev 5838

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Publication Date (Web): June 18, 2012 Use of black phosphorus as an anode material for lithium ion batteries −AG

Publication Date (Web): November 27, 2002 Details of the structure and stability of Sc3N in two types of f ullerenes −DC

(AN#16) - S - Sulfur Intermolecular Potential Functions and Monte Carlo Simulations for Liquid Sulfur Compounds, William L. Jorgensen J. Phys. Chem. 1986, 90 (23), pp 6379−6388 DOI: 10.1021/j100281a063 Publication Date: November 1986 Intermolecular potentials and Monte Carlo simulations for sulfur containing compounds, including sulfur-containing side chains of proteins −ASM

(AN#22) - Ti - Titanium The Role of Metal Ion Dopants in Quantum-Sized TiO2: Correlation between Photoreactivity and Charge Carrier Recombination Dynamics, Wonyong Choi, Andreas Termin, and Michael R. Hoffmann J. Phys. Chem. 1994, 98 (51), pp 13669−13679 DOI: 10.1021/j100102a038 Publication Date: December 1994 An impactf ul paper on TiO2 photocatalysis −JS

(AN#17) - Cl - Chlorine The Continuous Absorption Spectra of Chlorine, Bromine, Bromine Chloride, Iodine Chloride, and Iodine Bromide, Daniel J. Seery and Doyle Britton J. Phys. Chem. 1964, 68 (8), pp 2263−2266 DOI: 10.1021/j100790a039 Publication Date: August 1964 Absorption spectra of halides −AY

(AN#23) - V - Vanadium Determination of Vanadium−Oxygen Bond Distances and Bond Orders by Raman Spectroscopy, Franklin D. Hardcastle and Israel E. Wachs J. Phys. Chem. 1991, 95 (13), pp 5031−5041 DOI: 10.1021/j100166a025 Publication Date: June 1991 A well cited study that uses Raman to determine vanadium− oxygen bond distances and bond orders −EW

(AN#18) - Ar - Argon Thermal Energy Charge-Transfer Reactions of Argon Ions (Ar+ And Ar2+), R. J. Shul, B. L. Upschulte, R. Passarella, R. G. Keesee, and A. W. Castleman J. Phys. Chem. 1987, 91 (10), pp 2556−2562 DOI: 10.1021/j100294a022 Publication Date: May 1987 Castleman paper on ion−molecule reactions involving Ar. −BS

(AN#24) - Cr - Chromium Effects of Single Metal-Ion Doping on the Visible-Light Photoreactivity of TiO2, Jina Choi, Hyunwoong Park, and Michael R. Hoffmann J. Phys. Chem. C 2010, 114 (2), pp 783−792 DOI: 10.1021/jp908088x Publication Date (Web): December 22, 2009 Highly cited paper on how single metal ion doping, including Cr, regulates the visible-light photoactivity of TiO2 −FG

(AN#19) - K - Potassium Hydration of Sodium, Potassium, and Chloride Ions in Solution and the Concept of Structure Maker/Breaker, R. Mancinelli, A. Botti, F. Bruni, M. A. Ricci, and A. K. Soper J. Phys. Chem. B 2007, 111 (48), pp 13570−13577 DOI: 10.1021/jp075913v Publication Date (Web): November 8, 2007 Neutron diff raction experiments challenge the model of ions in aqueous solution as simply either structure makers or breakers. −JS

(AN#25) - Mn - Manganese Photophysical Properties of ZnS Nanoclusters with Spatially Localized Mn2+, Kelly Sooklal, Brian S. Cullum, S. Michael Angel, and Catherine J. Murphy J. Phys. Chem. 1996, 100 (11), pp 4551−4555 DOI: 10.1021/jp952377a Publication Date (Web): March 14, 1996 A highly cited paper showing that doping ZnS nanoclusters with Mn changes the photophysical properties, and even more specifically that the location of the Mn is responsible for the resulting optical properties −GEMS

(AN#20) - Ca - Calcium The Application of Thermoanalytical Techniques to Reaction Kinetics: The Thermogravimetric Evaluation of the Kinetics of the Decomposition of Calcium Oxalate Monohydrate, Eli S. Freeman and Benjamin Carroll J. Phys. Chem. 1958, 62 (4), pp 394−397 DOI: 10.1021/j150562a003 Publication Date: April 1958 A highly cited classic paper on the use of thermoanalytical techniques to study reaction kinetics, with applications here to the decomposition of CaC2O4·H2O −JS

(AN#26) - Fe - Iron Behavior of Metallic Iron Catalysts During Fischer−Tropsch Synthesis Studied with Moessbauer Spectroscopy, X-ray Diffraction, Carbon Content Determination, and Reaction Kinetic Measurements, J. W. Niemantsverdriet, A. M. van der Kraan, W. L. van Dijk, and H. S. van der Baan J. Phys. Chem. 1980, 84 (25), pp 3363−3370 DOI: 10.1021/j100462a011 Publication Date: December 1980 Behavior of metallic iron catalysts during Fischer−Tropsch synthesis −GL

(AN#21) - SC - Scandium Bonding within the Endohedral Fullerenes Sc3N@C78 and Sc3N@C80 as Determined by Density Functional Calculations and Reexamination of the Crystal Structure of {Sc3N@C78}· Co(OEP)}·1.5(C6H6)·0.3(CHCl3), Josep M. Campanera, Carles Bo, Marilyn M. Olmstead, Alan L. Balch, and Josep M. Poblet J. Phys. Chem. A 2002, 106 (51), pp 12356−12364 DOI: 10.1021/jp021882m

(AN#27) - Co - Cobalt X-ray Absorption Spectroscopic Study of Brønsted, Lewis, and Redox Centers in Cobalt-Substituted Aluminum Phosphate Catalysts, Philip A. Barrett, Gopinathan Sankar, C. Richard A. Catlow, and John Meurig Thomas 5839

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J. Phys. Chem. C 2015, 119 (12), pp 6918−6922 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.5b02096 Publication Date (Web): March 9, 2015 Computational study of 2D materials that includes 2D arsenic −GCS

J. Phys. Chem. 1996, 100 (21), pp 8977−8985 DOI: 10.1021/jp953034f Publication Date (Web): May 23, 1996 The catalytic reactivity of Co centers on the ALPO substrates is characterized using EXAFS spectroscopy. Data acquired as a f unction of treatment of the porous phases are compared, revealing the local environment of the Co centers, including their oxidation state, coordination environment, and Lewis and Bronsted acid behavior. −GRG

(AN#34) - Se - Selenium ZIF-67@Se@MnO2: A Novel Co-MOF-Based Composite Cathode for Lithium−Selenium Batteries, Wenkai Ye, Weiyang Li, Ke Wang, Weihao Yin, Wenwen Chai, Yi Qu, Yichuan Rui, and Bohejin Tang J. Phys. Chem. C 2019, 123 (4), pp 2048−2055 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.8b10598 Publication Date (Web): December 25, 2018 Selenium is added to a metal−organic-framework as a composite for batteries. −MZ

(AN#28) - Ni - Nickel The Electrolytic Precipitation of Nickel on Nickel, Ralph C. Snowdon J. Phys. Chem. 1905, 9 (5), pp 399−401 DOI: 10.1021/j150068a004 Publication Date: January 1904 Study of the electrolytic deposition of Ni on Ni that shows the importance of removing the oxide layer Ni surface −GVH

(AN#35) - Br - Bromine The Ultraviolet−Visible Absorption Spectrum of Bromine between Room Temperature and 440°, A. A. Passchier, Jerry D. Christian, and Norman W. Gregory J. Phys. Chem. 1967, 71 (4), pp 937−942 DOI: 10.1021/j100863a025 Publication Date: March 1967 Classical spectroscopy study of Br2 f rom the 1960s −GCS

(AN#29) - Cu - Copper Removal of Nitrogen Monoxide through a Novel Catalytic Process. 1. Decomposition on Excessively Copper-Ion-Exchanged ZSM-5 Zeolites, Masakazu Iwamoto, Hidenori Yahiro, Kenji Tanda, Noritaka Mizuno, Yosihiro Mine, and Shuichi Kagawa J. Phys. Chem. 1991, 95 (9), pp 3727−3730 DOI: 10.1021/j100162a053 Publication Date: May 1991 A highly cited paper on copper zeolites and its role in NO removal −JS

(AN#36) - Kr - Krypton A Set of Molecular Models for Symmetric Quadrupolar Fluids, Jadran Vrabec, Jürgen Stoll, and Hans Hasse J. Phys. Chem. B 2001, 105 (48), pp 12126−12133 DOI: 10.1021/jp012542o Publication Date (Web): November 2, 2001 This paper presents a molecular model for 25 pure f luids including krypton. −BM

(AN#30) - Zn - Zinc Preparation and Characterization of Quantum Size Zinc Oxide: A Detailed Spectroscopic Study, Detlef W. Bahnemann, Claudius. Kormann, and Michael R. Hoffmann J. Phys. Chem. 1987, 91 (14), pp 3789−3798 DOI: 10.1021/j100298a015 Publication Date: July 1987 Synthesis and spectroscopic characterization of zinc oxide nanoparticles −HF

(AN#37) - Rb - Rubidium Cesium and Rubidium Ion Equilibriums in Illite Clay, E. Brouwer, B. Baeyens, A. Maes, and A. Cremers J. Phys. Chem. 1983, 87 (7), pp 1213−1219 DOI: 10.1021/j100230a024 Publication Date: March 1983 Rubidium cations in solutions exhibit similar properties as the alkali cations in neighboring rows of the periodic table, which makes it a challenge to investigate the corresponding ion exchange processes in Illite clays. −PJ

(AN#31) - Ga - Gallium Gallium Oxide Nanoribbons and Nanosheets, Z. R. Dai, Z. W. Pan, and Z. L. Wang J. Phys. Chem. B 2002, 106 (5), pp 902−904 DOI: 10.1021/jp013228x Publication Date (Web): January 15, 2002 Highly cited paper on gallium oxide nanoribbons and nanosheets −HG

(AN#38) - Sr - Strontium Nature of Deficiency in Nonstoichiometric Hydroxyapatites. I. Catalytic Activity of Calcium and Strontium Hydroxyapatites, S. J. Joris and C. H. Amberg J. Phys. Chem. 1971, 75 (20), pp 3167−3171 DOI: 10.1021/j100689a024 Publication Date: September 1971 Well-cited paper detailing the catalytic ef fects of substituting Sr2+ for Ca2+ in hydroxyapatites for dehydration of alcohol −RD

(AN#32) - Ge - Germanium Segregation of Impurities during the Growth of Germanium and Silicon, R. N. Hall J. Phys. Chem. 1953, 57 (8), pp 836−839 DOI: 10.1021/j150509a021 Publication Date: August 1953 Classic work on determining how to achieve desired doping levels in crystalline semiconductors prepared f rom the melt −JF

(AN#39) - Y - Yttrium Mass Spectroscopic and ESR Characterization of Soluble Yttrium-Containing Metallofullerenes YC82 and Y2C82, Hisanori Shinohara, Hiroyasu Sato, Yahachi Saito, Masato Ohkohchi, and Yoshinori Ando J. Phys. Chem. 1992, 96 (9), pp 3571−3573 DOI: 10.1021/j100188a004

(AN#33) - As - Arsenic Structural and Electronic Properties of Layered Arsenic and Antimony Arsenide, Liangzhi Kou, Yandong Ma, Xin Tan, Thomas Frauenheim, Aijun Du, and Sean Smith 5840

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Publication Date: April 1992 Solvent soluble, yttrium-containing fullerenes are produced and characterized by mass spectroscopic analysis. −SL

Publication Date: November 1957 Inf rared transmission spectrum of CO on Rh is described as involving three surface species. −XY

(AN#40) - Zr -Zirconium Adsorption of Ordered Zirconium Phosphonate Multilayer Films on Silicon and Gold Surfaces, Haiwon Lee, Larry J. Kepley, Hun Gi Hong, Sohail Akhter, and Thomas E. Mallouk J. Phys. Chem. 1988, 92 (9), pp 2597−2601 DOI: 10.1021/j100320a040 Publication Date: May 1988 This was one of the first papers that showed multilayer zirconium phosphonate f ilms can be prepared on silicon and gold substrates via sequential adsorption of their zirconium and phosphonic acid components. −TG

(AN#46) - Pd - Palladium Diffusion and Solubility of Hydrogen in Palladium and Palladium−Silver Alloys, Gerhard L. Holleck J. Phys. Chem. 1970, 74 (3), pp 503−511 DOI: 10.1021/j100698a005 Publication Date: February 1970 Pd is a key hydrogenation catalyst and this paper f irst measures the H diff usion and solubility in Pd and Pd−Ag. −ZPL (AN#47) - Ag - Silver The Optical Properties of Metal Nanoparticles: The Influence of Size, Shape, and Dielectric Environment, K. Lance Kelly, Eduardo Coronado, Lin Lin Zhao, and George C. Schatz J. Phys. Chem. B 2003, 107 (3), pp 668−677 DOI: 10.1021/jp026731y Publication Date (Web): December 21, 2002 Feature Article describing the progress made up to 2003 on the theory of nanoparticle optical properties, with emphasis on light scattering f rom particles of arbitrary shape in complex environments, and discussing spherical and triangular silver particles as an example of particular interest −FZ

(AN#41) - Nb - Niobium The Permeability of Niobium to Hydrogen, D. W. Rudd, D. W. Vose, and S. Johnson J. Phys. Chem. 1962, 66 (2), pp 351−353 DOI: 10.1021/j100808a038 Publication Date: February 1962 The permeability of niobium metal to hydrogen gas was measured at temperature and pressure ranges of 950−1065 °C and 1.1−2.0 atm, respectively, and it was f it to a simple Arrhenius rate expression with an activation energy of 5.2 kcal/mol −TM

(AN#48) - Cd - Cadmium Two-Dimensional Electronic Spectroscopy Unravels sub-100 fs Electron and Hole Relaxation Dynamics in Cd-Chalcogenide Nanostructures, Tatjana Stoll, Federico Branchi, Julien Réhault, Francesco Scotognella, Francesco Tassone, Ilka Kriegel, and Giulio Cerullo J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2017, 8 (10), pp 2285−2290 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.7b00682 Publication Date (Web): May 3, 2017 Two-Dimensional electronic spectroscopy unravels sub-100 fs electron and hole relaxation dynamics in Cd-chalcogenide nanostructures −GS

(AN#42) - Mo - Molybdenum Computational Design of Single-Molybdenum Catalysts for the Nitrogen Reduction Reaction, Qinye Li, Siyao Qiu, Chuangwei Liu, Mingguo Liu, Lizhong He, Xiwang Zhang, and Chenghua Sun J. Phys. Chem. C 2019, 123 (4), pp 2347−2352 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.8b11509 Publication Date (Web): January 4, 2019 Computational design of single-molybdenum catalysts for nitrogen reduction offering overall overpotentials lower than 0.60 V −VB

(AN#49) - In - Indium ITO Interface Modifiers Can Improve VOC in Polymer Solar Cells and Suppress Surface Recombination, Kristina M. Knesting, Huanxin Ju, Cody W. Schlenker, Anthony J. Giordano, Andres Garcia, O’Neil L. Smith, Dana C. Olson, Seth R. Marder, and David S. Ginger J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2013, 4 (23), pp 4038−4044 DOI: 10.1021/jz4021525 Publication Date (Web): November 8, 2013 Linear dependence of the open-circuit voltage of organic photovoltaic devices on the modified indium tin oxide (ITO) work function −JB

(AN#43) - Tc - Technetium Report on the Occurrence of Technetium on the Earth’s Crust, G. E. Boyd, and Q. V. Larson J. Phys. Chem. 1956, 60 (6), pp 707−715 DOI: 10.1021/j150540a002 Publication Date: June 1956 Hard to prove a negative, but this paper attempts to demonstrate the nonexistence of terrestrial Tc through analysis of geologic samples most likely to contain the element. −WFS

(AN#50) - Sn - Tin Capped Semiconductor Colloids. Synthesis and Photoelectrochemical Behavior of TiO2 Capped SnO2 Nanocrystallites, Idriss Bedja and Prashant V. Kamat J. Phys. Chem. 1995, 99 (22), pp 9182−9188 DOI: 10.1021/j100022a035 Publication Date: June 1995 An investigation on the ef fect of TiO2 capping on SnO2 colloidal nanocrystallites for photoelectrochemical applications −JZ

(AN#44) - Ru - Ruthenium Excited States of Mixed Ligand Chelates of Ruthenium(II) and Rhodium(III), G. A. Crosby and W. H. Elfring Jr. J. Phys. Chem. 1976, 80 (20), pp 2206−2211 DOI: 10.1021/j100561a016 Publication Date: September 1976 It has the charming advantage that it was part of a “discussion” so the authors answer questions about it at the end of the paper! −CM (AN#45) - Rh - Rhodium Infrared Studies of Carbon Monoxide Chemisorbed on Rhodium, C. Yang and Carl W. Garl J. Phys. Chem. 1957, 61 (11), pp 1504−1512 DOI: 10.1021/j150557a013

(AN#51) - Sb - Antimony Stability of Free Intermetallic Compound Clusters: Lead/ Antimony and Bismuth/Antimony, D. Schild, R. Pflaum, K. Sattler, and E. Recknagel 5841

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J. Phys. Chem. 1991, 95 (20), pp 7564−7568 DOI: 10.1021/j100173a002 Publication Date: October 1991 Letter reports the observation of fullerenes with single lanthanum atoms caged inside −ASM

J. Phys. Chem. 1987, 91 (10), pp 2649−2653 DOI: 10.1021/j100294a037 Publication Date: May 1987 In the gas phase, antimony atoms form tetrahedra, and this is the starting point for the understanding of lead−antimony and bismuth−antimony clusters. −NS

(AN#58) - Ce - Cerium Direct Evidence for Hydroxyl Radical Scavenging Activity of Cerium Oxide Nanoparticles, Ying Xue, Qingfen Luan, Dan Yang, Xin Yao, and Kebin Zhou J. Phys. Chem. C 2011, 115 (11), pp 4433−4438 DOI: 10.1021/jp109819u Publication Date (Web): March 1, 2011 Studies the mechanism of antioxidant behavior of cerium oxide nanoparticles −AY

(AN#52) - Te - Tellurium Intrinsic Piezoelectricity in Two-Dimensional Materials, Karel-Alexander N. Duerloo, Mitchell T. Ong, and Evan J. Reed J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2012, 3 (19), pp 2871−2876 DOI: 10.1021/jz3012436 Publication Date (Web): September 17, 2012 Tellurium piezoelectricity of two-dimentional MoTe2 and WTe2 is predicted. (highly cited paper). −OP (AN#53) - I - Iodine Photodissociation and Geminate Recombination Dynamics of Iodine (I2−) in Mass-Selected Iodine−Carbon Dioxide (I2−(CO2)n) Cluster Ions, John M. Papanikolas, James R. Gord, Nancy E. Levinger, Douglas Ray, Vasil Vorsa, and W. C. Lineberger J. Phys. Chem. 1991, 95 (21), pp 8028−8040 DOI: 10.1021/j100174a008 Publication Date: October 1991 I2-(CO2)n cluster photodissociation, geminate recombination −TZ

(AN#59) - Pr - Praseodymium The Effect of LiClO4, LiCl, and LiBr on the Polarographic Behavior and Ultraviolet Spectrum of Praseodymium(III) in Ethanol, Sheldon H. Cohen, Reynold T. Iwamoto, and Jacob Kleinberg J. Phys. Chem. 1963, 67 (6), pp 1275−1278 DOI: 10.1021/j100800a027 Publication Date: June 1963 Paper on ef fects of different anions on Pr(III) in solution −BS (AN#60) - Nd - Neodymium Enhanced Emission of Deuterated Tris(hexafluoroacetylacetonato)neodymium(III) Complex in Solution by Suppression of Radiationless Transition via Vibrational Excitation, Yasuchika Hasegawa, Yasutaka Kimura, Kei Murakoshi, Yuji Wada, Jeong-Ho Kim, Nobuaki Nakashima, Tatsuhiko Yamanaka, and Shozo Yanagida J. Phys. Chem. 1996, 100 (24), pp 10201−10205 DOI: 10.1021/jp960290z Publication Date (Web): June 13, 1996 A study of the impact of various deuterated solvents on a Nd3+ complex (150 citations) −DC

(AN#54) - Xe - Xenon Distribution and Dynamic Properties of Xenon Dissolved in the Ionic Smectic Phase of [C16mim][NO3]: MD Simulation and Theoretical Model, Diego Frezzato and Giacomo Saielli J. Phys. Chem. B 2016, 120 (9), pp 2578−2585 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.5b12470 Publication Date (Web): February 5, 2016 Macroscopic transport coef f icients are calculated for xenon in an ionic liquid, as it dif f uses across the ionic layers of the smectic phase f rom a hydrophobic, alkyl environment. −TC (AN#55) - Cs - Cesium Many-Body Effects Determine the Local Hydration Structure of Cs+ in Solution, Debbie Zhuang, Marc Riera, Gregory K. Schenter, John L. Fulton, and Francesco Paesani J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2019, 10 (3), pp 406−412 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.8b03829 Publication Date (Web): January 10, 2019 MD simulations of Cs+ hydration demonstrate the importance of polarization ef fects. −HZ

(AN#61) - Pm - Promethium Calorimetric Determination of the Mean β-Energy and HalfLife of Promethium-147, E. J. Wheelwright, D. M. Fleming, and F. P. Roberts J. Phys. Chem. 1965, 69 (4), pp 1220−1223 DOI: 10.1021/j100888a021 Publication Date: April 1965 The authors determine the mean β-particle energy and the half-life of promethium 147. −EW

(AN#56) - Ba - Barium Structures of the Ferroelectric Phases of Barium Titanate, G. H. Kwei, A. C. Lawson, S. J. L. Billinge, and S. W. Cheong J. Phys. Chem. 1993, 97 (10), pp 2368−2377 DOI: 10.1021/j100112a043 Publication Date: March 1993 Structure of ferroelectric phases of BaTiO3 determined by Rietveld refinement using powder dif f raction data collected at a spallation neutron source −AG

(AN#62) - Sm - Samarium The Near Infrared Transitions of the Trivalent Lanthanides in Solution. I. Praseodymium(III), Neodymium(III), Samarium(III), and Europium(III) Ions, W. T. Carnall, D. M. Gruen, and R. L. McBeth J. Phys. Chem. 1962, 66 (11), pp 2159−2164 DOI: 10.1021/j100817a020 Publication Date: November 1962 Report of NIR transitions of molten trivalent lanthanides −FG

(AN#57) - La - Lanthanum Fullerenes with Metals Inside, Yan Chai, Ting Guo, Changming Jin, Robert E. Haufler, L. P. Felipe Chibante, Jan Fure, Lihong Wang, J. Michael Alford, and Richard E. Smalley

(AN#63) - Eu - Europium Hierarchical Emergence and Dynamic Control of Chirality in a Photoresponsive Dinuclear Complex, Yuichiro Hashimoto, 5842

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Takuya Nakashima, Miku Yamada, Junpei Yuasa, Gwénaël Rapenne, and Tsuyoshi Kawai J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2018, 9 (9), pp 2151−2157 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.8b00690 Publication Date (Web): April 11, 2018 Hierarchical emergence and dynamic control of chirality in a photoresponsive dinuclear complex −GS

(AN#68) - Er - Erbium Highly Efficient Multicolor Up-Conversion Emissions and Their Mechanisms of Monodisperse NaYF4:Yb,Er Core and Core/Shell-Structured Nanocrystals, Hao-Xin Mai,Ya-Wen Zhang, Ling-Dong Sun, and Chun-Hua Yan J. Phys. Chem. C 2007, 111 (37), pp 13721−13729 DOI: 10.1021/jp073920d Publication Date (Web): August 24, 2007 Synthesis of highly ef f icient erbium doped phosphors and their mechanism of ef f icient up-conversion −HF

(AN#64) - Gd - Gadolinium Water-Exchange, Electronic Relaxation, and Rotational Dynamics of the MRI Contrast Agent [Gd(DTPA-BMA)(H2O)] in Aqueous Solution: A Variable Pressure, Temperature, and Magnetic Field Oxygen-17 NMR Study, Gabriel Gonzalez, D. Hugh Powell, Veronique Tissieres, and Andre E. Merbach J. Phys. Chem. 1994, 98 (1), pp 53−59 DOI: 10.1021/j100052a010 17 O NMR longitudinal and transverse relaxation rates and chemical shif ts were measured for a gadolinium complex as a measure of the ef f icacy as a magnetic resonance imaging contrast agent. −GEMS

(AN#69) - Tm - Thulium The Electronic and Vibrational Structure of Endohedral Tm3N@C80 (I) Fullerene - Proof of an Encaged Tm3+, Matthias Krause, Xianjie Liu, Joanna Wong, Thomas Pichler, Martin Knupfer, and Lothar Dunsch J. Phys. Chem. A 2005, 109 (32), pp 7088−7093 DOI: 10.1021/jp0525080 Publication Date (Web): July 23, 2005 Characterization of encaged Tm3+ in C80 f ullerene −HG

(AN#65) - Tb - Terbium Rare Earths. II. A Mass Spectrometric Determination of the Heats of Sublimation (or Vaporization) of Neodymium, Praseodymium, Gadolinium, Terbium, Dysprosium, Holmium, Erbium and Lutetium, David White, Patrick N. Walsh, Harold W. Goldstein, and David F. Dever J. Phys. Chem. 1961, 65 (8), pp 1404−1409 DOI: 10.1021/j100826a030 Publication Date: August 1961 Initial measurement of mass spectrometry determination of heat of sublimation of seven rare earth metals including terbium, holmium, erbium, and lutetium −GL

(AN#70) - Yb - Ytterbium Visible Upconversion in Rare Earth Ion-Doped Gd2O3 Nanocrystals, Hai Guo, Ning Dong, Min Yin, Weiping Zhang, Liren Lou, and Shangda Xia J. Phys. Chem. B 2004, 108 (50), pp 19205−19209 DOI: 10.1021/jp048072q Publication Date (Web): November 20, 2004 A landmark paper in the rare-earth upconversion literature −JF (AN#71) - Lu - Lutetium Electrical and Magnetic Properties of Liquid Crystalline Molecular Materials: Lithium and Lutetium Phthalocyanine Derivatives, Z. Belarbi, C. Sirlin, J. Simon, and Jean Jacques Andre J. Phys. Chem. 1989, 93 (24), pp 8105−8110 DOI: 10.1021/j100361a026 Publication Date: November 1989 Double decker lutetium phthalocyanine based liquid crystalline molecular materials with interesting properties and applications −KB

(AN#66) - Dy - Dysprosium Synthesis, Structure, Photoluminescence, and Electroluminescence Properties of a New Dysprosium Complex, Zhe-Feng Li, Liang Zhou, Jiang-Bo Yu, Hong-Jie Zhang, Rui-Ping Deng, Ze-Ping Peng, and Zhi-Yong Guo J. Phys. Chem. C 2007, 111 (5), pp 2295−2300 DOI: 10.1021/jp064749t Publication Date (Web): January 17, 2007 A new dysprosium complex was synthesized, and its structural and photophysical properties were evaluated. The energy transfer mechanism between the ligand and central Dy3+ ion is discussed, and a series of electroluminescent devices were built. Emission at both yellow (572 nm) and blue (480 nm) wavelengths was observed. Appropriate choice of the yellow/blue intensity ratio is proposed to be tunable to achieve white luminescent emission. −GRG

(AN#72) - Hf - Hafnium Atomic Layer Deposition of Hafnium Oxide from Tetrakis(ethylmethylamino)hafnium and Water Precursors, Wei Chen, Qing−Qing Sun, Min Xu, Shi-Jin Ding, David Wei Zhang, and Li-Kang Wang J. Phys. Chem. C 2007, 111 (17), pp 6495−6499 DOI: 10.1021/jp070362u Publication Date (Web): April 6, 2007 Thermodynamics of half nium calculated to predict atomic layer deposition processes. - MZ

(AN#67) - Ho - Holmium Amplifying Excitation-Power Sensitivity of Photon Upconversion in a NaYbF4:Ho Nanostructure for Direct Visualization of Electromagnetic Hotspots, Bing Chen, Yong Liu, Yao Xiao, Xian Chen, Yang Li, Mingyu Li, Xvsheng Qiao, Xianping Fan, and Feng Wang J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2016, 7 (23), pp 4916−4921 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.6b02210 Publication Date (Web): November 15, 2016 Holmium ion doped nanoparticles produce upconverted luminescence that can be used for imaging hot-spots in plasmonic materials. −GVH

(AN#73) - Ta - Tantalum Quantum-Sized PbS, CdS, Ag2S, Sb2S3, and Bi2S3 Particles as Sensitizers for Various Nanoporous Wide-Bandgap Semiconductors, R. Vogel, P. Hoyer, and H. Weller J. Phys. Chem. 1994, 98 (12), pp 3183−3188 DOI: 10.1021/j100063a022 Publication Date: March 1994 Paper investigates the sensitization of nanoporous oxides (including tantalum oxide) by quantum-sized metal sulf ides. −BM 5843

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J. Phys. Chem. 1982, 86 (17), pp 3391−3395 DOI: 10.1021/j100214a025 Publication Date: August 1982 Classic paper on colloidal gold (and silver) −CM

(AN#74) - W - Tungsten Photoelectrochemistry of Quantized Tungsten Trioxide Colloids: Electron Storage, Electrochromic, and Photoelectrochromic Effects, Idriss Bedja, Surat Hotchandani, and Prashant V. Kamat J. Phys. Chem. 1993, 97 (42), pp 11064−11070 DOI: 10.1021/j100144a027 Publication Date: October 1993 Tungsten oxide (WO3) colloidal particles have been shown to act as electron-relay systems with potential for construction of solar energy conversion and storage devices. −PJ

(AN#80) - Hg - Mercury Mercury Drop “Attacks” an Oxidant Crystal, Satoshi Nakata, Haruhisa Komoto, Kumiko Hayashi, and Michael Menzinger J. Phys. Chem. B 2000, 104 (15), pp 3589−3593 DOI: 10.1021/jp9936502 Publication Date (Web): March 3, 2000 A mercury drop “attacks” a K2Cr2O7 crystal placed ∼10 mm apart. The circular Hg drop began to elongate and to move toward the crystal with a shape and motion related to the anisotropy of the interfacial tension. −VB

(AN#75) - Re - Rhenium Surface Catalytic Sites Prepared from [HRe(CO)5] and [H3Re3(CO)12]: Mononuclear, Trinuclear, and Metallic Rhenium Catalysts Supported on Magnesia, P. S. Kirlin, F. B. M. van Zon, D. C. Koningsberger, and Bruce C. Gates J. Phys. Chem. 1990, 94 (22), pp 8439−8450 DOI: 10.1021/j100385a017 Publication Date: November 1990 Spectroscopic and structural characterization of various heterogeneous Re catalysts on MgO, providing a better understanding of catalytic activity −RD

(AN#81) - Tl - Thallium Viscosity and Self-Diffusion of Liquid Thallium from Its Melting Point to About 1300 K, J. A. Cahill and A. V. Grosse J. Phys. Chem. 1965, 69 (2), pp 518−521 DOI: 10.1021/j100886a026 Publication Date: February 1965 Great example of how physical property measurements were at one time an important part of the journal, here in the context of a less common element −WFS

(AN#76) - Os - Osmium Application of the Energy Gap Law to Excited-State Decay of Osmium(II)−Polypyridine Complexes: Calculation of Relative Nonradiative Decay Rates from Emission Spectral Profiles, Edward M. Kober, Jonathan V. Caspar, Richard S. Lumpkin, and Thomas J. Meyer J. Phys. Chem. 1986, 90 (16), pp 3722−3734 DOI: 10.1021/j100407a046 Publication Date: July 1986 Radiative and nonradiative decay rates of the metal-to-ligand charge-transfer excited states for osmium complexes scale in accordance with the Einstein law for spontaneous emission and the energy gap law, respectively −SL

(AN#82) - Pb - Lead Interband and Intraband Optical Studies of PbSe Colloidal Quantum Dots, Brian L. Wehrenberg, Congjun Wang, and Philippe Guyot-Sionnest James Franck Institute, The University of Chicago, 5640 South Ellis Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60637 J. Phys. Chem. B 2002, 106 (41), pp 10634−10640 DOI: 10.1021/jp021187e Publication Date (Web): September 24, 2002 Interband and intraband optical studies of PbSe colloidal quantum dots −XY

(AN#77) - Ir - Iridium A High Yield Synthesis of Ligand-Free Iridium Oxide Nanoparticles with High Electrocatalytic Activity, Yixin Zhao, Emil A. Hernandez-Pagan, Nella M. Vargas-Barbosa, Jennifer L. Dysart, and Thomas E. Mallouk J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2011, 2 (5), pp 402−406 DOI: 10.1021/jz200051c Publication Date (Web): February 7, 2011 Synthesis and characterization of IrOx nanoparticles, which are highly active for water oxidation −GCS

(AN#83) - Bi - Bismuth The Bismuth−Bismuth Tribromide and Bismuth−Bismuth Triiodide Systems, S. J. Yosim, L. D. Ransom, R. A. Sallach, and L. E. Topol J. Phys. Chem. 1962, 66 (1), pp 28−31 DOI: 10.1021/j100807a006 Publication Date: January 1962 Paper concerned with industrial applications −CM (AN#84) - Po - Polonium The Preparation and Identification of Some Intermetallic Compounds of Polonium, W. G. Witteman, A. L. Giorgi, and D. T. Vier J. Phys. Chem. 1960, 64 (4), pp 434−440 DOI: 10.1021/j100833a014 Publication Date: April 1960 The f inding of Po-forming solid alloy with other elements −ZPL

(AN#78) - Pt - Platinum Platinum Black Catalysts. I, G. B. Taylor, G. B. Kistiakowsky, and J. H. Perry J. Phys. Chem. 1930, 34 (4), pp 748−752 DOI: 10.1021/j150310a007 Publication Date: January 1929 Platinum black was prepared by three methods, and its catalytic activity to several oxidation and reduction reactions was correlated with particle size, with the smaller particle size showing higher catalytic activity. −TM

(AN#85) - At - Astatine Astatine Standard Redox Potentials and Speciation in Acidic Medium, J. Champion, C. Alliot, E. Renault, B. M. Mokili, M. Chérel, N. Galland, and G. Montavon J. Phys. Chem. A 2010, 114 (1), pp 576−582 DOI: 10.1021/jp9077008 Publication Date (Web): December 16, 2009

(AN#79) - Au - Gold Adsorption and Surface-Enhanced Raman of Dyes on Silver and Gold Sols, P. C. Lee and D. Meisel 5844

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A combined experimental and theoretical study that shows that At can be present in aqueous solution in three forms, namely, At−, At+, and AtO+, in the 1−2 pH range, and that the oxidation state 0 cannot exist −FZ

DOI: 10.1021/jp0641435 Publication Date (Web): November 15, 2006 Electronic structure calculations of the Pa(V) oxocation in aqueous solution clearly support f rom an energetic point of view the experimental result that monooxo protactinyl cation, PaO3+ is a preferable species for Pa(V)aq. −PJ

(AN#86) - Rn - Radon Adsorption of Radon on Metal Surfaces: A Model Study for Chemical Investigations of Elements 112 and 114, R. Eichler and M. Schädel J. Phys. Chem. B 2002, 106 (21), pp 5413−5420 DOI: 10.1021/jp015553q Publication Date (Web): April 27, 2002 There are more highly cited papers, but they usually include radon with a bunch of other noble gases. −CM

(AN#92) - U - Uranium The Uranium−Oxygen System: UO2.5 to U3O8, H. R. Hoekstra, S. Siegel, L. H. Fuchs, and J. J. Katz J. Phys. Chem. 1955, 59 (2), pp 136−138 DOI: 10.1021/j150524a010 Publication Date: February 1955 Uranium−oxygen system: UO2.5 to U3O8 −TZ (AN#93) - U - Neptunium Measurement of the Absorption Spectra of Neptunium Ions in Heavy Water Solution from 0.35 to 1.85 μ, W. C. Waggener J. Phys. Chem. 1958, 62 (3), pp 382−383 DOI: 10.1021/j150561a050 Publication Date: March 1958 Examines the adsorption spectrum of neptunium in heavy water −AG

(AN#87) - Fr - Francium First Experimentally Determined Thermodynamic Values of Francium: Hydration Energy, Energy of Partitioning, and Thermodynamic Radius, Lætitia H. Delmau, Jérôme Moine, Saed Mirzadeh, and Bruce A. Moyer J. Phys. Chem. B 2013, 117 (31), pp 9258−9261 DOI: 10.1021/jp401880f Publication Date (Web): July 12, 2013 Experimental measurement of Fr+ ionic radius resulted in a smaller radius than previously thought. −GCS

(AN#94) - Pu - Plutonium The Kinetics of the Reaction between Plutonium(VI) and Iron(II), T. W. Newton and F. B. Baker J. Phys. Chem. 1963, 67 (7), pp 1425−1432 DOI: 10.1021/j100801a005 Publication Date: July 1963 Classic 1962 study of rates and thermodynamics of the oxidation−reduction reaction of plutonium and iron −ASM

(AN#88) - Ra - Radium Structures and Heats of Formation of Simple Alkaline Earth Metal Compounds II: Fluorides, Chlorides, Oxides, and Hydroxides for Ba, Sr, and Ra, Monica Vasiliu, J. Grant Hill, Kirk A. Peterson, and David A. Dixon J. Phys. Chem. A 2018, 122 (1), pp 316−327 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpca.7b09056 Publication Date (Web): December 14, 2017 Relativistic coupled cluster theory has been used to calculate heats of formation of compounds of Ra. −KB

(AN#95) - Am - Americium Americium Organometallic Ions Produced by Laser Ablation of AmO2 in Polyimide, John K. Gibson J. Phys. Chem. A 1998, 102 (24), pp 4501−4508 DOI: 10.1021/jp981145j Publication Date (Web): May 20, 1998 Americium organometallic ions produced by laser ablation of AmO2 in polyimide −AY

(AN#89) - Ac - Actinium Capped Semiconductor Colloids. Synthesis and Photoelectrochemical Behavior of TiO2 Capped SnO2 Nanocrystallites, Idriss Bedja and Prashant V. Kamat J. Phys. Chem. 1995, 99 (22), pp 9182−9188 DOI: 10.1021/j100022a035 Publication Date: June 1995 The volatility of actinium was measured through volatilization experiments at high temperature. −JZ

(AN#96) - Cm - Curium Hydration Shell Structure and Dynamics of Curium(III) in Aqueous Solution: First Principles and Empirical Studies, Raymond Atta-Fynn, Eric J. Bylaska, Gregory K. Schenter, and Wibe A. de Jong J. Phys. Chem. A 2011, 115 (18), pp 4665−4677 DOI: 10.1021/jp201043f Publication Date (Web): April 18, 2011 Simulation paper on the structure of Cm(III) in aqueous solution −BS

(AN#90) - Th - Thorium Making and Breaking Bonds in the Solid State: The Thorium Chromium Silicide (ThCr2SI2) Structure, Roald Hoffmann and Chong Zheng J. Phys. Chem. 1985, 89 (20), pp 4175−4181 DOI: 10.1021/j100266a007 Publication Date: September 1985 Highly cited feature article by Roald Hoff man on crystal structures for which ThCr2Si2 is a prototype −JF

(AN#97) - Bk - Berkelium Electron-Transfer Spectra and the II−III Oxidation Potentials of Some Lanthanide and Actinide Halides in Solution, Leonard J. Nugent, R. D. Baybarz, and J. L. Burnett J. Phys. Chem. 1969, 73 (4), pp 1177−1178 DOI: 10.1021/j100724a084 Publication Date: April 1969 Includes calculated absorption maximum and oxidation potential of BkBr −DC

(AN#91) - Pa - Protactinium Theoretical Study on Molecular Property of Protactinium(V) and Uranium(VI) Oxocations: Why Does Protactinium(V) Form Monooxo Cations in Aqueous Solution? Takashi Toraishi, Takao Tsuneda, and Satoru Tanaka J. Phys. Chem. A 2006, 110 (49), pp 13303−13309 5845

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state of Lr is more stable than the higher mass group 5 elements −GVH

(AN#98) - Cf - Californium Radiolysis of 0.4 M Sulfuric Acid Solutions with Fission Fragments from Dissolved Californium-252. Estimated Yields of Radical and Molecular Products that Escape Reactions in Fission Fragment Tracks, Ned E. Bibler J. Phys. Chem. 1975, 79 (19), pp 1991−1995 DOI: 10.1021/j100586a002 Publication Date: September 1975 A study of the radiolysis of sulf uric acid solution, with and without Fe2+ and Ce4+ ions, using dissolved californium-252 −EW

(AN#104) - Rf - Rutherfordium Total Energy Calculations of RfCl4 and Homologues in the Framework of Relativistic Density Functional Theory, S. Varga, B. Fricke, M. Hirata, T. Baştuğ, V. Pershina, and S. Fritzsche J. Phys. Chem. A 2000, 104 (27), pp 6495−6498 DOI: 10.1021/jp993980m Publication Date (Web): June 16, 2000 Demonstration that a four-component, f ully relativistic density f unctional method could provide accurate values for the formation and binding energies of Rf Cl4 −HF

(AN#99) - Es - Einsteinium Intramolecular Energy Transfer and Sensitized Luminescence in Actinide(III) β-Diketone Chelates, Leonard J. Nugent, J. L. Burnett, R. D. Baybarz, George Knoll Werner, S. P. Tanner, J. R. Tarrant, and O. L. Keller, Jr. J. Phys. Chem. 1969, 73 (5), pp 1540−1549 DOI: 10.1021/j100725a060 Publication Date: May 1969 First measurements of Es(III) chelate lifetimes f rom the transuranium laboratory at ORNL −FG

(AN#105) - Db - Dubnium Thermochemical Characterization of Seaborgium Compounds in Gas Adsorption Chromatography, B. Eichler, A. Türler, and, H. W. Gäggeler J. Phys. Chem. A 1999, 103 (46), pp 9296−9306 DOI: 10.1021/jp9917751 Publication Date (Web): October 30, 1999 Dubnium is mentioned in this paper, but no experimental data are reported. −HG

(AN#100) - Fm - Fermium Electron-Transfer Spectra and the II−III Oxidation Potentials of Some Lanthanide and Actinide Halides in Solution, Leonard J. Nugent, R. D. Baybarz, and J. L. Burnett J. Phys. Chem. 1969, 73 (4), pp 1177−1178 DOI: 10.1021/j100724a084 Publication Date: April 1969 Calculated oxidation potential (II−III) and lowest chargetransfer band for a Fermium bromide. −GEMS

(AN#106) - Sg - Seaborgium Ionization Potentials of Seaborgium, E. Johnson, V. Pershina, and B. Fricke J. Phys. Chem. A 1999, 103 (42), pp 8458−8462 DOI: 10.1021/jp9903211 Publication Date (Web): October 4, 1999 This is the f irst paper to attempt to calculate the ionization potentials of seaborgium, which was off icially only 2 years old at the time. −JF

(AN#101) - Md - Mendelevium Role of Atomic Electronics in f-Element Bond Formation: Bond Energies of Lanthanide and Actinide Oxide Molecules, John K. Gibson J. Phys. Chem. A 2003, 107 (39), pp 7891−7899 DOI: 10.1021/jp035003n Publication Date (Web): August 22, 2003 This paper makes estimates of the bond dissociation enthalpies of all the actinide monoxides. −GCS

(AN#107) - Bh - Bohrium On the Stability and Volatility of Group 8 Tetroxides, MO4 (M = Ruthenium, Osmium, and Hassium (Z = 108)), Christoph E. Düllmann, Bernd Eichler, Robert Eichler, Heinz W. Gäggeler, and Andreas Türle J. Phys. Chem. B 2002, 106 (26), pp 6679−6684 DOI: 10.1021/jp0257146 Publication Date (Web): June 8, 2002 Bohrium is briefly mentioned in a study that mostly refers to Hs. −KB

(AN#102) - No - Nobelium Role of Atomic Electronics in f-Element Bond Formation: Bond Energies of Lanthanide and Actinide Oxide Molecules, John K. Gibson J. Phys. Chem. A 2003, 107 (39), pp 7891−7899 DOI: 10.1021/jp035003n Publication Date (Web): August 22, 2003 The bond dissociation energy of NoO cannot be estimated with confidence. −GCS

(AN#108) - Hs - Hassium On the Stability and Volatility of Group 8 Tetroxides, MO4 (M = Ruthenium, Osmium, and Hassium (Z = 108)), Christoph E. Düllmann, Bernd Eichler, Robert Eichler, Heinz W. Gäggeler, and Andreas Türle J. Phys. Chem. B 2002, 106 (26), pp 6679−6684 DOI: 10.1021/jp0257146 Publication Date (Web): June 8, 2002 The adsorption behavior of HsO4 on quartz surfaces is predicted on the basis of its chemical stability. −MZ

(AN#103) - Lr - Lawrencium Redox Reactions for Group 5 Elements, Including Element 105, in Aqueous Solutions, G. V. Ionova, V. Pershina, E. Johnson, B. Fricke, and M. Schaedel J. Phys. Chem. 1992, 96 (26), pp 11096−11101 DOI: 10.1021/j100205a086 Publication Date: December 1992 Calculation of ionization potentials using the multiconfiguration Dirac−Fock method, showing that the maximum oxidation

(AN#109) - Mt - Meitnerium N/A (AN#110) - DS - Darmstadtium N/A 5846

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For the very heaviest elements, trends in atomic properties (here ionization potential and excitation energies) are most readily probed with f irst-principles calculations. −WFS

(AN#111) - Rg - Roentgenium Predicted Properties of the Superheavy Elements. II. Element 111, Eka-Gold, O. L. Keller, Jr., C. W. Nestor, Jr., Thomas A. Carlson, and Burkhard Fricke J. Phys. Chem. 1973, 77 (14), pp 1806−1809 DOI: 10.1021/j100633a017 Publication Date: July 1973 Early (1973) electronic structure study comparing Rg and Au −TG

(AN#115) - Mc - Moscovium Predicted Properties of The Superheavy Elements. III. Element 115, Eka-Bismuth, O. L. Keller, Jr., C. W. Nestor, Jr., and Burkhard Fricke J. Phys. Chem. 1974, 78 (19), pp 1945−1949 DOI: 10.1021/j100612a015 Publication Date: September 1974 Computational study comparing Mc with Bi - XY

(AN#112) - Cn - Copernicium Atomic and Molecular Properties of Elements 112, 114, and 118, Clinton S. Nash J. Phys. Chem. A 2005, 109 (15), pp 3493−3500 DOI: 10.1021/jp050736o Publication Date (Web): March 26, 2005 Theoretical calculations of atoms and diatomic molecules of elements 112, 114, and 118 were conducted, and the ef fects of spin− orbit coupling on the expected chemistry were examined. Element 112 (copernicium) is similar in most respects to Hg, but the complex valence shell structure makes it intermediate in behavior between 6d and 7p transactinides. −TM

(AN#116) - Lv - Livermorium An Anomalous Bond Angle in (116)H2. Theoretical Evidence for Supervalent Hybridization, Clinton S. Nash and Wesley W. Crockett J. Phys. Chem. A 2006, 110 (14), pp 4619−4621 DOI: 10.1021/jp060888z Publication Date (Web): March 18, 2006 Theoretical calculation shows the interesting structure of LvH2 structure due to spin−orbit coupling. −ZPL (AN#117) - Ts - Tennessine Spin−Orbit Effects on the Electronic Structure of Heavy and Superheavy Hydrogen Halides: Prediction of an Anomalously Strong Bond in H[117], Clinton S. Nash and Bruce E. Bursten J. Phys. Chem. A 1999, 103 (5), pp 632−636 DOI: 10.1021/jp9843407 Publication Date (Web): January 13, 1999 MRCI and CCSD(T) calculations of the bond energy and bond length of HTs show that the 8s orbital contributes significantly to bonding due to spin−orbit ef fects. −GCS

(AN#113) - Nh - Nihonium Atomic Properties of Element 113 and Its Adsorption on Inert Surfaces from ab Initio Dirac−Coulomb Calculations, V. Pershina, A. Borschevsky, E. Eliav, and U. Kaldor J. Phys. Chem. A 2008, 112 (51), pp 13712−13716 DOI: 10.1021/jp8061306 Publication Date (Web): December 2, 2008 Dirac−Coulomb calculations with comparison with Tl −GCS

(AN#118) - Og - Oganesson Atomic and Molecular Properties of Elements 112, 114, and 118, Clinton S. Nash J. Phys. Chem. A 2005, 109 (15), pp 3493−3500 DOI: 10.1021/jp050736o Publication Date (Web): March 26, 2005 CCSD(T) study of Og suggests that it is much more reactive than Rn, with a Og2 bond energy of 0.062 eV, compared to 0.016 eV for Rn2. −GCS

(AN#114) - Fl - Flerovium Taming the Electronic Structure of Lead and Eka-lead (Flerovium) by the Relativistic Coupled Cluster Method, Rajat K. Chaudhuri, Sudip Chattopadhyay, and Uttam Sinha Mahapatra J. Phys. Chem. A 2013, 117 (36), pp 8555−8567 DOI: 10.1021/jp402376b Publication Date (Web): May 7, 2013 Table 1. Editor Abbreviations GCS ABM JS CM GS VB KB JB DC TC RD HF MF JF FG AG TG

George C. Schatz, Editor-in-Chief Anne B. McCoy, Deputy Editor, JPC A Joan-Emma Shea, Deputy Editor, JPC B Catherine J. Murphy, Deputy Editor, JPC C Gregory Scholes, Deputy Editor, JPC Letters Victor Batista GRG Kankan Bhattacharyya HG Juan Bisquert GVH Daniel Crawford PJ Tanja Cuk SL Robert Dickson GL Howard Fairbrother ZPL Maria Forsyth BM John Fourkas TM Franz Geiger ASM Andrew Gewirth OP Theodore Goodson, III WFS

Gillian R. Goward Hua Guo Gregory V. Hartland Pavel Jungwirth Stephan Link Gang-yu Liu Zhi-Pan Liu Benedetta Mennucci Timothy Minton Amy Mullin Oleg Prezhdo William Schneider 5847


Benjamin Schwartz Neil Snider Gemma Solomon Eric Weitz Xueming Yang Arun Yethiraj Francisco Zaera Martin Zanni Jin Zhang Haizheng Zhong Timothy Zwier

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpca.9b03461 J. Phys. Chem. A 2019, 123, 5837−5848

The Journal of Physical Chemistry A


George C. Schatz, Editor-in-Chief Anne B. McCoy, Deputy Editor, JPC A Joan-Emma Shea, Deputy Editor, JPC B Catherine J. Murphy, Deputy Editor, JPC C Gregory Scholes, Deputy Editor, JPC Letters Victor Batista, Senior Editor, A/B/C Kankan Bhattacharyya, Senior Editor, A/B/C Juan Bisquert, Senior Editor, JPCL Daniel Crawford, Senior Editor, A/B/C Tanja Cuk, Senior Editor, JPCL Robert Dickson, Senior Editor, A/B/C Howard Fairbrother, Senior Editor, A/B/C Maria Forsyth, Senior Editor, JPCL John Fourkas, Senior Editor, A/B/C Franz Geiger, Senior Editor, A/B/C Andrew Gewirth, Senior Editor, A/B/C Theodore Goodson, III, Senior Editor, A/B/C Gillian R. Goward, Senior Editor, A/B/C Hua Guo, Senior Editor, A/B/C Gregory V. Hartland, Senior Editor, A/B/C Pavel Jungwirth, Senior Editor, A/B/C Stephan Link, Senior Editor, A/B/C Gang-yu Liu, Senior Editor, A/B/C Zhi-Pan Liu, Senior Editor, A/B/C Benedetta Mennucci, Senior Editor, JPCL Timothy Minton, Senior Editor, A/B/C Amy S. Mullin, Senior Editor, A/B/C Oleg Prezhdo, Senior Editor, JPCL William F. Schneider, Senior Editor, A/B/C Benjamin Schwartz, Senior Editor, A/B/C Neil Snider, Assistant Editor, A/B/C Gemma Solomon, Senior Editor, A/B/C Eric Weitz, Senior Editor, A/B/C Xueming Yang, Senior Editor, A/B/C Arun Yethiraj, Senior Editor, A/B/C Francisco Zaera, Senior Editor, JPCL Martin Zanni, Senior Editor, A/B/C Jin Zhang, Senior Editor, JPCL Haizheng Zhong, Senior Editor, JPCL Timothy Zwier, Senior Editor, JPCL

Andrew Gewirth: 0000-0003-4400-9907 Theodore Goodson, III: 0000-0003-2453-2290 Gillian R. Goward: 0000-0002-7489-3329 Hua Guo: 0000-0001-9901-053X Gregory V. Hartland: 0000-0002-8650-6891 Pavel Jungwirth: 0000-0002-6892-3288 Stephan Link: 0000-0002-4781-930X Gang-yu Liu: 0000-0003-3689-0685 Zhi-Pan Liu: 0000-0002-2906-5217 Benedetta Mennucci: 0000-0002-4394-0129 Timothy Minton: 0000-0003-4577-7879 Amy S. Mullin: 0000-0002-7984-8869 Oleg Prezhdo: 0000-0002-5140-7500 William F. Schneider: 0000-0003-0664-2138 Benjamin Schwartz: 0000-0003-3257-9152 Gemma Solomon: 0000-0002-2018-1529 Eric Weitz: 0000-0002-7447-4060 Arun Yethiraj: 0000-0002-8579-449X Francisco Zaera: 0000-0002-0128-7221 Martin Zanni: 0000-0001-7191-9768 Jin Zhang: 0000-0003-3437-912X Haizheng Zhong: 0000-0002-2662-7472 Timothy Zwier: 0000-0002-4468-5748 Notes

Views expressed in this editorial are those of the authors and not necessarily the views of the ACS. This Editorial is jointly published in The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, B, C, and Letters.



George C. Schatz: 0000-0001-5837-4740 Anne B. McCoy: 0000-0001-6851-6634 Joan-Emma Shea: 0000-0002-9801-9273 Catherine J. Murphy: 0000-0001-7066-5575 Gregory Scholes: 0000-0003-3336-7960 Victor Batista: 0000-0002-3262-1237 Kankan Bhattacharyya: 0000-0002-7463-3156 Juan Bisquert: 0000-0003-4987-4887 Daniel Crawford: 0000-0002-7961-7016 Tanja Cuk: 0000-0002-1635-2946 Robert Dickson: 0000-0003-0042-6194 Howard Fairbrother: 0000-0003-4405-9728 Maria Forsyth: 0000-0002-4273-8105 John Fourkas: 0000-0002-4522-9584 Franz Geiger: 0000-0001-8569-4045 5848

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpca.9b03461 J. Phys. Chem. A 2019, 123, 5837−5848