The Kinetics of the Reaction of Isopropyl Benzoate with Hydroxide Ion

Jun 4, 2018 - In a study of the reaction of potassium iso, propoxide with haloforms2 it .... isopropyl benzoate, water and potassium isopropox- ide in...
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Nov., 1958

THE KINETICS OF THE REACTION OF approached a constant value, we could have

ISOPROPYL BENZOATE WITH HYDROXlDE determined the water content by a method like of Smith. However, by studying the reacION IN ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL SOLUTION1 that tion kinetics we found it possible to devise an BYJACKHINEAND Kozo TANABE alternate method that did not require us to wait until the reaction was almost complete. We were School of Chemistry, Georgia Institute of Technology, Allanto, Ueorgia also able to determine the specific rate constant Received June 1,1968 for the reaction of hydroxide ion with the ester, In a study of the reaction of potassium iso, a type of datum that does not appear to have been propoxide with haloforms2 it was necessary to directly determined previously.9 dry isopropyl alcohol and to establish its dryness. Results and Discussion Since in our hands the methods of Fischera and The rate-controlling step of the reaction is repreof Henle4 for the determination of small amounts of water in alcohol proved unsatisfactory, we have sented by eq. 2. Therefore for periods of time of modified the method worked out by Smith for the less than a day (at S O o ) where the reaction that drying and determination of the water content of occurs in absence of water may be neglected, we ethyl alcohol.6 Smith used an excess of sodium or may write potassium ethoxide and diethyl succinate and for -a = k[OH-]E (4) analytical purposes determined the decrease in base dt concentration between zero and “infinite” time, ‘the infinite titer being determined by extrapola- where E is the concentration of ester and B is the [RO-1). tion. We hoped by a kinetic study to learn some- total strong base concentration ([OH-] The equilibrium constant for eq. 1 may be expressed what more about our system than Smith did about his, and to this end we used a monofunctional ester- by eq. ( 5 ) if the large and constant concentration isopropyl benzoate (if the only purpose were dry- of the solvent is included in K . ing, the less volatile phthalate would probably have been a better choice6) that should also obviate the possibility of a competing Claisen condensa- From this relation the hydroxide’ ion concentration tion. may be expressed In this procedure a mobile equilibrium is estab- [OH-] = lished between water and hydroxide ions.



+ H,O _J ROH + OH-



The nucleophilic alkoxide and hydroxide ions then attack the carbonyl carbon atoms of the ester much more rapidly than at any other position. Since attack by an alkoxide ion simply regenerates

+ K(W + B ) - l/[l + K(W - B ) ] ’ + 4 K B ( 1 +




where W is the total concentration of water in its two forms ([HzO] [OH-]). Substitution of eq. 6 into 4,rearrangement and integration leads to


The reaction with known initial concentrations of isopropyl benzoate, water and potassium isopropoxide in isopropyl alcohol a t 50” was followed by determining the strong base concentration at various times. Since K has been determinedlo as 1.2 at about 27” and since it mould not be exR‘CQzH + RO- +R‘COz- + ROH (3) pected to be much different at 50°, we have used The net result of eqs. 1, 2 and 3 is to remove one this figure to evaluate the integral in eq. 7 by the molecule of water a t the expense of one ester mole- trapezoidal rule using a high-speed computer. cule and one alkoxide ion. Thus so long as any The definite integrals thus evaluated were then appreciable amount of water remains, the concen- plotted against time as shown for one run in Fig. 1. tration of strong base in the alcohol solution falls From the slopes of such lines, values of k of 8.46, relatively rapidly. When the water is removed, 8.28, 8.48 and 8.48 (all X 10-8 1. mole-1 see.-’) only such slow reactions as S N and ~ E2 attack’ on were obtained in the presence of initial water conthe alkyl portion of the ester may occur.* centrations of 0.110, 0.250, 0.260 and 0.610 M . By waiting until the falling base concentration Initial ester concentrations of 0.608 M and initial base concentrations of about 0.1 M were used and (1) Supported in part by the Office of Naval Research. (2) J. Hine and K. Tanabe, J . A m . Chem. SOC.,19, 2654 (1957); all runs were followed to at least 65% completion. 80, 3002 (1958). The k values obtained are the actual k’s for the (3) K. Fischer, Angsw. Chsm., 48, 395 (1935). bimolecular attack of hydroxide ion on the ester, (4) H.Henle, Ber., 63, 719 (1920). unlike the ordinary second-order rate constants (5) E. L. Smith, J . Chem. Soe., 1284, 1288 (1927). Cf. also J. Koskikallio, Suomen Kemistilehti, SOB, 108 (1957). for alkaline ester hydrolysis in an alcohol-containing (6) Cf.R. H. Manake, J . A m . Chem. SOC.,68, 1106 (1931). solvent mixture. These latter rate constants (7) For the meaning of the terms S N and ~ E2,see J. Hine, “Physical KW)/KW to obshould be multiplied by (1 Organio Chemistry,” McGrsw-Hill Book Co., Inc., New York, N. Y., the reactants, only attack by hydroxide ion is detectable (without isotopic labelling). Here a molecule of the carboxylic acid is produced and neutralized OH- + R’COZR +R’COzH + RO(2)


1956,ohaps. 6 and 7. (8) Cf.J. F. Bunnett, M. M. Robiaon and F. C. Penningtoa, J . A m . Chem. SOC.,78, 2378 (1950).

(9) Cf. E. Tommila, A. Koivisto, J. Lyyra, K. Antell and 9. Heimo, Ann. Acad. Sci. Fennicae, 41A,1 (1952). (10) J. Hine and M. Hine, J . A m . Chsm. SOC.,74, 6266 (1952).



Vol. 62

precautions alcohols less than 0.001 M in water has been obtained. Under suitable conditions (the principal requirement being that the alcohol be sufficiently weakly acidic) it should be possible to determine K by choosing that value which in eq. 7 gives the most nearly constant values of k. However, under many conditions eq. 7 is well approximated by an integrated form of eq. 8, from which only the product kK may be obtained.

2000 3000 Sec. of the left side of eq. 7 vs. time.

1000 Fig. 1.-Plot

tain the true k in t'he common cases where W >> B. This is possible, of course, only when K has been determined. 11 It may be seen that when the concentrations of water and potassium isopropoxide are relatively small the approximations B = [RO-] and W = [HzO] are justified, so that eq. 4 leads to a simple third-order equation --=



When ester is present in sufficient amounts that its concentration does not change greatly during the period of measurement, eq. 8 may be treated as a second-order rate equation and integrated to give Thus from any point the initial water content, WO, may be calculated (most conveniently by successive approximations). We have found it possible to calculate water concentrations with an average deviation that approaches 0.001 M at concentrations below 0.01 M and approaches about 3,747. at concentrations above 0.1 M . The most reliable points taken under our conditions, using an excess of base over water, should be those between about l and 5 hours after most of the water has reacted but before the side reaction has become important. It might be noted that from eq. 9 the concentration of water remaining in the presence of 0.5 M ester and 0.1 M base after one day a t 50" should be less than one molecule per liter, so that essentially all of the water present in alcohol dried in this manner is that introduced while fractionally distillihg the material from the flask in which it was dried into a new container, etc. With suitable (11) For two estimates of K ' s see E. F. Caldin and G. Long, J . Chem. SOC.,3737 (1954), and J. Kaskikallio, Suomen KenistiEehti, SOB, 1 1 1 (1957).

Experimental Reagents.-Reagent grade isopropyl alcohol was used. The final dr ing procedure adopted consisted of dissolving a considerabL excess (over the amount of water present) of potassium in several liters of the alcohol and then adding a somewhat larger molar quantity of redistilled reagent. isopropyl benzoate. After refluxing for several hours the material was fractionally distilled. All operations were carried out under dry nitrogen. I n one run the white solid that precipitated during the period of reflux was isolated and shown to be potassium benzoate. Kinetic Runs.-In a typical run, 50 ml. of potassium iso-' propoxide solution in isopropyl alcohol was pipetted into a 100-ml. low-actinic volumetric flask in a 50" constant temperature bath-and 0.25 ml. of water added by use of a "tuberculin" syringe. At zero time, 5 ml. of isopropyl benzoate (at 50") was added by pipet and at recorded intervals 10-ml. Sam les were pipetted from the reaction flask into an excess oPdistilled water and titrated to the phenolphthalein end-point with standard perchloric acid. Preliminary tests show that ester hydrolysis was negligible during the sample-taking period. When points were taken, a slow stream of dry nitrogen was directed a t the top of the reaction flask to prevent entry of moisture from the air.


Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Texas TechnoEogical College, Lubbock, Texas Receiued June 6 , 1868

Using a method of extrapolating data from mixed benzene-dioxane solvent environment to a condition of hypothetical benzene solution, results were reported in a previous paper3for certain compounds exhibiting different degrees of association and benzene solubility. In this paper results are given for substances whose moments cannot be determined from direct measurements in benzene solution because of insolubility. In addition, for comparative purposes, data for the slightly soluble compound p-nitroaniline are also reported. Moments for these substances derived from dioxane solution have been reported by other workers, but these may generally be expected to be too high because of abnormal solute-solvent interaction. Experimental Preparation and Purification of Compounds.-Benzene and dioxape solvents were purified as indicated earlier.5 p-Aminobenzoic acid, an Eastman Kodak Co. product, was recrystallized once from 20% ethanol, and then again from 10% ethanol; m.p. 187-188". p-Nitrobenzamide was prepared from p-nitrobenzoic (1) Presented at the 133rd National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Sen Francisco, April 13-18, 1958. (2) This work was supported by a Frederick Gardner Cottrell grant from Research Corporation, New York, N. Y. (3) G. K. Estok and S, P. Sood, THIEJOURNAL, 61, 1445 (1957).