The latent heat of vaporization of an organic solid: An undergraduate

Nov 1, 1975 - A series of experiments based on a mass spectrometer to help students visualize the latent heat of vaporization for a relatively involat...
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The Latent Heat of Vaporization of an Organic Solid: An Undergraduate Experiment I t is our experience that although students can understand the concept of a latent heat of vaporization for a volatile liquid a t its normal boiling point, they often find it hard to visualize the meaning when applied to a relatively involatile solid. We have in our laboratory a series of experiments based on a mass spectrometer, and the following short experiment is a very simple way of intkducing discu&ion of this topic. The experiment consists df using the thermostat oven section of a gclms system t o saturate the helium carrier gas with the vanor of the solid in ouestion. and measurine.. the ostent-ion beak intensitv as a function of oven temoerature. all other pararnrter; heing held constant. [:sing henzorc acrd w e r thc rempsratur? range 90-1 1 5 T , the fdl