The Lysimeter Concept - American Chemical Society

Monolith lysimeters are not required for pesticide registration nor are .... be of little use in understanding pesticide leaching in soils with signif...
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Chapter 16

Evaluating Pesticide Fate and Transport: I. The Use of Lysimeter, Field, and Groundwater Monitoring Studies

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N. C. Thurman, J. K. Wolf, J. A. Hetrick, L . L . Parsons, M . R. Barrett, L . Liu, W. R. Effland, and E. Behl 1

Office of Pesticide Programs , Environmental Fate and Effects Division (7507C), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC 20460 Monolith lysimeters are not required for pesticide registration nor are they used routinely for evaluating the fate and transport of pesticides in the United States. Lysimeters may serve as a valuable link in the interpretation of laboratory and field environmental fate data for pesticides. However, several factors need to be considered in this interpretation, including 1) spatial variability of soil and site properties; 2) soil hydrology; and 3) tracking of the pesticide. Lysimeter design can cause unpredictable experimental artifacts in soil hydrology which may not represent actualfieldconditions. Natural water flow pathways in the soil may be disrupted through barrier effects of the lysimeter wall and disruption of the hydraulic gradient at the lower boundary of the lysimeter. Analysis of in-situ soil morphological and physicochemical properties provides important information for interpretation of lysimeter data. The link betweenfieldand lysimeter data can be evaluated using spatial variability information of soil properties and mass balance analysis. Spatial variability data can aid in designing the lysimeter at a scale appropriate to better represent naturalfieldconditions. In the United States, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) relies on a combination of laboratory andfieldtests to assess the fate and transport of pesticides in the environment. Laboratory studies carried out under controlled conditions evaluate individual degradation pathways and identify and characterize transformation products. Hydrolysis and photolysis studies evaluate chemical degradation; metabolism studies


The views expressed are those of the authors and do not represent the views or policy of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

©1998 American Chemical Society

In The Lysimeter Concept; Führ, F., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.


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214 evaluate biotic degradation. Mobility studies (batch equilibrium and soil column leaching) evaluate the likelihood of a pesticide to move through the soil. Properlydesigned field dissipation studies can assess the combined mobility, degradation, and dissipation of pesticides and transformation products under actual use conditions. When persistence and mobility data for a pesticide suggest a potential to contaminate ground water, USEPA requires field-scale (0.8 to 2.0 ha) ground-water monitoring studies as the final tier in the assessment of this potential. This study directly determines whether pesticide residues reach ground water. Typically one or two studies are conducted, although as many as eight studies have been required, depending upon the pesticide use area. Results offieldstudies designed to evaluate the leaching potential of a pesticide will be difficult to interpret without an experimental design that addresses variability in the field and a good understanding of how a pesticide behaves under the range of field conditions. Site variability includes heterogeneity in soil properties with depth, poorly-quantified hydrologie factors such as preferential flow, and spatial variability in soil properties across a field. Other factors affecting pesticide fate in the field include climate (precipitation, temperature, wind), surface condition (bare-ground or cropped), runoff, and spray drift. Field-scale dissipation and ground-water monitoring studies represent typical use conditions under natural settings with sites and agronomic practices that are likely to favor leaching. Because the sites are contiguous with the natural environment, landscape, and hydrology,field-studyresults integrate all factors affecting pesticide fate and transport. As with allfieldstudies,field-scalevariability may affect study design and interpretation. Environmental conditions infieldstudies are not controlled (1, 2). Many European countries use lysimeter studies, rather thanfieldor groundwater monitoring studies, as thefinaltier of their regulatory process for assessing the ground-water contamination potential of a pesticide. Monolith lysimeter studies provide a closed soil system which allows for greater control over environmental conditions and the capacity to use radiolabeled pesticides. The use of radiolabeled chemicals facilitates mass balance determinations and tracking of residues among various environmental compartments (soil, plant, leachate, air). The scale of observation afforded by the lysimeter may not be representative of sample or site conditions and may not adequately represent soil and site variability. The monolith lysimeter is isolated from the surrounding landscape, eliminating interactions such as surface runoff, lateral subsurface flow, continuity of pores and hydraulic potential gradient at the bottom of the lysimeter, and seasonal water table fluctuations. As a physical model, the lysimeter focuses on certain transport processes (leaching) over others (surface runoff, lateral flow). The lysimeter walls may interact with water flow, root growth, and soil swellmg/shrinking to create artificial transport conditions (1-7). Lysimeter studies can link laboratory andfieldstudies to further assess routes of pesticide dissipation underfield-likeconditions (7, 4). Three factors in particular need to be considered in comparing and interpreting results from monolith lysimeter andfield/ground-water monitoring studies: (1) Soil andfieldspatial variability (2) Soil hydrology interactions with the study design (3) Tracking the pesticide through various environmental compartments

In The Lysimeter Concept; Führ, F., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.


This chapter assesses the potential impact of the first two factors on interpretation of monolith lysimeter results and makes recommendations for improving the study designs. The next chapter considers mass balance and pesticide tracking for ground-water monitoring and lysimeter studies.

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Soil and Field Spatial Variability The spatial variability of measurable soil properties such as infiltration rate, hydraulic conductivity, organic matter and clay contents, cation exchange capacity, density, frequency and distribution of large continuous pores (macropores), and microbial biomass are well-documented (8, 9). These factors influence the fate and transport of pesticides in the environment. Inadequate consideration of spatial variability in field experimental design results in increased uncertainty in results, inadequate characterization of the range of preferential flow pathways, and difficulty in extrapolating results to other sites, conditions, or soils. Appropriately-designed leaching studies should consider macroporosity and preferential flow paths, vertical heterogeneityfromsoil horizonation, spatial variability of soil and site properties on a variety of scales, and hydrologie impacts on pesticide movement. Ground-water monitoring studies are often conducted on sites with relatively homogeneous soils to minimize sampling and simplify data analysis. Lysimeter studies often select sites which are not prone to preferential flow (4). However, results of studies on relatively homogeneous soils with few macropores may be of little use in understanding pesticide leaching in soils with significant preferential flow paths (10). Soil surveys describe variability in soil properties on a landscape scale and can serve as a useful tool in designing pesticide leaching studies (10-12). Incorporating variability of soil properties into environmental fate assessments may provide important information on the scale dependence and uncertainty of processes affecting pesticide fate and transport through the vadose zone. Individual Sample Variability. Variations in leaching at the sample scale reflect local soil variability in organic matter, texture, structure, density, and porosity. Attempts to characterize soils on the basis of one property, such as texture, rarely provide sufficient information to predict the extent of pesticide leaching in soil. Textural class designations, such as sandy loam, loam, or clay, reflect the distribution of the individual particle sizes in a soil. However, a silt loam in Florida is not going to be the same as a silt loam in Germany because of the interaction of the other soil properties. Individual soil particles are often aggregated into larger structural units, called peds, which affect pore distribution and resulting water flow and transport. The ped is a natural unit of soil structure which may take on different forms and sizes (Figure 1). The structural arrangement present in the soil affects the arrangement of soil pores, which will influence solute adsorption within and transport through the soil. Lysimeters maintain soil aggregation and thus approximate "natural" soil conditions. Soil porosity includes small pores between individual particles (often 5000 μιη in diameter), continuous or interconnecting planar and cylindrical pores (macropores) can serve as primary conduits for water and solutes through the vadose zone to ground water (13-16). In order to capture the variability in soil hydrologie properties and solute transport likely to occur from the variability in soil properties, Bouma (70, 77) recommends a minimum representative sample volume of 20 to 30 peds. The size of peds typically varies with the type (shape and arrangement) of the ped (Figure 1). Two soilsfromcentral Pennsylvania (77) illustrate how differences in representative sample volume affect soil hydrologie properties and, thus, ideal lysimeter size. The Gatesburg (Leetonia Variant) soil, a Spodosol (coarse-loamy, siliceous, mesic Entic Haplorthods), is a loose sandy soil (>80% sand) with little or no ped formation (7 7). The irregular, undulating nature of the soil horizons (Figure 2) reflects variations in waterflowand transport of soil constituents. A minimum sample area of 0.5 m χ 0.5 m is needed to capture the 10- to 20-cm wide horizon boundary undulations common to this soil. Hagerstown, an Alfisol (fine, mixed, mesic Typic Hapludalfs\ is a clayey soil (maximum clay concentrations rangefrom50 to >70%) dominated by blocky peds, approximately 2 to 5 cm in diameter (Figure 3) (7 7). Water and solute transport through this soil often includes substantial preferential flow along the pores between the peds and through cylindrical biopores. A minimum sample area of 0.25 m χ 0.25 m may be adequate to include variabilityfromthe blocky structure; a much larger area may be needed to include the network of continuous macropores. Field Scale Variability. Soil surveys capture major landscape variations by separating soils into mapping units. Most detailed soil surveys in the United States are conducted at a scale between 1:12,000 and 1:24,000, with a minimum mapping unit delineation size of 0.6 to 2.3 ha (18). At best, up to 25% of these mapping unit delineations may contain inclusions of dissimilar soils (18). Field studies may encompass more than one mapping unit. Even in apparently "uniform" fields, variation in soil properties will occur. For this reason, multiple samples are necessary to characterize soils in the field before a sampling strategy for leaching studies is designed. An awareness of the spatial pattern of variability is important for selecting sites for leaching studies so that meaningful interpretations can be obtainedfromthese studies. Jabbro et al (79) measured the in-situ saturated hydraulic conductivity (K^) in selected central Pennsylvania soils at 1-m intervals along a 40-m transect at a depth of 0.5-0.6 m with a constant-head, bore-hole permeameter. Hydraulic conductivity, the proportionality factor in Darcy's law equivalent to the flux of water per unit gradient of hydraulic potential (20), is a measure of the ease or difficulty with which water flows through soil. This study included the Gatesburg and Hagerstown soils illustrated in Figures 2 and 3. The Gatesburg soil had the greatest range in values (Table I) and showed a significant spatial trend up to 4 meters (79). While most of the sample points had values 2 m/day. The spatial variation reflected the undulating pattern seen in the soil profile. The maximum values in both soils probably represent areas of preferential flow, which are not uncommon even in sandy-textured soils (14). values in the Hagerstown soil (Table I) followed a

In The Lysimeter Concept; Führ, F., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.


Description A

dark brown, loose, loamy sand

very pale brown to light gray, loose, sand to loamy sand

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dark reddish brown, friable, loamy sand; irregular boundary follows old root channels (now filled) reddish yellow, friable, loamy sand to sandy loam reddish yellow to yellow, friable, loamy sand to sandy loam

Figure 2. Drawing of a typical Gatesburg soil profile (based on a photograph by the author). Description Ap

-υ 50


Ϊ Λ - Ι _.L>



dark brown silt loam; granular (g) structure loam; weak platy (p) structure yellowish red silty clay loam; moderate blocky (b) structure; few biopores (bp) [root channels, earthworm holes] yellowish red silty clay to clay; strong blocky (b) structure; few biopores (bp) yellowish red to red silty clay to clay; moderate coarse blocky (b) structure; limestone (Is) fragments

Figure 3. Drawing of a typical Hagerstown soil profile (based on a photograph by the author).

In The Lysimeter Concept; Führ, F., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.

219 curvilinear cycle of greater than 40 meters, influenced by changes in texture, structure, and variable depth to bedrock (79). Preferential flow pathways are more sparsely distributed in the Gatesburg soil. The high standard deviation and a much lower median than mean value suggest that preferential flow paths have a potentially greater impact on leaching assessments in the Gatesburg soil than in the Hagerstown soil.

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Table I. Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity Values For Two Pennsylvania Soils Along a 40-m Transect Soil

Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity (meters/day) Range Median Mean

Gatesburg Hagerstown

0.03-2.40 0.01-0.34

Gatesburg Hagerstown

Measured Values 0.16 0.11


0.53 0.12

Simulated Values (Summary of 10 Sets ofSimulations) 0.03-7.58 0.15 0.50 0.001-0.71 0.11 0.12

0.70 0.08

0.71 0.09

SOURCE: Measured values based on ref. 19.

While such extensive sampling along transects is often not feasible for field studies, stochastic model simulations using multiple results can help quantify uncertainties associated with variations in soil properties and pesticide leaching (27). A GEOSLIB (22) model used semivariograms generatedfromthe field data to simulate K^t values in a similar 40-m transect. The simulated median and mean Κ* values were similar to those measured in the Pennsylvania study (Table I). The simulated ranges for both soils were greater than those measured in the field. Hydraulic conductivity is not the only factor affecting pesticide transport through the vadose zone. However, the range of values found in these soils illustrates the degree of variability that can exist. One lysimeter will not represent the range offieldconditions in any of these soils. A site selected at a peak, or maximum, Κ„, value may provide a high-end estimate of leaching within that soil while a site with a low value may underestimate the overall potential for leaching in that same soil type. Regional / National Variability. Sites where field and ground-water monitoring studies are conducted or where lysimeter monoliths are taken need to be representative of the appropriate pesticide use pattern. A use pattern that has a wide geographic extent or a pesticide with multiple crop uses will likely cover a variety soil and hydrologie conditions. For this reason, several study sites are often necessary to characterize the range of anticipated behavior of a pesticide in the environment. In the United States, the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Natural Resource Conservation Service has

In The Lysimeter Concept; Führ, F., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.

220 established benchmark soils in each state and land resource region. Benchmark soils are geographically-extensive, agriculturally-significant soils that are usually wellcharacterized. By selecting benchmark soil series and hydrogeologic sites representative of pesticide use areas, field study results can be linked to known soil and hydrologie properties for broader extrapolation of results and for comparative risk assessments.

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Hydrologie Considerations In the Lysimeter Study Design Although the lysimeter study preserves soil horizonation and structure in a controlled environment for testing, it may not be representative of soil hydrology under field conditions. This is because inherent variability in soil properties, artificial boundaries, and initial conditions within the lysimeter may not adequately reflect real world conditions. The upper boundary is controlled by internal (soil and plants) and external (precipitation and evaporation) factors, whereas, the bottom conditions, if infinite in depth, are controlled by soil properties. Vertical boundaries will be influenced by internal and external factors and position (run-on, run-off, lateral flow, plant roots). Thus, factors which influence boundary conditions, such as waterflowphysics at the top or bottom of lysimeter, disruption of the hydraulic continuum and lack of runoff/run-on and lateralflow,and edge/wall and confined volume effects on macropore flow, soil shrink-swell, and plant root growth, will influence pesticide movement within a lysimeter. The rate at which water enters the lysimeter at the surface will depend upon the rate of water input, soil infiltration rate or capacity, and initial soil water content, and will not include run-off or run-on water. When the soil surface is permeable, the water content is less than saturation, and water is applied at rates less than the infiltration rate, water will enter the soil,flowingthrough the soil matrix in response to the soil matric potential. When water input at the surface exceeds the infiltration rate or capacity, excess waterflowsinto macropores. This preferential, or by-pass, flow is a natural process in whichfreewater and solutes move through the soil along preferred paths (such as macropores) through the soil. Weber and Keller (23) observed macroporeinfluenced flow in soil column field lysimeters in a Plinthic Kandiudult soil in the coastal plain of North Carolina. Tritium, used to track the waterfrontthrough the lysimeter column, moved down macropores first, then through the soil matrix, resulting in an "icicle-like" distribution at each soil depth. The greatest variability in flow was likely due to plinthite nodules and zones which diverted water movement somewhat; no wall-flow or core-flow was apparent (23). Preferential flow may "short-circuit" solute transport along the wettingfront(13). Within the soil profile, water will enter macropores when the water content reaches saturation and water pressure in the soil matrix is greater than the atmospheric pressure in the macropore. A pressure differential may exist at the bottom of the lysimeter between the soil and the leachate collection device which may interfere with soil water flow. Water will flow out of the soil in the lysimeter only when a sufficient water accumulation, usually near saturation, occurs to overcome this pressure differential (20). In field soils, water may move upward from deeper, wetter soil horizons into the overlying, drier soil. In a lysimeter monolith, upwardflowfrom

In The Lysimeter Concept; Führ, F., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.

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évapotranspiration may occur but the reservoir from underlying wetter horizons is disrupted. The presence of a leachate collector at the bottom of a 90-cm long soil columnfieldlysimeter reduced the mobility of a mobile pesticide (metolachlor), with 4% more pesticide remaining in the upper 4 cm and 4% less in the 11- to 88-cm section compared to similar lysimeters which remained in contact with the underlying soil (25). The difference in mobility was attributed to reduction in downward movement of the pesticide or in interruption of upward movement in capillary flow at the bottom of the lysimeter. Weber and Keller (25) noted that drops hungfromthe bottom of the soil column equipped with a leachate collector until they grew sufficiently large to fall into the collector. The complex nature of pesticide transport under macropore conditions depends on the rate and distribution of water applied to the lysimeter, pesticide application (surface-applied or incorporated), pore distribution and geometry, presence of natural or artificial restrictive layers, and the organic matter content and distribution. In structured soils, partial displacement of soil water occurs when much of the rainfall or irrigation water flows in macropores (24). In unsaturated soil conditions, water flow remains within the soil matrix, entering macropores only when the water pressure in the soil matrix is greater than the atmospheric pressure in the macropore. Layered soils with highly contrasting soil textures (clayey soil materials over sandy soils) may also hinder water flow, allowing water contents to increase so that water canflowfromthe clayey soil into the sandy soil. The tendency of soils to expand (swell) on wetting and shrink on drying depends upon the amount and mineralogy of the clay, soil structure, and organic matter content. In clayey and silty soils, volume changes of 5% or more may occur (25). Swelling tends to reduce or close macropores while shrinking opens cracks in the soil. In natural conditions, swelling closes small cracks at the soil surface and reduces infiltration over time (20). Soil swelling and shrinking may interact with the lysimeter wall, closing off macropore flow during wet conditions and opening channels along the wall during dry conditions. Roots and soil organisms open up potential preferential flow pathways. The type and extent of interactions depend on the health and rooting behavior of plant, irrigation/ rainfall scheme (amount and distribution), length of time for growth, and size of lysimeter. Growing plants (soybean and bermuda grass) greatly reduced and wheat straw mulch increased the mobility of a mobile pesticide (metolachlor) in a soil column lysimeter compared to a fallow lysimeter (25). The difference was attributed to more water uptake by plants and less soil moisture ~ columns with plants had 68% less leachate and 34% lower soil moisture levels than columns without plants (25). The lysimeter wall serves as a barrier tofreeroot growth. Because of local differences in moisture along the wall, root growth may proliferate, providing preferentialflowpathways for water and pesticide transport. Lysimeter walls can act as confining boundary conditions by isolating the soil profile from the surrounding landscape and hydrologie continuum, resulting in exclusion of surface and subsurface lateralflow,separationfromunderlying continuous pores and saturated zones, different patterns of water and solute redistributionfromévapotranspiration and capillary action, and different water contents and distributions, often less than the surrounding soil (26). An understanding of the distribution of macropores in the soil is critical to

In The Lysimeter Concept; Führ, F., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.

222 designing and interpreting lysimeter studies. Sample bias may occur when continuous macropores dominate flow paths in a small lysimeter or when the area of a small lysimeter excludes these pathways (see earlier discussion of representative sample sizes to encompass preferential flow paths). The inclusion of a conservative tracer, such as bromide, applied in the same manner as the pesticide, may aid interpretation of hydrologie interactions within the lysimeter.

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Conclusion Monolith lysimeter studies serve as a valuable link in interpreting laboratory and field environmental fate data for pesticides. However, design, interpretation, and comparisons of lysimeter and field data need to consider spatial variability of soil properties and soil hydrology. An understanding of spatial variability in soil properties is important in assessing the field representation of both lysimeter and field study data. Marked variability of soil properties, particularly saturated hydrologie conductivity (K^J, is commonly observed in field soils. Representative sample sizes that incorporate local variability depend on soil properties and should be based on soil characteristics. Natural field scale variability can be described using variograms derivedfromstandard geostatistical analysis and stochastic model simulations (21, 27). Alternatively, the variability of soils at different scales can be derivedfromsoil surveys and GIS data analysis. An analysis of spatially dependent soil data can provide an estimate of the number of lysimeters and the representative sample volume needed to address soil variability. Locating field or lysimeter study sites on benchmark soil series and hydrogeologic sites representative of pesticide use areas facilitates broader extrapolation of the results and comparativeriskassessments. The lysimeter design imposes limitations on water movement because of disruption or alteration of "natural" water flow. The most obvious problem is the impact of the lysimeter wall on both preferential and lateral flow. The effects on preferential flow are likely to be accentuated in highly structured soils. Additionally, the lysimeter wall will impose a physical barrier to bom subsurface lateral and overland flow pesticide transport processes. The lysimeter will serve as a barrier to root growth, resulting in root proliferation along the soil-wall interface. Such conditions may enhance évapotranspiration of plants and hence dramatically reduce waterflowthrough the lysimeter. The lower boundary condition of a lysimeter may influence the transport of water and solutes. The hydraulic gradient is disrupted at the lower lysimeter boundary. This disruption affects the downwardflowof leachate through the soil column and cuts the lysimeter off from underlying continuous pores. Leachate moving through the lysimeter monolith will "hang" at the boundary until the pressure differential between the soil pores and the void is overcome. This occurs when the soil nears saturation. In addition, the disruption severs the hydrologie connection with shallow ground waters, isolating the soil in the lysimeterfromfluctuatingwater tables and capillary rise during évapotranspiration. As a result, the soil moisture content in the lysimeter is likely to be lower than in the surrounding undisturbed soil. Evaluation of monolith lysimeter study data must consider the question of

In The Lysimeter Concept; Führ, F., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.

223 whether by-pass flow is a natural process or simply an artifact in lysimeter design. Interpretation of lysimeter results should consider the interactive effects of soil properties, environmental conditions, and water flow conditions on solute movement. Based on our scientific assessment, lysimeters can serve as a valuable link between laboratory and field studies. The major advantage of lysimeters is the ability to quantitatively track pesticide residues. These data, however, need to be considered in light of the soil properties. Literature Cited

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In The Lysimeter Concept; Führ, F., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.