The Mac OS Report - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 12, 2010 - The Mac OS Report. Chem. Eng. News , 1997, 75 (24), Inside Front Cover. DOI: 10.1021/cen-v075n024.ifc. Publication Date: June 16, 1997...
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The Mac OS Report Number two in a series-the facts about Mac OS 8

Mac'OS 8 is coming. It will give you, and millions of other Macintosh* users,

software. Once you're up and running, PowerPC-native code improves your performance. Mac OS 8 is also com­

a whole new way of working.

pletely compatible with all PowerPC and 68040-based

It will give your Apple*

hardware and software.

A new way of accessing the Internet

Macintosh computer (or, for that matter, any other Mac OS computer of

Mac OS 8 includes TCP/IP and PPP for easy network

your choice) a dramatic new look and feel, along with all kinds of enhanced capa­ bilities for accessing the Internet.

or modem access direct from the Finder. You get Netscape

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Navigator™ and the PointCast Network: And a new


Internet Setup Assistant makes it easier than ever to

It will also set an entirely new standard of powerful, intuitive computing— a standard the competition can try to catch up to. (Again.)

get on the Net, whether you're doing it from home with a modem or from work with a high-speed connection.

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The moment you start using Mac OS 8, you'll feel

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any Macintosh into an Internet web server. And Java™ support is

the difference: you'll find yourself accomplishing more in

built in, so you can run

less time. A multi-threaded Finder'" lets you execute mul­

Java applications just

tiple tasks simultaneously, such as launching applications

as though they were any other desktop applications. (If you

and copying files. Mac OS 8 includes new information-

were wondering, Windows" 95 can't do this.)

management tools, such as contextual pop-up menus and spring-loaded folders, that give you quicker and easier access to all your information. A scalable environment

Mac OS 8 is one of the most significant advances in OStechnologyeven And itfc Just the beginning- additional

expand them—whichever works better for you. A new,

upgrades are planned. And our support for the Mac OS

dimensional look makes the interface more dynamic

will continue for years.

and engaging than ever. And Mac OS 8 also includes the latest versions of QuickTime* with its MPEG support,

At the same time, we're also working on an industrialstrength OS, code-named Rhapsody, that will offer features

QuickTime VR and

such as protected memory, preemptive multitasking and


symmetric multiprocessing. Rhapsody will also provide

How easy is it

backwards compatibility, so you can be sure that the vast

to get going with all

majority of your Mac OS apps will run on Rhapsody, too.

these new technolo­

In other words: Apple is still developing the most

gies and features?


When you get Mac OS 8. you also get built-in Java support, so you am run both local and network-basedJava software just like other desktop applications.

And more advancements are on the way

lets you either limit your menu and window options, or

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It's the PointCast Network. It comes with Mac OS 8. And if grabs the news you want directly off the Net to create customized desktop news pages. Daily. Hourly. As often as you want.

Personal web sharing is standard, so you can turn

A new way of working

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ξ you want to use Netscape Navigator to browse the Net you'll like this: it's an integrated part of Mac OS 8.

MacOS Mac OS has always been the easiest and most intuitive of all operating systems. Now, Mac OS 8 brings mis kind of computing to a whole new level.

innovative, user-friendly and consistently superior prod­

Very. Because our new installer and setup assistants take

ucts on the market. ThatS one part of our system that

you through each step of configuring your new system

won't change, lb learn more, visit

© 1997 Apple Computer. Inc. All rights reserved. Apple, the Apple logo. Mac. Macintosh, the Mac OS logo, QuickDraw and QuickTime are registered trademarks ofApple Compuler. Inc. Finder is a trademark ofApple Compuler, Inc. PowerPC is a trademark of International Corporation, used under license therefrom. Java and the Java logo are trademarks of Sun Microsystems. Inc. Microsoft' and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Setscape Naiigator and the Netscape Navigator logo are trademarks of Netscape Corporation. The PointCast Network and the PointCast Network logo are trademarks of PointCast. Inc.