The Magenta Series. II. Some Higher Basic Members - ACS Publications

United States Department of Agriculture]. The Magenta Series. II. Some Higher Basic Members. By John T. Scanlan. In a previous publication1 the result...
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Aug., 1936


centage of the nitrate groups is reduced to nitrite. The production of carbon dioxide and of reducing substances appears to be related to time, con-




centration of alkali, ratio of alkali to cellulose nitrate and the temperature. ROCHESTER, N. Y.




The Magenta Series. 11. Some Higher Basic Members BY JOHN T. SCANLAN In a previous publication’ the results of an investigation of the “nitrobenzene processJJand the “formaldehyde process” for the preparation of Magenta (Fuchsine) were given. In the latter process 4,4‘-diaminodiphenylmethane,or one of its homologs, reacts with aniline or its homologs, and i t was shown that the reaction involves a scission of the diphenylmethane. This report covers an extension of the same investigation to three of the higher members of the series in which the methyl groups are ortho to the amino groups and not more than two occur in any benzene nucleus. The simplified system of nomenclature explained in the previous publication is used (see Table I).

No attempt was made to prepare Magenta I V and Magenta VI by the “nitrobenzene process” because a necessary intermediate, mesidine, was not readily available and it was thought that further evidence was not required.

TABLE I NOMENCLATURE Name used in this paper

Scientific name

Magenta IV


Magenta V


Magenta VI


sonimonium chloride fuchsonimonium chloride fuchsonimonium chloride

The results are even more clean-cut than those obtained with the lower homologs and confirm the conclusions previously stated. As shown by the data in Table I1 and the corresponding absorption curves in Fig. 1, when 4,4’-diamino-3,3’-di500 520 540 560 580 600 methyldiphenylmethane reacts with v-m-xylidine Wave length. (Experiments 5Fa and 5Fb) the product is not Fig. 1.-Absorption curves of the products Magenta IV but Magenta V and when 4,4‘-diobtained in the experiments indicated by the amino-3,3’,5,5’-tetramethyldiphenylmethanerenumbers. Solvent, 50% alcohol. The dyes corresponding to the curves are as follows: 4N, acts with o-toluidine (Experiment 6F) the product magenta I11 (repeated from previous paper for is not Magenta V, but Magenta IV. This concomparison) ; 6F, magenta IV; 5Fa, 5 F b and 6N, clusion is readily arrived at by comparing the magenta V ; 7F, magenta VI. Further data are products of the above two reactions with that given in Table 11. of the reaction between as-m-xylidine and o-m-xylidine (Experiment 6N, “nitrobenzene As in the case of the lower homologs, the soluprocess”) which must obviously be Magenta V. bility of these dyes (hydrochlorides) in alcohol de(1) Scadan, THISJOURNAL, 67, 887 (1936). creases with increasing molecular weight. How-



Voi. 58



COMPARISON OF PRODUCTS ~ T A I N B DBY DIFFERENT METHODS OF PREPARATW& (See absorption curyes in Fig. 1) Analysis of carbinol base


Magenta obtained

Intermediates used




at 545 m/~’ E at 565 mp Original Dye from dye base



4,4‘-Mamino-3,3’-dimethyldipheaylmeQhane, a-m-xylidine, nitro-m-xylene V 11.20 11.04 5Fb 4,4’-Diamino-3,3’-dethyldiphenyhethane, v-m-xylidine, V 11.20 11.19 o-nitrotduene 6F 4,4’-Diamino-3,3’,5,5’-tetramethyldiphenylmethane, o-toluidine, o-nitrotoluene IV 11.63 11.68 6N as-m-Xylidine, v-m-xylidine, nitro-m-xylene V 11.20 11.08 7F 4,4’-Diamiw-33’,5,5 ‘-tetrarnethyldipheaylmethane, o-mxylidine, o-nitrotolwae YZ 10.80 10.89 ‘Letter indicates methad usad: N. nitrabenzene process; F, formaldehyde process. Solvent,

ever, while Magenta I V and Magenta V are quite soluble in water, Magenta VI is much less so. All three are eady a&d wt. The wbkd bases show decreasing solubdity in hot, aqueous alkaline solutions with increasing molecular weight. The absorption bands, of course, show progressive shifting toward the red end OE the spectrum.

Experimental Method of Identi$cation.-These higher homologs were identified by the method described in &e prmious paper; namely, spectrQphvtometric examination and anglysis of their carbinol bases. The absorption ratios2 are given in Table 111. TABLEI11 ABSORPTIONRATIOSFOR lDENTIFICATION Solvent, 60% Alcohol The ratios for Magenta IiT are repeted from the previous paper for eomparisqa The others represent only one batch in ea& case.



. ,E ,520 E, mp..,560

Magenta111 Magenta IV MagentaV Magenta VI

E O 586

0.68 0.77 (3.93 .83 .70 .84 .58 ,






Aksocption ratios 9 545 560 585

-78 .75

1.19 1.07 0 92 .87

540 $70

550 570

1.49 1.23 1.02 0 92

1.75 1.48 1.23 1.12




i d o 3,3‘ dimethyldiphenylmethane.-The method of preparing this compound was described in the previous publication. Nitro-m-xylene.-Prepared by nitration of m-xylene’ and purified by fractional distillation. The fraction boiling at 243-252’ was used. v-m-Xylidine.-Technical xylidine‘ from which as-mxylidine had been removed was freed from p-xylidines and 4,4’

(2) Holmes, I n d Eng Chem , 17, 918 (1925), Holmes and Peterson, Slorn Tech , 6, 65 (1930) (3) Noelting and Forel, Ber , 18,2674 (1885) (4) Obtained through the courtesy of Dr E K Bolton of E. 1 du Pont de Nemours & Co (5) Hodgkinson and Limpach, J C h e n S o c , 77, 65 (1900). German Patent 39,947, Frredlllndar, 1, 19 (1888)





1.06 0.92

1.05 0.91

.87 .88 50% akuhd.

treated according to the method of Winkelhausen’ to obtain v-m-xylidine sulfate. Part of this was converted to the &bride by treatment wit41 Wu i m &loride d the babarwe to the base by treatme& with sodium hydrowe. TWQkilqgrams of the ieEhnical xy3jdi.w yielded 130 g. of v-m-xylidine base and 189 g. of v-m-xylidine hydrochloride. 4,4’

- D i d o - 3,3’,5,5‘ - tetramethyldiphayhethane.

--Fifty-seven grams of u-m-xyiidiiae hydrahkaride, 2 oc. of coneentrated hydrochloric arid and 14 g. c# 40% formaldehyde solution were dissolved in GO cc. of water and heated at 70-75” for four hours. Near the end of the reaction time sufficient warm water was added to dissolve the precipitated hydrochloride. The mixture was then made alkaline with potassium hy&oxide and steam distilled. The residual material was rerjissolxed by the addition of hydrochloric acid and fractionally precipitated with ammonium hydroxide as desclibed in the previous paper.’ The first of &e two €ract& thws ebtsined .was rejected and the second recrystallized kan dc&ol; .yield 32 g.; m. p. 122.&123.Q0. Friedlander a d &zed7 give ,t4emelting point as 126”. ptegcuatiopof&e W e s Experiment 5Fa (Magenta V, Formaldehyde Process).The intermediates used were 40 g. of 4,4’-diamin0-3,3’dimethyldiphenybethane, 25 g. d e-m-xyUdhe hydrochloride, .6Q g. af v-m-xylidioe (base), 25 g. of nitxo-mxylene and 16 g. of FeCI2.4H20. The procedure was the same as described for this process in the previous pube € lication. The product was salted out and recrystallized from alcabol. It separates from t h i s solvent in feathery dusters of very fine needles whicfi h r m a €&bike mecs on the tilter. When tsloraugl& dried and ground it has a d@, gray-green color; yield 46 g.; 65% of the theoretical. The carbinol base was prepared by mixing a hgt solution of 4 g. of the dye in 1000 cc. of water with a h o t soiution of 5 g. of sodium hydroxide in 800 cc. of water. The base precipitated immediately and after boiling the mixture for about an hour, it was allowed to cool, the bwe was filtered off,washed with dilute ammonium hydroxide and dried over phosphorus pentoxide; yield 2.5 g.; small, ir(6) Winkelhausen, German Patent 251,334; Friedldndcr. 11, 153 (1916). (7) Friedlander and Brand, Monocsh., 19, 640 (1898).


Aug., 1936




The carbinol base was prepared from 4 g. of the dye as regular prisms, bufkolored and showing only a very slight described under Experiment 5Fa; yield 3.2g. ; small irregutendency to become red on standing. Anal. Calcd. for C2rH&O: N, 11.20. FQund: N, lar prisms with only a very slight tendency to become red on standing. 11.04. Anal. Calcd. for C ~ ~ H Z ~ NN,~ O 11.20. : Found: N, Experiment 5Fb (Magenta V, Formaldehyde Prwegs),The intermediates used were 26 g. of 4,4’-diamino-3,3’-di- 11.08. methyldiphenylmethane, 14.5 g. of u-m-xylidine hydroExperiment 7F (Magenta VI, Formaldehyde Process).chloride, 68 g. of a-m-xylidine (base), 12.6 g. of o-nitro- The intermediates used were 25 g. of 4,4‘-diamho-3,3‘toluene and 9.1g. of PeC12.4H20; procedure as above. The 5,5‘-tetramethyldiphenylmethane, 13 g. of v-m-xylidine product separated from alcohol in feathery clusters of very hydrochloride, 65 g. of v-m-xylidine (base), 12 g. of ofine needles. When thoroughly dried and ground it was nitrotoluene and 8 g. of F e C k 4 H 4 . dull, gray-green in color; yield 13.5 g.; 30% of theoretical. The procedure was the same as that previously described The carbinol base was prepared as above using 3.5 g. of for the formaldehyde process except that, because of the the dye; yield 1.5 g.; small, irregular prisms, b u f f d o r e d low solubility of this homolog, it could be separated by 6land showing only a very slight tendency to become red on tration from the hot solution immediately after the steam standing. distillation. Some large, fused lumps of tarry material Anal. Calcd. for &rHreNIO: N, 11.20. Found: N, were removed manually and the balance was recrystaUized from alcohol. A voluminous precipitate of feathery clus11.19. ters of very fine needles was obtained which, when dried Experimcnt 6P (MagentalV,Farmaldehyde Pmceao).The intermediates used were 25 g. of 4,4’diamino-3,3’,- and ground, had a dark gray-blue color; yield 25 g., 60% 5,5’-tetramethyldiphenylmethane,12 g. of a-toluidine of theoretical. The carbinol base was prepared from 4 g. of the dye hydrochloride, 57 g. of o-toluidine (base), 12 g. of o-nitroas described under Experiment 5Fa; yield 3.6 g.; small, toluene and 8 g. of FeC124H@; procedure as above. The product separated from alcohol as very bright green, irregular prisms, golden-yellow with practically no color change ou standing. rather coarse needles; yield 13.5 g., 36% of theoretical. Anal. Calcd. for C26H3,N30: N, 10.80. Found: N, Using 3 g. of dye the carbinol base was prepared as above except that in this c89e it was sutticieatly d u b l e in hot 10.89. aqueous alkali to permit filtration before it separated; summary yield 1.3g.; small. irregular prisms, faintly pink wheo first precipitated, but acquiring an intetlse purple coloration on 1. Three new homologs of Magenta were prestanding. pared, and their identity was established by specAnal. Calcd. for CZSHWNN~O: N, 11.03. Found: N, trophotometric examination of the dyes and anal11.68. ysis of their carbinol bases. Absorption curves Experiment 6N (Magenta V, Nltrobcozenr Rocens).and absorption ratios suitable for their future The intermediates used were 36 g. of as-m-xylidine, 89 g. identification are given. of v-m-xylidine hydrochloride, 64 g. of v-m-xylidine (base), 2. Examination of these data confirms the 91 g. of nitro-m-xylene and 12 g. of FeCI2.4H&. The procedure was the same as deecribed for the nitrobenzene conclusion, previously published, that in the “forprocess in the previous publication. The product was maldehyde process” for the preparation of Mssalted out and recrystallized from alcohol. It separated as genta, scission of the diaminodiphenylmethane feathery clusters of very fine needles. When dried and nucleus occurs. ground it was dull, gray-green in color; yield 32 g., 27% of theoretical. WASHINGTON, D. C. RECEIVED JUNE 1, 1936