The Magnetic Susceptibilities of Dicyanammine Nickel(II) and the

The Magnetic Susceptibilities of Dicyanammine Nickel(II) and the Clathrate Compounds thereof with Benzene and Pyridine. Michio Kondo, Masaji Kubo. J. ...
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Vol. 61

temperature range predicted by Hill suggests that this heat of adsorption curve is made in Fig. 2 with these data may, in part, represent an example of a the curve of Beebe and Young.' The generally localized to mobile transition. A model for the ad- good agreement between the two curves is obvious sorbed gas is needed which allows for (1) a config- and the presence of a maximum a t a surface coverurational contribution in addition to that consid- age of about 0.75 is confirmed. The slightly more ered by Hill and (2) the interaction between ad- diffuse maximum and less steep decline a t the monosorbed atoms. layer are attributed to a greater surface heterogeThe tendency of the heat capacities for all cover- neity as evidenced by a larger surface area in the ages to approximate the values for the liquid form sample of graphon used here than was used by of the adsorbate is quite apparent in this case as it Beebe and Young. The presence of this maximum is considered to be due to attractive argon interachas been for argon on rutile. 9. lo The isosteric heat of adsorption curve which is tions which are prominent as a consequence of the shown in Fig. 2 covers the range 0.00513 to 0.0388 relatively homogeneous surface which the Graphon moles adsorbed, corresponding to surface coverage possesses. Acknowledgments.-The preceding work was 0 = 0.165 to 0 = 1.25. The temperature to which all heats are referred is 87.5'K. A comparison of supported by the Atomic Energy Commission, under Contract AT(30-1)-824. (9) E. I.. Pace and 8. A. Greene, J . A m . Chem. SOC.,76, 3286 The Graphon along with its analysis and struc(1954). tural data were generously supplied by Dr. W. D. (10) L. E. Drain and J. A. Morrison, Tranr. Faraday Sac., 48, 840 * Schaeffer of Godfrey L. Cabot, Inc., Boston, Mass. (1952).