THE MAN FROM HOUDRY... - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

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THE MAN FROM HOUDRY... Knows processes (and licenses them) . . . the quirks of catalysts, too. He supplies DABCO® urethane foam catalyst. oxo-alcohols ... other chemicals.


Technical service is up his alley. So is contract research.



1. PROCESSES. He has a long list for you to choose from. HOUDRIFLOW* for cracking gas oil. HOUDRIFORMING* for reforming naphthas to get aromatics or high octane gasoline. DEHYDROGENATION for production of butadiene and other mono- and diolefins. DETOL* for dealkylation to produce benzene and/or naphthene. LITOL* for purification and dealkylation of coke oven light oils. HPG* for hydrogénation of pyrolytic gasolines to obtain stable h i g h - o c t a n e gasoline or oleffi\-^freè aromatic concentrates. 2. CATALYSTS. He can furnish y o u / w i t h KAO- SPHERES® for crocking. Platinum catalysts for rea r m i n g or hydrogénation. Chrome Salumina for dehydrogenation. And

many more. Need a catalyst custom tailored for your needs? He's your man. 3. ORGANIC CHEMICALS. Organic chemicals are big on his list, too. He offers DABCO®, the unique tertiary amine—known throughout the world as the standard of efficiency in catalyzing all types of urethane systems. Or oxo-alcohols, to DIOP and DIDP plasticizer makers —clear, low-carbonyl products of extremely high quality. Or olefins—heptenes and nonenes—for organic chemical manufacturers who require uniformity and fast delivery. 4. TECHNICAL SERVICE. Tomorrow he goes to a U.S. processing plant. Next week a jet airliner may take him to Thailand, Japan, Brazil

or Europe. The Man from Houdry has a wealth of facilities, personnel and experience to help him solve problems or execute projects that may take a day, a week or a year. Where catalysis is involved, call him in with confidence. 5. CONTRACT RESEARCH. Expanding its range of services to make fuller use of big modern R&D laboratories and a Computer Department, Houdry now undertakes more intensive research work under contract. In any or all of the above areas, the hallmark of the Houdry product is quality. Our long and impressive list of customers will attest to this. For information on any of the above products or service, write to us. *Houdry trademark

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15?« Wainnt street, Philadelphia 2, Pa. is Progress . . . through Catalysis