The manufacture and use of fluorine and its compounds (Rudge, A. J.

The manufacture and use of fluorine and its compounds (Rudge, A. J.). Curt W. Beck. J. Chem. Educ. , 1963, 40 (2), p A148. DOI: 10.1021/ed040pA148...
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BOOK REVIEWS he no morc reason t o include the ahovr catnlytic process than those using a metal oxide catalyst. However, this is not n serious critirism except for the implir:ttion t h a t the bulk catalyst phases art. t,he free metal whieh is not correct in thti rase of iron and cobalt. Chapter 20 is entitlocl C;~t:~lytie Oxidation and inr.luclr,s m t d v t i r oxidation of hydrugrn, hyrlrrlmrhons, ammonia, carbon mnn ~ Scientific Russian gon Ruoridr, corrcetly nzrmnd on p. 43. A . Holt, College of Advanced Trebreturns as "fluorine monoxide" on p. 44, nology, Birmingham, England. Jtthn and the formula, is given as FA>, rather Wiley 6: Sons, Ine., New Yark, 1962. than OFa, in h t h instances; cmnpounds av 195pp. 14.5 X 22 em. $6.25 uf the type C,H,F, ar? called "fluon,. This h m k is intended 8s an intrwiuctory hydroearb