The Mark of the Successful Scientist - Analytical ... - ACS Publications

May 25, 2012 - The Mark of the Successful Scientist. Anal. Chem. , 1981, 53 (9), pp 1084A–1084A. DOI: 10.1021/ac00232a743. Publication Date: August ...
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News and Other Aldehyde Species. F. Lipari and S.J. Swarin, General Motors Research Laboratories Determination of Naturally Oc­ curring Toxins in Foods by Liquid Chromatography and Pre- or PostColumn Derivatization. C.W. Thorpe and A.E. Pohland, Food and Drug Adminstration Single Pump LC Separation— Post Column Reaction Detection System for Amines and Amino Acids. J.N. LePage, W.R. Grace & Co. Pre-Column Derivatization of Primary Amino Acids. J.D. Stuart, E.R. Nemergut, M.L. Wu, and D.W. Hill, U of Connecticut Derivatization of Amines and Amino Acids for Determination by LCEC. W.A. Jacobs and P.T. Kissing­ er, Purdue U Pre- and Postcolumn Derivatiza­ tion Methods for Improved Ultra­ violet Detection in Pharmaceutical Analysis. C.R.Clark, Auburn U Multielement Trace Metal Anal­ ysis by Derivatization in HPLC. Y.T. Shih and P.W. Carr, U of Minne­ sota High Performance Liquid Chro­ matography by Derivatization. I. Alkyl Methylphosphonic Acids.

Competitive Protein Binding Assays: Radioimmunoassay and Enzyme Immunoassay M. Medina, Presiding Overview of the Competitive Protein Binding Assays. B. Weintraub, National Institutes of Health Production and Characterization of Monoclonal Antibodies. K. Bechtol, Wistar Institute Statistical Evaluation and Com­ puterization of RIA Data. D. Erwin, Micromedic Systems Criteria for Radioimmunoassay and Enzyme Immunoassay in Regu­ latory Methods. J. O'Rangers, USFDA

Derivatization for Detection Enhancement for Liquid Chromatography J.C. Hodgin, Presiding An Improved 2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine Method for the Determination of Formaldehyde

P.C. Bossle, J.J. Martin, and E.W. Sarver, Aberdeen Proving Ground High Performance Liquid Chro­ matographic Analysis of Acid Chlo­ rides by Prederivatization. J.T. Stoklosa, J.M. Bissinger, K.T. Rullo, C M . Shearer, and N.J. DeAngelis, Wyeth Laboratories Determination of Substituted Phenolic Compounds by HPLC Using Phenol as a Fluorescent Probe. J.N. Patterson III, P.R. Dluzneski, and P.N. Keliher, VillanovaU

Spectroscopic Techniques Based on Coherent Effects L.A. Carreira, Presiding Application of Low Frequency CARS. J.W. Fleming, W.T. Barnes, and A.B. Harvey, Naval Research Laboratory Combustion Diagnostics in Prac­ tical Combustor Systems Employ­ ing the CARS Technique. L.P. Goss, Systems Research Laboratories, Inc. Investigations of CARS Spec­ troscopy for Combustion Applica-

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