The Mössbauer Effect and Its Application in Chemistry - American

discovery of the Mössbauer effect, the possibility of observ- ing nuclear .... Proof of Relationship. To show ... of 3:0:1:1:0:3 when the γ-ray prop...
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3 Study of Magnetic Properties of Materials Using the Mössbauer Effect R. W. G R A N T

Downloaded by UNIV LAVAL on December 17, 2015 | Publication Date: June 1, 1967 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1967-0068.ch003

North American Aviation Science Center, Thousand Oaks, Calif.

One of the most active fields of investigation using the Mössbauer effect has been studying the magnetic properties of materials via magnetic hyperfine interactions. Until the discovery of the Mössbauer effect, the possibility of observing nuclear gamma-ray transitions between individual nuclear magnetic substates seemed remote; however, the narrowness of the Mössbauer transition in some isotopes has made it possible to observe resolved transitions between these substates directly. This allows one to investigate the magnetic properties of materials. The wide range of phenomena that can be investigated by means of the magnetic hyperfine interactions make the Mössbauer effect an extremely valuable tool for studying magnetic properties.


of the most active fields of investigation using the Môssbauer effect has been studying magnetic properties of materials via the magnetic hyperfine interaction. In fact, such a large fraction of the Môssbauer literature has been concerned with these studies that a concise, compre­ hensive review of the subject has become nearly impossible. Therefore, in this paper, an attempt is made to pick several examples from the literature which at least indicate the usefulness and scope of the Môss­ bauer effect for magnetic studies. A fairly exhaustive review of hyperfine interactions in magnetic materials (11) and a complete bibliography of Môssbauer literature ( 31 ) have recently been published. U n t i l the discovery of the Môssbauer effect, the possibility of directly observing nuclear γ-ray transitions between individual nuclear magnetic substates seemed remote because of the small energy differences in­ volved; however, the extremely high energy resolution of Môssbauer spectroscopy has made it possible to resolve these transitions directly in some isotopes, and it is this feature that is so valuable for investigating 34 In The Mössbauer Effect and Its Application in Chemistry; Herber, R.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1967.




Magnetic Properties

magnetic properties. To date, most magnetic studies using the Môssbauer effect have involved the isotope Fe. Magnetic hyperfine structure (nuclear Zeeman effect) has been observed in several Môssbauer transi­ tions, but in most cases the emphasis has been on determining nuclear moments and not using the hyperfine structure to study magnetic prop­ erties of materials [there are, of course, several exceptions ( J , 6, 3 9 ) ] . One of the main reasons that F e has been used so predominantly in magnetic studies is the ease with which magnetic hyperfine structure can be observed in this isotope and the fact that F e is involved in so many interesting magnetic materials. Undoubtedly, as experimental techniques improve, several other isotopes w i l l be useful for this purpose. The examples presented in the following discussion all involve F e , and therefore, by way of introduction a brief description of the magnetic hyperfine interaction is given, with particular emphasis on F e . r>7

5 7

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Magnetic Hyperfine Interaction The Hamiltonian which describes the magnetic hyperfine interaction between a nucleus and its associated electrons in an atom can be written (26) as &=-μ'Η


where μ is the nuclear magnetic moment, and Η is the magnetic field which the electrons produce at the nucleus. The nuclear magnetic moment is related to the nuclear spin, 7, by

)I =





where g is the nuclear g factor ( g = μ/Ιμ ) and μ is the nuclear mag­ neton. One can, therefore, rewrite Equation 1 as Ν


$ί=-gμ ί^H N


For a single electron or for one electron outside of a closed shell, the total angular momentum of the electronic shell, /, is antiparallel to Η (26). This is not always true for a configuration involving several elec­ trons but is correct in most cases. Kopfermann discusses this question i n considerable detail. Therefore, in the normal case where Η and J are antiparallel, μ w i l l be parallel or antiparallel to Η depending on whether g is positive or negative. If H is proportional to / , Equation 3 can be written in the familiar form (11) 38-AI-/


where A is the magnetic hyperfine structure constant. In magnetically ordered materials, J w i l l produce an effective magnetic field at the nucleus.

In The Mössbauer Effect and Its Application in Chemistry; Herber, R.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1967.



W e define the magnetic field observed at the nucleus as H . The origin of H is a problem of great theoretical interest and still is not quanti­ tatively understood, mainly because several large terms of different signs can contribute to H , and it is difficult to calculate them with high pre­ cision [for a discussion of the origin of H , see e.g. (29, 3 8 ) ] . For a nuclear level with 7 > 0, the magnetic hyperfine interaction splits the nuclear level into 27 - f 1 nuclear magnetic substates whose eigenvalues are N





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= —gμ H m N




where raj is the nuclear magnetic quantum number and has the values tni = 7, I — 1, . . . , —7. From Equation 5 it is obvious that while the magnetic hyperfine interaction removes the degeneracy of a nuclear level, it does not shift the center of gravity of the multiplet. Equation 5 also shows that the magnetic hyperfine interaction con­ tains both a nuclear and an atomic parameter which cannot be experi­ mentally separated. The same situation is faced in both the isomer shift and electric quadrupole interactions. However, the situation is con­ siderably more favorable for the case of the magnetic hyperfine interaction than for the electric hyperfine interactions because one is often able to apply a large enough external magnetic field to perturb the field signifi­ cantly at the nucleus. Also, many ground state magnetic moments are known from conventional measurements so that one can determine both the field at the nucleus and the excited state nuclear moment from the observed Mossbauer hyperfine structure. The isotope F e has 7 = 1/2 in the ground state and 7 = 3/2 in the excited state. The presence of an internal field then produces a hyperfine splitting of the nuclear levels (Figure 1). The ground state magnetic moment is positive while the excited state moment is negative, which accounts for the reversed ordering of the raj levels in the two states. The γ-ray which connects the excited state (14.4 k.e.v. ) to the ground state in F e is almost exclusively magnetic dipole, M l , in character, which has selection rules A r a = ± 1, 0; therefore, in the presence of an internal magnetic field, one can observe six transitions between these two levels ( see Figure 1 ). The angular dependence of the individual Zeeman com­ ponent transition probabilities is often of interest i n magnetic studies, and this dependence is also shown in Figure 1. Lines 1, 3, 4, and 6 (which correspond to the A r a = ± 1 transitions) have a (1 + cos 0) angular dependence, where β is the angle between the internal field and the γ-ray emission or absorption direction while lines 2 and 5 ( A r a = 0) have a sin 0 dependence. These angular dependencies show that the total radia­ tion pattern emitted between the two states is isotropic. 5 7

5 7






In The Mössbauer Effect and Its Application in Chemistry; Herber, R.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1967.




Magnetic Properties

In Môssbauer studies of magnetic materials, it is often of interest to apply an external magnetic field to a sample and observe the spatial distribution of H as a function of external field. A parameter which characterizes this distribution and is directly measured by Môssbauer spectroscopy is cos 0. For F e ( i n the thin absorber and isotropic mean square displacement approximation ), this parameter is just N



cos 0

5 7

Ii - h + h + h - h + h ^ τ τ -4 * S _ T M >

-, =



2(I + a

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I) B


, intersecting a surface element on a unit sphere at θ,φ (0 and φ are the usual spherical coordinates). The observation direction is 0 = 0. B y noting the angular intensities shown in Figure 1, one obtains the follow­ ing expressions for the intensities of the various lines: ο I


= 2 Ç

2 5

Z ,4 = 1/2




/ Ι(θ,φ)(1 *J ο T

+ cos 0)sin0d0d








j Εη Ce






1 I I







I [Fe]


Ci E/3 N


9r ) \ Et







J C8 Fij


Aa D8


A8 ( B «





E« γ η






1 I








c-axis 1 H




1.00 0.99 0.98 0.97 0.96

c - a x i s II H



0.94 0.93 0.92

_1 -14

I -12

I Li I -10 - 8 - 6

I -4

I I I I -2 0 2 4 Velocity mm/sec.

I 6

I 8

I 10

I 12

1— 14 16

In The Mössbauer Effect and Its Application in Chemistry; Herber, R.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1967.




Magnetic Properties

Perlow (24) to measure the sign of the quadrupole coupling constant i n ferrous fluorosilicate. The experimental arrangement consisted of a C o in F e foil source at room temperature, which was magnetized to satura­ tion i n the plane of the foil i n an external field of ^ 3.5 kOe. i n conjunc­ tion with the single crystal absorber of C a F e 0 . γ-Rays emitted perpendicular to the source magnetization direction, H , were linearly polarized, and since the emission spectrum consisted of six lines and the absorption spectrum of 12 lines when the absorber spins were oriented at an arbitrary direction, this source and absorber configuration would, in general, produce a rather complicated 72-line spectrum. 5 7




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The following notation was adopted to identify the lines i n the absorption pattern. The lines resulting from the octahedral sites were labeled [ α ] , [β], [ γ ] , [ δ ] , [ c ] , and [η] as a function of increasing energy while those from the tetrahedral sites were labeled ( « ) , (β), etc. The six emission lines from the C o i n F e source were labeled with roman letters again as a function of increasing energy. The positions of the absorption lines can be derived easily by overlapping the spectrum i n Figure 5a with the spectrum obtained using the C o i n F e source i n conjunction with a single line absorber and taking into account the appropriate isomer shifts. Expressions developed by Frauenfelder and co-workers (10) for the angular dependence of the emission and absorp­ tion intensities of the individual Zeeman components were used to calcu­ late the relative intensities of the absorption lines (in the thin absorber and isotropic mean square displacement approximation). The results of this investigation are shown i n Figure 6. Figure 6a shows the positions and intensities (lengths of bars) for the calculated spectra. The top two lines show the spectra expected if the spins i n the tetrahedral and octahedral sites, respectively, are perpendicular to Hsource- Lines 3 and 4 are the spectra expected if the spins lie parallel to H . The data obtained for H perpendicular and parallel to the crystallographic c axis are shown i n Figures 6b and c. The absorption spectrum is so complicated near zero relative velocity that data were taken only i n the high velocity region of the spectrum. The spectrum i n Figure 6b can be 5 7

5 7


s o l i r c e


Figure 6. Predicted and experimental Môssbauer spectra for a magnetized Co in a-iron source at room temperature and a single crystal of Ca [Fe~\(Fe)0 . Crystallographic b axis of Ca \FeVFe)O and magnetization direction of source are parallel ana perpendicular to the y-ray propagation direction, respectively. 57





(a) Expected absorption line locations and intensities for the octahedral [Fe~\ and tetrahedral (Fe) sites with the source magnetization direction perpendicular ( \ ) and parallel or antiparallel (\\) to the spin orientation in the absorber. (b-c) Observed spectra with c axis perpendicular (b) and parallel (c) to source magnetization direction. Data are from Ref. 19

In The Mössbauer Effect and Its Application in Chemistry; Herber, R.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1967.



obtained by combining lines 1 and 2 while the spectrum i n Figure 6c can be obtained by combining lines 3 and 4. These spectra establish that the spins on both the octahedral and tetrahedral sites are colinear with the crystallographic c axis.

Downloaded by UNIV LAVAL on December 17, 2015 | Publication Date: June 1, 1967 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1967-0068.ch003

Conclusions While both the Môssbauer effect and nuclear magnetic resonance provide spectroscopic methods for studying magnetic hyperfine interac­ tions, nuclear magnetic resonance measurements on magnetic materials are often complicated by unknown enhancement factors and line broad­ ening owing to inhomogeneous internal fields while the Môssbauer effect does not particularly suffer from these complications. Therefore, although in principle N M R can be used to measure internal fields with considerably more accuracy, and despite the fact that only a few good Môssbauer isotopes exist, the Mossbauer effect has become a valuable and unique tool for investigating the magnetic properties of materials. Acknowledgment It is a pleasure to acknowledge several helpful discussions with U . Gonser, A . H . Muir, Jr., R. M . Housley, and H . Wiedersich during the preparation of this manuscript. Literature Cited (1) Belov, K. P., Lyubutin, I. S., Soviet Phys. JETP (English Transl.) 22, 518 (1966). (2) Bertaut E. F., Blum, P., Sagniéres, Α., Acta Cryst. 12, 149 (1959). (3) Blum, N., Freeman, A. J., Grodzins, L., Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 9, 465 (1964). (4) Blum, N., Freeman, A. J., Shaner, J. W., Grodzins, L., J. Appl. Phys. 36, 1169 (1965). (5) Borg, R. J., Booth, R., Violet, C. E., Phys. Rev. Letters 11, 464 (1963). (6) Cohen, R. L., Phys. Rev. 134, A94 (1964). (7) Craig, P. P., Steyert, W. Α., Phys. Rev. Letters 13, 802 (1964). (8) Dzyaloshinsky, I., J. Phys. Chem. Solids 4, 241 (1958). (9) Frankel, R. B., Blum, N. A., Foner, S., Freeman, A. J., Schieber, M., Phys. Rev. Letters 15, 958 (1965). (10) Frauenfelder, H., Nagle, D. E., Taylor, R. D., Cochran, D. R. F., Visscher, W. M., Phys. Rev. 126, 1065 (1962). (11) Freeman, A. J., Watson, R. E., "Magnetism," G. T. Rado and H. Suhl, eds., Vol. IIA, p. 167, Academic Press, New York, 1965. (12) Freier, S., Greenshpan, M., Hillman, P., Shechter, H., Phys. Letters 2, 191 (1962). (13) Gallagher, P. K., MacChesney, J. B., Buchanan, D. Ν. E., J. Chem Phys. 41, 2429 (1964); 43, 516 (1965). (14) Geller, S., Cape, J. Α., Espinosa, G. P., Leslie, D. H., Phys. Rev. 148, 522 (1966).

In The Mössbauer Effect and Its Application in Chemistry; Herber, R.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1967.


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In The Mössbauer Effect and Its Application in Chemistry; Herber, R.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1967.