The Mathematics of Physics and Chemistry. Volume 2 (Margenau

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BOOK REVIEWS conjugated systems. The bibliography is noteworthy; it is complete and up to date. The author makes no claim to rampleteness with regard to the general subject of quantum chemistry. I t seems unfortunate, however, that no consideration is given to vibrational interactions or related topics such as the Jahn Teller etlert. Also it appears to the reviewer that the inelusion of somewhat more material on the fundamentals of quantum mechanics would increase the reader's appreciation of the limitations as well as the usefulness of approximate caleulrttions. VERNON D. NEFP Kent Stale Vniversity Kent: Ohio

The Mathematics of Phyrirr and Chem-


Volume 2

Henry hz'arganu, Yale University, S e w Haven, Connecticut, and Georye !Closeleu Alu~phyj,New Pork University, Yew York City. D. Van Nostrand Co., Inc., Princeton, N e a Jersey, 1964. v 786 pp. Figs. and tables. 16 X 23.5 cm. $15.


The second volume of "The Mathematics of Physics and Chemistry is far different from the first. The first volume present,ss,aet>odintroductionton~uchof the basic mathematical information needed by manyseientists,hut the aeeandis not asimple continuation to more detailed and rigorous treatments. Rather, it introduces s number of chapters onessentiallyunrelated nrens of andied mathematics. written by eleven different authors

research, nonlinear prahlems, quantum mechanics, quantum ststist,ics, relntivistir qnantummeuhanics, external field proh-lems, quantum electrodynamics, and symmetry properties of magnetic crystals. Many of these will be of little mare than cultural interest to most chemists since they have little practical application in much of chemistry. Hoaever, several chapters ran be highly recommended since they are n-ell written and are of real vah~e. The rlrapter on numeriral analysis by A.S. Householder is a n excellent theoretical treatment with emphasis on explicit methods. Tho author includes much of