The men that make the most of them . . . test your Polyol I. Q. - C&EN

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The men that make the most of them . . .

test y o u r Polyol I. Q. How well do you know your Polyols? H e r e a r e questions about a few of the h u n d r e d s of Polyols that D o w makes. Some of t h e m a r e common as can b e , some not so c o m m o n , others you m a y not have heard of. H o w m a n y can you name? TIME ALLOWED: 4 MINUTES. READY . . . GO!

1. Where hair dressings re­ quire a water-soluble base with oily characteristics, what Svedigit Polyol fills the bill? 2 . In the manufacture of spe­ cialty coatings, what polyglycols (used as intermediates) give greater flexibility and re­ sistance? 3 · In the making of rubber tires, what Polyols with quali­

ties of low rubber swell, good water or organic solubility, are U3CVI

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4. W h a t polypropylene glycol is useful as a mold release agent and plasticizer in plastisols? *%*




5. W h a t p o l y g l y c o l , w h e n added to wax formulations, contributes to high gloss with­ out lowering melting températures?

HOW TO SCORE: A score of 4 out of 8 puts you in the top half of the class, 6 makes you a real promising Polyoler, and 8 out of 8 makes you a Professor of Polyoiotry. If you think you have earned it, write for this free "Certificate of Commendation" testifying to your Polyol prowess. 12" χ 15" suitable for framing. Include your full name so the certificate can be personalized. W e hope this quiz whets your appetite to know more about Polyols. Many brochures, technical papers and bulletins, including Dow's new folder, "World's Widest Line of Polyols", are available from your nearest Dow sales office. Or, write T H E DOW CHEMICAL COMPANY, Midland, Michigan, Department GO 955B.

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6 . Name three urethane products that can b e made from the wid^ range of available resin grade polyglycols? *




7. What is the principal reason resin grade polyglycols are specified by the urethane industry? :»c



8. What other advantages do resin grade polyglycols offer the urethane industry? ANSWERS:

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