THE MERCK INDEX: A 100-year-old classic ... - ACS Publications

Nov 10, 2010 - Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a ...
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THE MERCK INDEX: A 100-year-old classic...always contemporary To order, call toll-tree 1-800-999- Hi * } , e x t e n s i o n 751 (VISA or MasterCard onlv) or complete the c o u p o n . Since 1889, The Merck Index has kept up-to-date with the progress in science, accommodating the diverse interests of its readers. T h e newest edition, the Eleventh/Centennial Edi tion, continues this tradition with information on more than 10,000 significant drugs, chemicals and biologicals. New entries include pharmaceuticals with novel mecha­ nisms of action, unique, naturally occurring compounds, and chemicals of environmental concern. It also features an entirely new therapeutic category/hioactivity index and C A S Registry N u m b e r indices.

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