The Microanalysis of Gases - American Chemical Society

Hydrogen, Carbon Monoxide, Hydrogen Chloride, and Ammonia. FRANCIS E. BLACET AND GEORGE D. MACDONALD. University of California at Los Angeles ...
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The Microanalysis of Gases 111. Hydrogen, Carbon Monoxide, Hydrogen Chloride, and Ammonia FRANCIS E. BLACETAND GEORGED. MACDONALD University of California at Los Angeles and Stanford University, Calif.


N THIS article the methods of microanalysis of gases which were described earlier (I, W) are extended to include a new method for the determination of hydrogen and carbon monoxide, and to include hydrogen chloride and ammonia as gases which may be determined by known procedures.


layer of mica, then the electrical heating coil, B, and finally asbestos sheet A . In F are placed about 2.5 cc. of some relatively stable solid substance which has a definite, known melting point. In operation, the gas sample is introduced in the usual way and the absorbent placed in position. The heater is then slip ed over the gas holder and the electrical current applied. WRen most, but not all, of the substance in F has melted the heating is discontinued. Since the thermal conductivity of the mercury reduces the temperature of the gas much below that attained in the heater, a solid substance has t o be chosen which has a melting p t somewhat higher than that desired in the gaseous system. otassium dichromate and lead were both found to be satisfactory in the analyses which are described.

In applying the methods of microanalysis, it has not always been possible to collect the gas directly in the analytical apparatus, and it has therefore been necessary to arrange for SPECIFICMETHODS OF ANALYSIS the transportation of samples.’ A circular iron pneumatic trough, 2 cm. in diameter and 1 cm. in depth, which can be HYDROGEN.In certain photochemical studies it has belowered into the mercury reservoir of the analytical apparatus come very important to determine the presence or absence of (6, Figure I), is welded to an adjustable iron arm of a small small amounts of hydrogen in the products of photolysis. ring stand. A second adjustable arm carries a steel spring The explosion method (1) is only moderately accurate at clamp into which the gas holders can be slipped by a hori- best and is valueless for the determination of small percentzontal movement. This device makes it possible to take a ages of hydrogen in the presence of several saturated hydrosmall sample of gas to or from the main apparatus without carbons. d a n g e r of loss The problem of selectively absorbing this gas in the presor c o n t a m i n a - ence of other combustible gases has been met in macroanalysis tion. by oxidation with copper oxide in a temperature-controlled R e c e n t l y , dynamic system (3, 6 ) , but application of this method to the Pierce, Frieden- authors’ problem was not successful. Experiments were wald, and Free- made with mixtures of hydrogen and nitrogen of known perman (8) have de- centage composition. A bead of cupric oxide was prepared scribed an alter- by fusion in a platinum loop with the aid of a blmt lamp. native means of The gas sample was heated to a temperature somewhat below transferring gas the melting point of potassium dichromate by means of the s a m p l e s , which electric heater described above. After sufficient time had in certain studies been allowed for the oxidation of the hydrogen, the copper may be more de- oxide and heater were removed and phosphorus pentoxide sirable than the was introduced to take up the water vapor formed in the o n e h e r e i n d e - reaction. Although considerable oxidation did occur, it was scribed, although found impossible to remove all the hydrogen in this way. _--it is more liable In this static system, it is possible that an equilibrium condito introduce im- tion was reached before oxidation was complete. This idea _ _ . _ - -- - - - - purities into the is substantiated by the fact that a second bead of the oxide FIGUHE1. DIAGRAM OF GAS HEATER g a s . S w e a r placed in the same sample removed more, but not all, of the ingen, G e r b e s , remaining hydrogen. Assuming that the foregoing explanation is correct, it was and Ellis (9) describe a similar apparatus. In developing the method for the analysis of hydrogen, it reasoned that if the moisture produced could be removed from was found necessary to elevate and control, within limits, the the gaseous phase as it was formed, complete oxidation of the temperature of the gas sample. The method adopted does hydrogen would occur. This involved the simultaneous innot give the true temperature of the reaction system but troduction of the oxidizing agent and a drying agent into does give an upper limit above which the temperature cannot the gas sample. A bead made by fusing together cupric oxide go. There are other more exact means of temperature con- and potassium hydroxide accomplishes this purpose and can trol, but it has been the desire of the authors to attain sim- be used for the rapid and complete absorption of hydrogen. The reagent is prepared by first fusing the oxide in the plicity of method and construction whenever this could be done without the sacrifice of results. The heater which has platinum loop and then touching the molten mass to an approximately equal amount of the solid hydroxide. The two been devised is shown in cross section in Figure 1. substances coalesce and, after cooling, a smooth, dark blue ’ The gas holder, H , is shown in its normal position over the mercury reservoir of the microanalytical apparatus. C is a copper bead results. By heating the gas sample in the presence of vessel. Projecting up in the center of C is a cavity which is this solid, hydrogen is readily oxidized and the water formed shaped to fit snugly around the gas holder. The upper part of C in the reaction is absorbed a t the same time. The decrease is hollowed out forming the space, F, which is approximately 1.5 in volume represents directly the amount of hydrogen in om. in diameter and 2.5 cm. in depth. This vessel may be machined directly from a solid rod, or made in pieces and then ut the sample. Absorption is very rapid and the time required together by means of silver solder. Around C is wrapped a tiin for the complete analysis does not exceed 15 minutes. 334

September 15,1934



described (1) and also by means of concentrated sulfuric acid in sintered glass. There is little choice to be made between these methods. As far as absorption of ammonia is concerned, both reagents will give constant results very rapidly. However, in analyzing prepared samples of ammonia mixed with nitrogen or hydrogen, consistently high percentage values of ammonia were obtained. Since the nitrogen or hydrogen was always treated with phosphorus pentoxide or sulfuric acid before it was mixed with ammonia, these abnormal values were not due to impurities of ammonia or similar gases. ‘TABLEI. RESULTSOF ANALYSES OF HYDROGEN AND METHANE In Table IV are given consecutive results of analyses OF MIXTURES mixtures of ammonia and hydrogen, using phosphorus penDETER- VOLUME OF HYDROQEN toxide as the absorbent. Although the results, which are MINATION SAMPLE Theoretical Determined DIFFER~NCB Cu. mm. %l % ...typical of over fifty separate analyses, are sufficiently ac46.49 46.30 -0.19 1 86.51 curate for most purposes, they are not as good as results ob38.00 -0.11 2 97.43 38.11 3 83.35 52.00 52.18 +o. 18 tained for other gases. 4 87.98 47.38 47.17 -0.21 Known mixtures of hydrogen with nitrogen, butane, and methane have been analyzed with the success indicated in Table I. Lead was the substance used in the heater. Potassium dichromate is equally satisfactory as far as the separation of hydrogen from other gases is concerned, but because of its high melting point (398’C.) there is danger of vaporizing the mercury and losing the sample of gas. It has been found by one of the authors, while working a t relatively high altitudes, that under these conditions lead and not potassium dichromate must be used because of this danger.

% l



44.25 44.20 -0.05 Average difference 0.15 Average deviation from mean 0.11

CARBON MONOXIDE.Carbon monoxide may be selectively oxidized in the presence of methane, and other members of its series, by the same reagent and method as hydrogen and with approximately the same degree of accuracy. Lead was used for temperature control in obtaining the values in Table

11. By lowering the temperature of the reaction system, attempts were made to remove carbon monoxide by this cupric oxide-potassium hydroxide reagent in the presence of hydrogen. These experiments, however, were not successful. Temperatures sufficiently low to leave the hydrogen unoxidized gave incomplete removal of the carbon monoxide.



Cu. mm. 1 2 3 4 5

95.00 104.20 97.20 108.90 104.60

AMMONIA Theoretical Determined




48.00 48.40 46.26 46.42 49.59 49.78 46.37 46.57 49.04 49.34 Average difference Average deviation from the mean

% +0.40 +0.16 $0.19 $0.20 +0.30 0.25 0.08


The apparatus used for the studies herein described was the same as that described before (9), except for the additions indicated. Pierce, Friedenwald, and Freeman (8) have suggested the use of an ivory tip to insure bringing back the TABLE11. RESULTSOF ANALYSESOF CARBONMONOXIDE AND mercury in the reservoir to the same level each time before METHANEMIXTURES reading the gas volume in the buret. Swearingen, Gerbes, DETER- VOLUME OF CARBON MONOXIDE MINATION SAMPLE Theoretical Determined D I F F ~ R E N C E and Ellis describe a similar gas analysis apparatus in which Cu. mm. % a horizontal buret is used (9). 88.37 50.81 Although the percentage composition of small gas samples 86.40 47.77 87 I32 49.05 can be determined to the degree of accuracy indicated in the 89.41 42.64 92.34 44.78 several methods outlined, the absolute volume of samples Average difference 0.09 cannot be ascertained with equal precision by capillary burets. Average deviation from mean 0.09 In order to test this point, several relatively large volumes of HYDROGEN CHLORIDE. Gaseous hydrogen chloride may air, measured by weighing the same volume of mercury, were be absorbed by the method described for carbon dioxide (1). measured in steps using the microburet. The buret readings An alternative method is to use a concentrated potassium gave an average of 1.8 per cent larger total volume than that hydroxide solution in a sintered glass bead. The procedure obtained by weighing the mercury. Using the data given in in this case is similar to that which is employed for the deter- International Critical Tables (4) for the surface tension of mination of ethylene (,”), except that the concentrated alkali mercury and for the contact angle of mercury and glass, is used instead of sulfuric acid. The water vapor pressure corrected volumes were obtained which were 1.1 per cent over this absorbent is small and may be neglected in the smaller than those obtained by weighing mercury. No analysis. doubt this correction is too great, because under working In both methods the absorption process is very rapid, 2 laboratory conditions’where the walls of the buret may not minutes being ample to allow in any case for complete re- be perfectly clean, the values for surface tension and contact moval of the hydrogen chloride. Because it is slightly more angle must be somewhat smaller than those given in the literaconvenient to use, the authors prefer the second method and ture. Since we cannot know these values, because of conthe results given in Table I11 were obtained in this way. stantly changing conditions of cleanliness, adsorbed gases, The samples were mixtures of hydrogen chloride with dry, etc., the absolute volume of small gas samples cannot be decarbon dioxidefree air. termined with great accuracy. Using the authors’ data and TABLE111. RESULTSOF ANALYSESFOR HYDROGEN CHLORIDE buret, which has a capillary diameter of 0.52 mm., a negative correction of 1.8 per cent would give the absolute volume of DETER- VOLUME OF HYDROGEN CHLORIDE MINATION SAMPLE Theoretical Determined DIFFERENCE gas to within *0.5 per cent. Cu. mm. % % % Burets having diameters up to 0.7 mm. are being used by 154.38 50.81 50.91 +0.10 the authors. In operating all of these, the effect of the sur148.79 49.43 49.47 +0.04 148.30 48.81 48.81 0.00 face tension of mercury is pronounced. Capillaries much 145.71 48.22 48.26 +0.04 138.92 larger than these would require unduly large samples in order 45.39 45.45 +0.06 Average difference 0.05 to obtain the highest percentage accuracy in analyses. Average deviation from mean 0.03 The consistently high values obtained for ammonia may be AMMONIA. Ammonia has been absorbed by the use of a due to the low surface tension of mercury when ammonia is moistened phosphorus pentoxide bead prepared as previously in contact with it (4). It has been suggested (9) that solid



Vol. 6, No. 5

potassium bisulfate may be used to absorb ammonia, but no quantitative results are available. In using sulfuric acid in sintered glass beads, it has been stated by others using this method that the acid may spread over the surface of the mercury. The authors, using sintered beads made from 100- to 150-mesh soft glass and following the procedure previously outlined (%),have not experienced this difficulty. However, if too much acid is left on the bead and spreads over the mercury, it can be removed by the use of a follow-up bead of potassium hydroxide.

The methods for the microanalysis of gases described in this series of articles have been developed to the point where they may be used successfully to determine quantitatively an appreciable number of the more common gases. In Table V may be found summarized the gases which have been studied by the authors in this way, along with the reagents and methods employed. By absorbing the gases in the proper sequence, almost any compatible mixture of these gases may be analyzed. For example, the following nine gases could be systematically separated by removing them in the order named: water, carbon dioxide, ethylene, oxygen, carbon . TABLEV. SUMMARY OF GASES ANALYZEDAND REAGENTS USED monoxide, hydrogen, methane, ethane, and nitrogen. It REAQENTS GASES should be possible to accomplish this separation, using an Water vapor Potassium hydroxide or phosphorus pentoxide ( 1 ) original sample of 100 cu. mm., with the same degree of acCarbon dioxide, hydrogen chloride, Potassium hydroxide (I) curacy as by standard macroanalytical methods using an and other acid- roducing gases Acetaldehyde, a n f vapors of similar Potassium hydroxide (6) original sample of 100 cc. compounds

Oxygen Ammonia and other base-producing gases Acetylene

Ethylene and other unsaturated hydrocarbons Carbon monoxide Hydrogen Methane and ethane or any two readily combustibte gases Nitrogen and other inert gases

Phosphorus ( f ) Phosphorus entoxide or conoentrated sulAric acid in sintered glass Cuprous chloride and potassium hydroxide (B) Concentrated sulfuric acid (fuming, for ethylene) ( 2 ) Silver oxide (8j, cupric oxide and potassium hydroxide, or explosion (1j Cupric oxide and potassium hydroxide, or explosion (1) Explosion (1 j

By difference

The dark blue bead for the oxidation of hydrogen and carbon monoxide probably consists in part of a solid solution of cupric oxide in potassium hydroxide (7). The color is a good indication of the effectiveness of the bead as an absorbing agent. Care should be taken not to use a large excess of potassium hydroxide and this hydroxide should be relatively pure. The presence of an appreciable amount of potassium carbonate seems to reduce the reactivity of the absorbent. It is evident that this cupric oxide-potassium hydroxide reagent cannot be used to effect a separation of carbon monoxide and hydrogen. The silver oxide method does this very well with the limitations previously described ( 2 ) .

ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors wish to acknowledge their indebtedness to P. A. Leighton for his kindly interest and many suggestions in regard to this work.

LITERATURE CITED Blacet and Leighton, IND. ENG.CHBM.,Anal. Ed., 3,266 (1931). Blacet, MacDonald, and Leighton, Ibid., 5,272 (1933). Dennis and Nichols, “Gas Analysis,” p. 157, Macmillan Co., N. Y.. 1929. (4) International Critical Tables, Vol. IV, p. 434,McGraw-Hill Book Co.,N. Y.,1928. (5) JLger, J. Gasbeleucht., 41, 764 (1898). (6) Leighton and Blacet, J. Am. Chem. SOC.,54, 3165 (1932); 55, 1766 (1933). (7) Mellor, “Comprehensive Treatise,” Vol. 3, p. 138, Longmans, Green & Co.,N. Y.,1928. (8) Pierce, Friedenwald, and Freeman, Am. J. Physiol., 104, 553 (1933). (9) Swearingen, Gerbes, and Ellis, IND. ENG.CHEM.,Anal. Ed., 5. 369 (1933). RIOCEIVED May 9, 1934. Presented in part before the Division of Physical and Inorganic Chemistry at the 84th Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Denver, colo., August 22 t o 28, 1932.

Anhydrous Sodium Carbonate for Standardization LOUISWALDBAUER, D. C. MCCANN,AND LAWRENCE F. TULEEN T h e State University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa


ODIUM carbonate has been used as a standard for many years in neutralization methods of analysis. Many textbooks quote Lunge (4) and require that, in the preparation of sodium carbonate from sodium bicarbonate, the sample should not be heated over 300’ C. Some state that sodium carbonate decomposes above this temperature; some, that it becomes hygroscopic. It was the purpose of the authors to investigate thoroughly the whole matter of preparation, as well as the mass of conflicting statements.

EXPERIMENTAL REAGENTS.Stock c. P. sodium bicarbonate, such as is available in any laboratory, was used as a starting material for sodium carbonate preparation, In terms of sodium bicarbonate this material analyzed 100.45 .per cent. The hydrochloric acid solution was prepared from re-

distilled hydrochloric acid and water redistilled from alkaline potassium permanganate solution, The acid was standardized against calcite, benzoic acid, and potassium acid phthalate, making suitable corrections for indicators. The error in standardization was 1 part in 2500. The sodium hydroxide solution was prepared carbonatefree by the method of Cornog (1). PREPARATION O F SODIUM CARBONATE. Sodium bicarbonate decomposes to sodium carbonate a t any temperature above 102” C. A sample heated a t this temperature for one week analyzed 100.20 per cent in terms of sodium carbonate. When heated to higher temperatures a well-stirred sample remained a t 140’ for some time, Samples heated to 150” C. and cooled a t once were found to be completely converted. It is obvious therefore that any sample heated above 150” C. is completely converted, regardless of the length of time of heating.