The mind-expanding coupon. - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

Nov 7, 2010 - The mind-expanding coupon. Chem. Eng. News , 1972, 50 (45), p 25. DOI: 10.1021/cen-v050n045.p025. Publication Date: November 06, 1972. C...
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The Lubrizol Corporation, Box 3 0 5 7 , Cleveland, O h i o 4 4 1 1 7 Please send me samples of: •

D A A monomer.

D A A T S resin.

H M D A A monomer ( 5 5 % solids agueous solution.)

I D A A monomer in Polyesters.

Please send me technical literature: •

Basic D A A Bulletin.


H M D A A monomer — crosslinking emulsion systems.

H M D A A monomer — crosslinking solution polymers.

H M D A A monomer — improved wet adhesion in vinyl latex paint.

Basic D A A T S Bulletin.

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D A A , H M D A A and DAATS are trademarks of The Lubrizol Corporation

The mind-expanding coupon. F i l l it i n , a n d w e ' l l f i l l y o u in o n D A A 8 m o n o m e r , H M D A A ® monomer and D A A T S ™ resin. W e ' l l send y o u free samples and free literature to help y o u do some free thinking. M a y b e we can help y o u rethink o l d problems, come up with new concepts for new products. That's how our coupon expands the mind. For openers here are some details on our mind expanding products. D A A Monomer — Diacetone A c r y l a m i d e . A highly reactive, non-volatile solid monomer which undergoes a variety of chemical reactions at the d o u b l e b o n d , keto carbonyl and methyl and methylene groups alpha to the keto carbonyl. H H H CH3H O H I I I I I II I C = C - C - N - C - C - C - C - H I II I I I H O CH3H H D A A monomer has proven to be an excellent crosslinking monomer to improve the handling and physical properties of paper and glass reinforced polyester prepregs. A s a polar component in water and solvent based adhesives, D A A monomer imparts improved substrate adhesion. In 1 0 0 % solids systems,

D A A monomer imparts stability and handleability at ambient temperature while exhibiting a solvency effect at slightly elevated temperatures imparting excellent flow properties to many resinous systems. H M D A A Monomer—Hydroxymethylated diacetone acrylamide. A methylolated derivative of D A A monomer. L o w concentrations of H M D A A monomer in vinyl acetate or acrylic latices cause films of these polymers to crosslink. Consider H M D A A monomer as a useful component in binders to improve pick resistance/ in coatings to improve wet adhesion, and in adhesives to improve solvent resistance. D A A T S Resin — A diacetone acrylamide/formaldehyde condensation product in which both methylene and ether linkages are present between adjacent diacetone acrylamide molecules. The vinyl unsaturation of D A A monomer is retained in the condensate. D A A T S resin exhibits extended catalyzed stability at room temperature, yet cures rapidly at elevated temperatures. Consider D A A T S resin alone or with other unsaturated, free-radically cured monomers or resins to impart solvent a n d heat resistance, i m p r o v e d hardness t o plastics composites, coatings and adhesives.