DL_POLY software. The same concentration of confined .... scale from 0-1 ps with the presence of four local minima and this is a signature of a local translational ...
May 1, 2002 - Jagir S. Multani , Carl P. Cepurneek , Peter S. Davis , and Paul Saltman. Biochemistry 1970 9 (20), 3970-3976. Abstract | PDF | PDF w/ Links.
2 hours ago - ... and sizes, i.e. linear (CO2 and N2) and spherical (CH4) fluids, in a model small pore system, i.e. the Metal-Organic Framework SIFSIX-2-Cu-i.
scale from 0-1 ps with the presence of four local minima and this is a signature of a local translational dynamics of the fluid. A relatively similar behavior has ...
Using the data, it is shown that the myosin molecule cannot ... myosin-containing filaments in the A-band of striated muscle be 10 myosin molecules long and ...
Aug 18, 2014 - Amanda J. Mills, John Wilkie, and Melanie M. Britton*. School of Chemistry, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, B15 2TT, United Kingdom.
May 15, 2018 - Advanced Membranes and Porous Materials Center Division of Physical Sciences and Engineering, King Abdullah University of Science and ...
(1â3) Among them, metalâorganic frameworks (MOFs) appear as a promising family of .... In this way, hij(t) was estimated in the following way: If zij(0)·zij(t) > 0 and this condition .... physics, biology, and materials science where diatomic or
Jul 18, 2013 - Figure 3 further characterizes the motion within the modes into that related to the TMA cation (hash shading) and the bromine anion (slash ...
Nov 22, 2016 - Synopsis. Combination of diorganotin dichlorides with dithiocarbamates (dtcs) derived from a homologous series of N-substituted amino acids gave dinuclear tin complexes with 20- to 34-membered macrocyclic structures. Variations in the
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