The most important element in science. - C&EN Global Enterprise

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The most important element in science.


and m a k e c o n t a c t

Ingenuity. Caring.

w i t h y o u r local

The willingness to go to extraordinary

The human element.

Perkin-Elmer representative. Promptly.

lengths to help y o u succeed. °° "You won't find

And efficiently. °° A n d we're establishing regional

such words in the Periodic Table. But they're the

demonstration centers t h r o u g h o u t the U.S. for

essence of science. °o They're also the w o r d s

technical training a n d support. °° These actions

Perkin-Elmer people live by. °° That's w h y we've

and more are all p a r t of the h u m a n element at

redeployed our sales and service representatives

Perkin-Elmer, °° W h e n y o u need help to succeed,

out of offices and into the field. So they can be

whatever y o u need, here's w h e r e to call.

n e a r e r to y o u . A n d m o r e responsive t h a n ever.

9001 For Analytical Systems: Sales information:



We've also created a new, r a p i d - r e s p o n s e

1-800-762-4000. Service support: 1-800-762-8288.

communications network.With just one call, y o u

For BioResearch Systems: Sales information:

can get questions answered by skilled specialists,

1-800-345-5224. Technical support: 1-800-831-6844.

PERKIN ELMER Allanalytical

The Perkin-Elmer Corporation, 761 Main Avenue, Norwalk, CT 06859-0012. instrument.' am> ,