The Mt. Holyoke Conference: A Sequel to Snowmass

The focus of this conference will be undergraduate ... free. Mt. Holyoke College is situated in the Connecticut. Valley-one of the oldest settled regi...
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The Mt. Holyoke Conference: A Sequel t o Snowmas~ Mt. Holyoke College is the place; August 23-25, 7972 is the time; the sponsor is the Division o f Chemical Educotion; the progrom is up to you! The focus of this conference will be undergraduate programs in chernistry for scientists, non-scientists and technicians. in conversations with invited discussion leaders, members of the progrom commiffee hove detected o notionwide concern obout present undergraduate programs and o desire to look at recent innovotive ond successful approaches to education in chemisfry. The concern is not only obout programs for chemistry mojors where doubt has been expressed obout the inodequocy o f the traditional lecture ond loborofory sequences and obout the technic01 obsolescence of teochers; there is olso deep concern obout the progroms offered for the non-science major. Hove we considered the changing attitudes and aspirotions of today's undergroduate or hove we, despite our fine tolk obout innovations and chonge, continued to feed him the some old blond Pablum of the 7950's and 6. O.' s..Z

Discussion leoders will include Kenneth Chapman, J. A. Campbell, Harold Cossidy, Derek Davenport, Joseph Logowski, Leon Mandell, Robert Munn, Williom Slichter, Emil Swolinski, ond Cheves Walling. Questions olready being asked include: "Relevonce-What Does it Mean?" "Should We Not Lecture to the C Student rother fhon to the A Student?" " Whot About Technical Training?" "How to Merge Student Desires and Society's Needs-The Technical Side?" " Whot is Eco-Chem?" "The Chemistry Major of the Future'"7s there Any Hope for Lorge Undergroduote Laboratory Programs?" "Science ond an Antagonized society-~ave W e Promised The Wrong Things?" "Should Chemistry be only a Spectotor Sport?" " W h a t obout the Open University of Greot Britain's Science Progrom?" "How to Combat Technical Obsalescence of Teachers" " Whot's 'Wrong with Most Undergraduate Chemistry Major's Programs?". In contrast to the Snowmass-ot-Aspen Conference [J. CHEM. EDUC. 48, 3(?977 ihis is meant to be open with the progrom commiffee actively soliciting contrib&ed papers. The final progrom ond themes will not be firm until all contributed abstracts hove been perused. One thing is definite, however; Cheves Walling will lead a discussion on the proposed new ACS guidelines for vndergraduate chemistry mojors. The conference is to be informal following the guidelines of the Gordon conferences. There will be split morning

sessions ,and an evening one to be followed by a lote evening beer and cheese rump session. Afternoons ore free. Mt. Holyoke College is situated in the Connecticut Valley-one of the oldest settled regions in America. To the west of campus ore the Berkshires ond to the north, the White and Green Mountains. The area is a tourist's porodise where one con find within o 30-min drive reminders of o rich hisforicol post including whole villager that hove been restored-Old Deerfield and Old Sturbridge. Museums, Tonglewood, the Jocob's Pillow Donce Festival, onfique shops, mill outlets, boating, swimming, and hiking are easily ovoilable to all. The College itself has a beautiful golf course and on Olympic size pool. The regirtrotion fee has been set at $74.00 for participant, $4.00 for spouse, and $2.00 for child. The total cost for room and board for the three days wiN be $27.00 for those using the College dormitories. Arrangements can be mode to stay of Mt. Holyoke early in the conference week os well as afterwords for those offending the Fall ACS meeting in New York City. Those wishing to present papers must have abstracts to Joseph Vonderslice, Department of Chemistry, University o f Maryland, College Pork, Maryland 20742 by Moy 31, 7972. A copy of the abstroct should olso be sent to Henry Bent, Deportment of Chemistry, North Carolino Sfote University, Roleigh, North Carolina, 27607. Registration for the conference closes on July 3 1, 7 972. For further informofion, contact Anna H. Harrison, Deportment of Chemistry, Mt. Holyoke College, South Hadley, Mossachusetts 07075. The Conference Committee hopes to see mony o f you there. Success will depend on active participation by mony with diverse viewpoints. Conference Commnee

Henry Bent, Chowman North Corolcna Sfote Unwerrlh Anna J Harrmn M t Holyake College

Robert Porry UnrverritY of Utah Robert C Plumb Worcerter Polytechnx InrtMute

Leo Schubert

Sfanlev Kirrchner ~ e y n Stole k Univerrity

The Amerrcan Unwerrrty J a r e ~ hT Vonderrlice

Volume 49, Number 5, May 1972
