The NALGE C., Inc

equilibrium. 12. Microdistillation Column ... columns, separates components in min ... SUCH TESTS are proving, every day, that new, water-white Nalgon...
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equilibrium has been established a n d a special table is not required since vibra­ tion does n o t appreciably affect the reproducibility. P a n holders designed t o hold alumi­ num or platinum pans, capillary tubes, or suspended objects, a n d tare weights provide m a x i m u m versatility. T h e tor­ sion principle a t all bearing points eliminates knife edge friction. Static charges are dissipated b y gold-plating all the fused quartz material, including the p a n holders. T h e case is m a d e of 0.5-inch a l u m i n u m plate, which provides high h e a t capacity a n d rapid thermal equilibrium. 12



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Microdistillation Column

T h e Distillograph, operating on the principle of gas-liquid partition and designed for rapid, accurate separation of volatile compounds, is manufactured by the Research E q u i p m e n t Corp. Resolution of mixtures is b o t h qualita­ tive and q u a n t i t a t i v e , in samples ranging from 2 to 200 m a .

SUCH TESTS are proving, every day, that new, water-white Nalgon is truly an outstanding tubing . . . for Nalgon is formulated from the highest grade polyvinyl chloride and the latest plasticizers to make it a superior tubing. CHECK THE PRICE, too! Nalgon Tubing is amazingly economical! Ask your favorite Laboratory Supply Dealer for Complete details.


NALGE CΟ., Inc. ROCHESTER 2, N E W YOR For further information, circle number 63 A-1 on Readers' service Card, page 33 A

mms T h e i n s t r u m e n t , said to o u t m o d e conventional types of microdistillation columns, separates components in min­ utes and charts the information on an automatic recorder, f i x t u r e s of vola­ tile samples, formerly impossible to separate, m a y be completely resolved without the formation of azeotropes. Fractions boiling as lo\v as 20° C. or as high as 350° C. can be quantitatively separated and collected. T h e volatile materials are separated by a, helium gas stream flowing through a specially packed column of Celite wet with a high boiling point oil. As each separated component leaves the column, it passes through a highly sensitive thermal conductivity cell, which relays voltage differences to an electronic strip chart recorder. T h e d a t a are presented as a plot of thermal conductivity versus time. T h e a m o u n t and boiling point of

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