The NALGE CO., Inc

instrument that pays for it- self over and over again! How? By assisting in product development and ... mission licensing procedures. Specific activit...
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VISCOSITY a factor in your


SAVE MONEY WITH f THEHOEPPLER f Here's an instrument that pays for it­ self over and over again! H o w ? By assisting in product development and manufacture — and by eliminating costly e r r o r s i n viscosity control. o n t h e falling-ball Operating principle, the H o e p p l e r Viscosimeter has an accuracy of 0 . 1 % t o 0 . 5 % . Even gases as well as liquids, oils, plastics, syrups, viscous tars, etc., can be measured. Only a small sample (30cc) is required, a n d results are consistent and reproducible. T h e Hoeppler Viscosimeter is n o w serving manufacturers in many fields — food, chemical, ceramic, plastic, etc. It belongs i n any laboratory where viscosity is a factor i n the manufacture o r sale of a product. Write for Bulletin HV-303, which gives complete details

NEW PRODUCTS foot of space occupied. I t produces a free a i r displacement of 70 liters per m i n u t e and a n ultimate v a c u u m of 0.1 micron. T h e unit can p u m p from atmospheric pressure t o ultimate pres­ sure in less t h a n 5 minutes. 14 Binders for Spectrograms For p e r m a n e n t filing and preservation of infrared a n d ultraviolet spectro­ grams, Spectra-Bind Associates is of­ fering s t u r d y canvas-covered doublepost slot lock binders. T h e binders provide readily accessible reference files for original spectra from Baird, Beckman, Carey, a n d PerkinElmer spectrophotometers. T h e y are designed for holding spectrogram sheets covering t h e 2- t o 15-micron infrared spectral range and t h e 200- to 750-ηΐμ ul­ traviolet a n d visible regions. Binders of other size also can be supplied. 15


Manufactured by FISH-SCHURMAN CORP. 72 Portman Road, New Rochelle, Ν. Υ.

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New GIANT Poly-Funnel

Karl Fischer Methanol M e t h a n o l containing less t h a n 100 p.p.m. water for u s e i n K a r l Fischer moisture determinations has been added to Mallinckrodt Chemical W o r k s ' line of analytical reagents. T h e new material is claimed t o pro­ vide a satisfactory vehicle for samples and t o reduce the consumption of Karl Fischer reagent used t o pretitrate water content. I t is furnished in 30-pound 16 drums. C 14 -Labeled Fatty Alcohols Cetyl-1-C 1 4 alcohol and stearyl-1-C· 4 alcohol have been added t o t h e list of carbon-14-tagged compounds offered b y Nuclear I n s t r u m e n t and Chemical Corp. T h e y can b e used for synthesizing labeled detergents or in metabolic studies. T h e compounds are available in package sizes of 1, 0.5, and 0.1 millicurie under regular Atomic Energy Com­ mission licensing procedures. Specific activities are approximately 1 millicurie per millimole. 17 Organic Chemicals

blean, durable, light-weight, chemically resistant polyethylene makes the most practical and efficient f u n n e l s . . . and here is one that really is BIG enough to answer every pouring need! The new Nalgene Giant Poly-Funnel is 1 1 " in diameter with the same over-all height (11") and a 3 " stem. Minimum wall thickness is Vs", ribbed for extra strength inside and out. Compared with similar funnels of the same size and quality, you'll find it surprisingly inexpensive . . . only $8.50 each. Catalog No. 1236

The Ask /or our newest bulletin C455 on Nalgene Polyethylene ware.

NALGE CO., Inc. R O C H E S T E R 2 , N E W YORK

For further information, circle number SO A-2 on Readers' Service Card, page 39 A

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Among 10 new organic compounds recently added t o t h e chemicals avail­ able from Distillation Products I n d u s ­ tries is 4,5-dihydroxy-w-benzenedisulfonic acid disodium salt, a sensitive re­ agent for iron a n d t i t a n i u m t h a t can be used t o determine b o t h metals sepa­ rately in a single solution. Other recent additions t o t h e line of E a s t m a n organic chemicals include: 3-Amino-l-propanol 2-w-Butylaminoethanol

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