The Nation's Top Industrial Corporations All Use Harshaw Chemicals

The Nation's Top. lOO. Industrial Corporations All Use Harshaw Chemicals. Harshaw Serves 50 Different Industries! For each of 50 different industries,...
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The Nation's Top


Industrial Corporations All Use Harshaw Chemicals

Harshaw Serves 50 Different Industries! For each of 50 different industries, includ-

Chemical Industry uses products from six

ing the Nation's top 100 industrial corpora-

of our ten industrial divisions.

tions, H a r s h a w p r o d u c e s a v a r i e t y of

Harshaw produces over 1000 different

important chemicals. For instance, the

chemicals for more than 15,000 customers

Petroleum I n d u s t r y regularly purchases

throughout the World. Probably lue have a

catalysts, metallic soaps, salts and crystals.

chemical you can use. If you have something

T h e Automobile Industry buys electroplat-

specific in mind ask us. A t your request

i n g c h e m i c a l s a n d a n o d e s , catalysts,

we'll forward a catalog listing o u r major

fluorides, pigments and metallic soaps. T h e

products and describing our company.

The Harshaw Chemical Company 1945 East 97th Street CHICAGO


· Cleveland 6, Ohio ·




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