THE NEW SARGENT CATALOG 109 - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

Nov 6, 2010 - Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a ...
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Now available for scientific laboratories..,





manent Sargent catalog number system is perpetuated—with numbers in sequence with the alphabetical listing and fully identifying each item to insure ease and accuracy in ordering. Completely descriptive titles in bold-face type distinguish alternatives and similarities between listings. Current prices—Prices on each item are current at the time of printing. Detailed Index—an elaborate sixty-four page subject index is provided with extensive cross references. Distribution of Catalog 109 is now being made to scientific and purchasing personnel. Your recommendations for the distribution of this catalog in your laboratory or department will be welcomed.

An encyclopedia of scientific instruments, apparatus and chemicals—nearly 1500 pages of comprehensive listings—for scientific men working in a professional capacity. Comprehensive —This new edition lists over 38,000 items of scientific instruments, apparatus and chemicals. Items are compiled in familiar alphabetical order by most commonly used names. Subject finding words are located at the outside top of each page for rapid location of items. Cross references are used throughout. Up-to-date illustrations—All principle items are illustrated on the same page as the catalog listing. Each illustration is up-to-date and accurate—corresponding with the merchandise supplied under the catalog listing. Permanent catalog number system—The per-



E.M. S A R G E N T



C O . , 4 6 4 - 7 W . F O S T E R , CHICAGO 3 0 , ILLINOIS

D E T R O I T 4-, M I C H . · DALLAS 3 5 , T E X A S · B I R M I N G H A M 4 , A L A . · S P R I N G F I E L D , N . J .