The new VISTA 402...from Varian

The new VISTA 402...from Varian. The VISTA 402 is the only system that will fully control up to four GC's ... tasking software that addresses nearly f...
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Presenting the only chromatography data and automation system smart enough to handle both GC's and LC's—

The new VISTA 402...from Varian The VISTA 402 is the only system that will fully control up to four GC's and/or LC's with AutoSamplers. And it will automate any analysis: routine repetitive assays and complex sets of samples while simultaneously calculating and reporting the data from any four GC and/or L C detectors. All this is accomplished by sophisticated multitasking software that addresses nearly five times as much memory as a standard 64K microcomputer.

With dual channel, you can print two chromatograms side-by-side, e.g., to compare a sample with a stored standard from disk or to ratio the responses of two different detectors to the same sample. And the printer/plotter saves you time because it is independent of the keyboard. It can be waiting for, or printing, data while you are editing programs on the CRT.

The large, friendly CRT and simple keyboard make it easier to use.

VISTA 402 software includes the most powerful and complete set of peak processing algorithms available. Every peak elution contingency can be handled correctly, most without recalculation. And this includes the narrowest, fastest capillary G C peaks. The VISTA 402 algorithms even handle the difficult end-of-peak region on the fly, in real time. You don't have to manually enter timed events to force proper peak integration.

You control and monitor the VISTA 402 through the interactive C R T and keyboard. When you build a method the C R T guides you all the way step by step, line by line. For each entry, prompts tell you what settings or ranges can be entered. The keyboard is in standard typewriter format. It also has nineteen self-explanatory special function keys which further simplify making entries and building methods.

Floppy disks provide over 819,000 bytes of mass storage and unique data handling capabilities. Two 5.25 inch floppy disks, each with 409,600 bytes of storage, are available with the VISTA 402. Raw, digitized chromatographic data, as well as result data and methods, can be stored on the disks. For chromatograms with an average peak width at half height of 8 seconds, a two disk system can store about 20 hours of raw data. This is in addition to the VISTA 402's 144,000 bytes of RAM memory for about 18 methods and 2,200 peaks.

Advanced dual-channel printer/plotter produces clear, useful reports. Fully and clearly annotated analysis reports are automatically produced by the VISTA 402's fast dual-channel printer/plotter. There is no overprinting of retention times and peaks are identified by compound name in both the chromatogram and the calculations report.

Intelligent chromatography...

Accurately handles all peak geometries—automatically.

Unique "learn mode" saves you time. When you tell the VISTA 402 to "learn," it automatically determines the best peak processing parameters for each peak in a sample, even those as small as Vi second in width. You don't have to understand peak processing to do it right. Parameters such as slope sensitivity, are calculated for you, made part of your method and stored in memory for use on future samples.

The VISTA 402 can automatically plot every chromatogram with the baseline drawn in. You can always confirm that the baseline is placed correctly because the VISTA 402 has the unique ability to automatically report every chromatogram in a run with the baseline drawn in.

Accurately corrects for drifting baseline. The VISTA 402 is the only system to actually store a precise, point-by-point measurement of background as a part of your stored method and automatically subtract it from all sample runs. As a result, all peaks are presented on scale with true retention times

from Varian

and you have greater assurance that all peak areas are accurately integrated. This is especially critical for the narrow, closely spaced peaks of temperature-programmed G C runs.

A versatile, expandable, four-channel system. VISTA 402 can increase the productivity of existing instruments. The four-channel data system will calculate the data and plot fully annotated chromatograms concurrently from any four gas and/or liquid chromatographs already in your laboratory. For total automation of the entire chromatography process—full instrument control as well as data handling—VISTA 402 combines with up to four VISTA 6000 Gas Chromatographs and/or 5000 and 5500 Series Liquid Chromatographs. Then, methods you set in the 402 automatically control all instrument conditions as well as all data handling. For completely automatic, unattended high-volume sample handling, as well as improved reproducibility, you can add up to four AutoSamplers, all simultaneously controlled by the VISTA 402. The VISTA 402 will also send data to external computers, such as Apple //e and Digital Equipment VAX, for special handling and it will receive and print reports from them. You can use the 402 to provide exactly the automation needed to increase the productivity of your lab. For further information circle Reader Service Number 200. To have a Varian Representative contact you circle Reader Service Number 201. For immediate assistance phone: Florham Park, NJ (201) 822-3700; Park Ridge, IL (312) 825-7772; Sugar Land, TX (713) 491-7330; or write: 611 Hansen Way, Palo Alto, CA 94303. In Europe: Steinhauserstrasse, CH-6300 Zug, Switzerland.
