The nitrogen hyperfine splitting constant of the nitroxide functional

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The Nitrogen Hyperfine Splitting Constant of the Nitroxide Functional Group as a Solvent Polarity Parameter. The Relative Importance for a Solvent Polarity Parameter of Its Being a Cybotactic Probe vs. Its Being a Model Process Bruce R. Knauer* and James J. Napier Contribution from the Department of Chemistry, State University of New York, Oneonta, New York 13820, Received April 2.5, 1975

Abstract: Solvent polarity parameters currently fall into two classes: (1) those which involve no model reaction and which do not probe the solvent at the molecular level (in the cybotactic region) and (2) those which do involve a model reaction and which probe the solvent at the molecular level. In the former category one may find dielectric constant and dipole moment , the Berson Q value may be found in the latter. The nitrogen while the Kosower Z value, the Dimroth-Reichardt E ~ ( 3 0 )and hyperfine splitting constants, A N , of di-rert-butyl nitroxide ( l ) ,4-amino-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperid1-yloxy (2), and 3-carbamoyl-2,2,5,5-tetramethyl-3-pyrrolin-l-yloxy (3) have been measured in a series of 3 1 solvents. The linear correlations between A Nand the polarity parameters in category (1) are poor while those between A Nand the polarity parameters in category ( 2 ) are good (correlation coefficient, r = 0.95). Since A N involves no model reaction but is a cybotactic probe this suggests that it is more important that a solvent polarity parameter be a cybotactic probe than it is that it involve a model reaction. Since A Nis easily measured in almost all cases, it may prove to be a useful empirical solvent polarity parameter, especially in cases where the other parameters are difficult to determine owing to limited solubility, spectral interference, etc.

The polarity of a solvent may be described by several parameters.' Those which are most frequently employed are the dielectric constant, E , dipole moment, p, Winstein-Grunwald Y value,* Kosower 2 value,3 and Dimroth-Reichardt E ~ ( 3 0 ) value.4 T h e e and p parameters are fundamentally different from the remaining three in two important ways. First, E and p do not directly probe the cybotactic regionSa of the solvent. T h e dielectric constant is not a probe of the cybotactic region because it is a macroscopic property of the bulk solvent. T h e dipole moment of the solvent is a property of a n individual solvent molecule (particularly when determined by microwave spectroscopy in the gas phase, which values are generally regarded as being most accurate). However, when p is employed as a solvent polarity parameter for an ensemble of solvent molecules in the liquid phase it becomes a polarity parameter of the bulk solvent and does not probe the cybotactic region. (If the magnitude, direction, and perhaps the intramolecular contributions of p for the solvent molecule are known, this information may help provide a qualitative description of the cybotactic region surrounding some particular solute but this would still not be a probe of this region.) On the other hand, if the dipole moment of a solute could be accurately measured a t high dilution in a series of solvents, its variation might be the basis for a solvent polarity parameter which would directly probe the cybotactic regioxSbConversely, Y, 2, and E ~ ( 3 0values ) derive from experiments which d o probe the cybotactic region of the solvent since these parameters are based on effects which the cybotactic region has on solute molecules. Secondly, Y, 2, and E ~ ( 3 0are ) what might be called model parameters of solvent polarity since each of these parameters results from a particular effect the solvent polarity has on a certain (model) chemical process of a certain compound (e.g., in the case of Y the formation of an ion pair from neutral tert-butyl chloride and in the case of Z the conversion of the ion pair of 1-ethyl-4-carbomethoxypyridiniumiodide to a neutral species). Conversely, E and p might be called nonmodel parameters of solvent polarity since no model reaction is involved in their determination. If the solvent polarity parameter is to be used to determine the effect of solvent polarity on some aspect of a reaction (e.g.,

Knauer, Napier

reaction rate), then it would seem to be better to use a cybotactic probe, rather than one which is not, since the reaction of interest will be mainly influenced by the cybotactic region and not the bulk solvent. Likewise, it would seem to be better to use a model probe rather than one which does not involve a model reaction. Furthermore, a model probe in which the model reaction, which defines the polarity parameter, bears some resemblance to the reaction of interest would be expected to be a better choice than one in which it does not.6 Of the five polarity parameters considered above two, e and p , are both noncybotactic and nonmodel parameters and the remainder are both cybotactic and model parameters. None is a nonmodel and cybotactic parameter nor is any a model and noncybotactic parameter. Consequently, using these parameters it is not possible to estimate the relative importance of these two factors (Le., noncybotactic vs. cybotactic as compared to model vs. nonmodel). However, it has been known for some time that the I4N isotropic hyperfine splitting constant, AN,in the electron spin resonance (ESR) spectrum of certain nitroxide free radicals is sensitive to the polarity of the solvent in which they are disIn terms of valence bond theory two canonical structures (Ia and Ib) can be drawn for the nitroxide functional group.











The greater the polarity of a solvent the more structure Ib is favored, increasing the electron density on oxygen, but increasing the spin density on nitrogen. According to the theory of Karplus and Fraenkel16

A N = (S'

+ QxoN+ ~ Q N c ~ )+PQ ~O N" ~ P O " + ~ Q C N ~ P C " (1)

where p ~ = pox, , and pc" are the r-electron spin densities at the nitrogen, oxygen, and adjacent carbon atoms, respectively; SN represents the contribution to the splitting from the nitrogen 1s electrons; and the Q's represent the contributions of the 2s

/ N Hyperfine Splitting Constant of the Nitroxide Functional Group

4396 electrons (e.g., Qo" is the 8-7 parameter for the nucleus of we decided to measure ANfor three nitroxides, di-tert-butyl the nitrogen resulting from the interaction between the O N 1-yloxy (2), nitroxide (l),4-amino-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidbond and the *-electron density on the oxygen). These conand 3-carbamoyl-2,2,5,5-tetramethyl-3-pyrrolin-l-yloxy (3), stants have been estimated by Ayscough and Sargent17 for in a wide variety of solvents and to determine the degree of diphenyl nitroxide (I, R1 = R2 = Ph), giving AN= 3 5 . 6 1 ~ ~ " correlation of A N with cybotactic, model reaction solvent - 0 . 9 3 ~ 0 "using ~ McLachlan18 H M O spin densities (QmN polarity parameters. is negligibly small). Kubota et al.19 have estimated them for Experimental Section the anion radicals of a series of heterocyclic amine N-oxides Chemicals. Di-tert-butyl nitroxide (l),bp 58-59 OC, was prepared ". and giving AN= 4 2 . 5 7 ~ ~-" 1 8 . 9 8 ~ 0 "- 6 . 6 6 ~ ~ Kikuchi from tert-nitrobutane and sodium by the method of Hoffmann et al.,22 Somenolo estimated them for phenyl nitroxide (I, R1 = Ph, R2 except that tetrahydrofuran was employed as solvent in place of glyme. = H), giving AN = 3 0 . 5 ~ ~-"13.6~0". Finally, Cohen and 4-Amino-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperid-I-yloxy (2) and 3-carbamHoffman20 have estimated them for di-tert-butyl nitroxide and oyl-2,2,5,5-tetramethyl-3-pyrrolin1-yloxy (3) were used as purchased 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-N-oxyl giving AN = 2 3 . 9 ~ ~ " from Aldrich Chemical Co., Milwaukee, Wis. 53233. 3.6~0".In any case increasing the spin density on nitrogen Solvents. In each case, except water, the commercial reagent grade and decreasing it on oxygen would increase the magnitude of solvent was purified, usually by methods described by Wiberg2) or AN.Thus, changing the solvent in which the nitroxide is disRiddick and B ~ n g e rWater . ~ ~ was purified by distillation. Spectra. All spectra were run on a Varian E-4(X-band) specsolved from one which is less polar to one which is more polar trometer at room temperature. The NI4 triplet was always scanned should increase the magnitude of AN. at a rate of 5 G/min (1 G = 1 cm on chart) with a microwave power This effect, in fact, has been observed. Mukai et aL9 studied of 20 mW and a modulation frequency of 100 kHz.For each radical the variation of the 14N hyperfine splitting in diphenyl niin each solvent at least six scans were recorded; the scans were run troxide (DPNO, I, R I = R2 = Ph) with 22 solvents and in dialternately upfield and downfield. The N14 hyperfine splitting was p-anisyl nitroxide (DPANO, I, R1 = R2 = Ph-OCH3) with 21 measured between maxima and between minima in the first derivative solvents. In both cases the 14N hyperfine splitting was conspectra of the nitrogen triplet; thus this procedure generally afforded sidered to be a function of the dipole moments of the solvents a minimum of 24 values for the NI4 hyperfine splitting of each niand a straight line was fitted by inspection. We have performed troxide radical in each solvent. In some solvents the N i 4signals of 2 an unweighted linear least-squares analysis on these data and were further split into partially resolved pentets; also, in some solvents the N i 4signals of 3 were further split into partially resolved sextets.*' calculated correlation coefficients (Table 11, lines 10-17). In these cases .AN was measured between corresponding positions on While a trend of increasing nitrogen hyperfine splitting with the nitrogen triplet. increasing solvent dipole moment is apparent, the correlation The spectra were obtained from solutions of the three nitroxides is very poor when all the solvents are considered as a group in the various solvents. The solutions were purged from 15 to 20 min (lines 10 and 14), and is poor to fair when only similar solvents with dry nitrogen. The concentration of the nitroxide in solution was are considered as a group (lines 11-13, 15-17) except for M for di-tert-butyl nitroxide (1) and 3-carbamoylca. 5 X DPANO in nonhydrogen-bonding solvents (line 15) where the 2,2,5,5-tetramethyl-3-pyrrolin-l-yloxy (3) and was ca. 5 X M correlation is good (r 1 0.95). Lemaire and Rassat" studied for 4-amino-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperid1-yloxy (2). Small variations the variation of the I4N hyperfine splitting in di-tert-butyl in nitroxide concentration would not be expected to affect the Ni4hfs at the concentrations employed. In several cases the concentration of nitroxide as a function of the Kosower 2 value of the solvents the nitroxide in a particular solvent was increased by a factor of 10 used. Except for two solvents, the hyperfine splitting constants without altering the N14 hfs significantly. All spectra were run using are not reported in this paper. However, we have estimated a flat cell. them from a graph which is presented and performed a linear unweighted least-squares analysis. The correlation so obtained Results and Discussion is a good one (Table 11, lines 25-26, 28). However, only six The results are presented in Tables 1-111. Table I shows the solvents were examined in this study (4 hydrogen bonding) so N i 4hyperfine splitting, along with the 95% confidence limit there is some question as to whether the large value of r might and standard deviation, for the three nitroxides employed in be fortuitous. Wajer, Mackor, and deBoer15 examined the the 3 1 solvents which were investigated. Table I1 shows the nitrogen and a-hydrogen (N-H) hyperfine splitting constants results of our unweighted linear-least-squares plots of A Nvs. of tert-butyl nitroxide (I, Rl = tert-butyl, R2 = H ) in a series other solvent polarity parameters (lines 1-34), along with the ) this of 11 solvents. The correlation between A Nand E ~ ( 3 0 in correlation coefficients, r. This table includes data culled from case is fair (Table 11, line 40). An excellent linear correlation other sources, as well as our own; the source is indicated in the ) 11, line results if AN/&" is plotted against E ~ ( 3 0 (Table table. 39).21 However, this correlation involves the introduction of It can be seen that for the three nitroxides employed in this an additional parameter, A". study the correlation between A Nand p (dipole moment) is The nitrogen hyperfine splitting, AN, is a solvent polarity very poor (Table 11, lines 1-3) and that between A N and t parameter for cases in which the nitroxide functional group (dielectric constant) is poor (lines 18-20) when all 31 solvents is used as a solvent polarity probe. Furthermore, this parameter are considered. Furthermore the correlation between A Nand is based on a cybotactic nonmodel probe. If this parameter /L is still poor (lines 4-9) when the solvents are divided into two gives a good linear correlation with the cybotactic, model groups: those with hydroxyl groups (hydrogen bonding) and solvent polarity parameters, then this would suggest that the those without. However, the correlation is better for the cybotactic nature of a solvent polarity probe is considerably nonhydrogen-bonding solvents. more important than its model reaction character. On the other On the other hand the correlation between ANand E ~ ( 3 0 ) hand, if the correlation is a poor one, this would suggest the for each of the three nitroxides employed in the 3 1 solvents is converse, or that both properties are important. Consequently, good (lines 21-23 and Figures 1-3). The correlation between




A Nand Z is also reasonably good (lines 29-31) for the three nitroxides in the 16 solvents in this study for which the Z values have been determined (solvents 5, 11, 13, 14, 17-21, 24, 25, 27-31 in Table I). Furthermore, the correlation between A N and Berson's R values26 is good (lines 32-34) for the three nitroxides used. However, R values were available for only 10 of thesolvents(so1vents 11, 13, 16-18,21,22,27-29inTableI)


Journal of the American Chemical Society




July 21, 1976

4397 Table I. Nitrogen Hyperfine Splitting Constants of Di-tert-butyl nitroxide (l),4-Arnino-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidI-yloxy (2), and 3Carbamoyl-2,2,5,5-tetramethyl-3-pyrrolin1-yloxy (3) Free Radicals in Various Solvents Solvent No.


E ~ ( 3 0 ) , Z,b ~ kcal/ kcal/mol mol

1 n-Hexane


2 Carbon tetrachloride 3 Carbon disulfide


4 Toluene


5 Benzene


6 Diethyl ether


7 1.4-Dioxane


8 Tetrahydrofuran

37.4 37.5

10 Bromobenzene


1 1 1,2-Dimethoxy-


ethane 12 Chloroform


14 Methylene chloride 15 Acetophenone 16 1,2-Dichlore ethane 17 Acetone 18 N,N-Di-

methylformamide I9 tert-Butyl alcohol 20 Dimethyl sulfoxide 21 Acetonitrile

40.2 41.1

A N f CL(95),fG


0.01 1 15.635 f


64.0 64.2

0.620 36.71 3.82

43.9 45.0 46.0

71.3 71.1

A N f


46.3 47.0

24 Isopropyl alcohol



25 n-Butyl alcohol






15.219 f 0.0 13 15.404 f 0.010 15.374 f 0.0 17 15.461 f 0.010 15.532 f 0.0 13 15.421 f 0.018 15.539 f 0.012 15.474 f 0.015 15.563 f 0.009 15.565 f 0.012 15.525 f 0.020 15.775 f 0.020 15.663 f




14.016 f 0.014 14.240 f o.or3 14.176 f 0.010 14.292 f 0.014 14.291 f 0.01 1 14.255 f 0.01 1 14.379 f 0.010 14.308 f


0.008 14.369 f


0.030 0.025 0.021 0.025 0.025 0.034 0.025 0.027 0.025 0.032 0.042 0.033 0.031 0.024 0.029 0.041







27 Acetic acid



0.823 6.15


28 Ethyl alcohol



0.718 24.55


29 Methyl alcohol



0.845 32.7


30 Ethylene glycol





31 Water





0.022 16.420 f 0.012 16.030 f 0.013 16.210 f 0.01 1 16.364 f 0.013 17.175 f 0.009

0.033 0.040 0.023 0.030 0.043 0.028

0.022 0.022 0.029 0.022 0.035 0.049 0.028 0.03 1 0.027 0.030 0.021

15.775 f 0.028 15.639 f 0.013 15.709 f 0.014 15.621 f 0.012 15.672 f 0.020 15.912 f 0.032 15.771 f 0.01 1 15.761 f 0.028 15.858 f 0.010 15.961 f 0.03 1 16.044 f 0.016 16.038 f 0.018 16.286 f 0.032 16.189 f 0.031 16.075 f 0.011 16.199 f 0.022 16.298 f 0.042 16.990 f 0.018

0.03 1 0.025 0.032 0.025 0.026 0.025 0.019 0.025


0.010 14.373 f 0.009 14.356 f 0.008 14.709 f


0.008 14.535 f

0.02 1


0.009 14.623 f


0.03 1

0.01 1 14.477 f


0.03 1

0.007 14.552 f


0.027 0.047


0.01 1 15.692 f

0.013 16.266 f

A N f


1.66d 15.860 f

0.012 0.692 37.5 3.92 15.666 f 0.010 0.680 35.87 3.46 15.759 f 0.009 14.7 1.82d 16.004 f 0.012 19.92 1.66 15.973 f 0.010 17.51 1.66 16.018 f

Free radical 3




Free radical 2



22 Nitromethane 23 Isopentyl alcohol

26 Benzyl alcohol








15.134f 0.012 15.331 f 2.24 0.0 0.017 2.64 0.00 15.289 f 0.013 2.38 0.36 15.347 f 0.01 1 2.28 0 15.404 f 0.009 4.34 1.15 15.334 f 0.010 15.452 f 2.21 0 0.010 7.58 1.63 15.373 f 0.014 5.62 1.69 15.472 f 0.01 1 5.40 1.70 15.479 f 0.0 12 0.543 7.20 1.71d 15.424 f 0.01 1 4.81 1.01 15.863 f 0.014 0.595 12.4 2.19 15.608 f 0.0 16 8.93 1.60 15.752 f 0.014 17.39 3.02 15.562 f 0.013 0.600 10.36 1.20 15.655 f 0.010 0.619 20.70 2.88 15.527 f




1.88 0


9 Chlorobenzene

13 Pyridine

Free radical 1

0.026 0.048

0.075 0.026 0.062 0.024 0.073 0.036 0.029 0.109

0.008 14.467 f 0.01 1 14.516 f 0.01 1

14.813 f 0.017 14.616 f 0.008 14.634 f 0.006 14.714 f 0.01 1 14.939 f 0.017 14.911 f 0.028 14.934 f 0.018 15.168 f

0.02 1 0.019 0.018

0.025 0.025

0.039 0.020 0.0 14

0.024 0.039 0.065 0.043 0.043


0.073 0.026 0.051 0.099 0.057

15.210 f 0.0 16 14.978 f 0.012 15.118 f 0.0 14 15.211 f * 0.026 15.974 f 0.012

0.038 0.027 0.033 0.062 0.028

References 1 and 4. Reference 6, p 301. Reference 25. Reference 23. e R. D. Nelson, Jr., D. R. Lide, Jr., and A. A. Maryott, Natl. Stand. Ref. Data Ser., Natl. Bur. Stand., No. 10 (1967). f Confidence limit, 95%.

Knauer, Napier


N Hyperfine Splitting Constant of the Nitroxide Functional Group

4398 Table 11. Linear Relationships Among the Various Solvent Polarity Parameters, Calculated Using a Linear-Unweighted Least-Squares Program

Slope Ordinate







2 3


0.059 0.107 0.083 1 0.731 0.0819 0.537 0.09 16 0.588 0.242 0.212

0.067 0.0563 0.064 0.0238 0.660 0.0190 0.541 0.0222 0.123 0.049

15.572 15.620 14.466 15.373 14.933 15.449 15.246 14.270 14.081 9.695 9.371




9.851 3.477 0.544 0.075 Ref 9




8.363 0.942 0.264 0.746 Ref 9


0.247 0.181

0.102 0.017

10.058 0.181 0.463 0.487 Ref 9 9.856 0.036 0.076 0.970 Ref 9




4.949 2.138 0.189 0.856 Ref9




8.534 0.484 0.248 0.861 Ref9


1 1

0.0167 0.0149 0.0163 0.0509 0.0438 0.0494 0.0571 0.0528

0.0034 0.0027 0.0032 0.0034 0.0025 0.0028 0.0093 0.0049

15.457 15.528 14.372 13.559 13.901 12.529 13.342 12.073


0.041 1


13.059 0.570 0.227 0.943 Ref 11,6

1 1

0.0569 0.041 1

0.0105 0.0079

13.251 0.545 0.239 0.938 This paper 12.957 0.619 0.246 0.934 This paper

1 2 3


0.0414 0.0341 0.0392 3.036 2.353 2.828 1.173 1.043 1.123 1.325 -0.00735

0.0045 0.0034 0.0036 0.390 0.250 0.299 0.028 0.017 0.019 0.038 0.00038

12.901 13.447 11.963 13.748 14.242 12.803 -2.773 0.468 -3.070 10.663 1.468




2 3 1

2 3


2 3



Over- r , corr SD all SD coef Datasource


1 2 2







0.082 0.066 0.076 0.150 0.109 0.124 0.482 0.392

0.320 0.258 0.298 0.148 0.108 0.123 0.211 0.125

0.267 0.302 0.299 0.626 0.365 0.703 0.331 0.668 0.337 0.403 0.852

0.676 0.713 0.692 0.940 0.956 0.955 0.951 0.983

0.179 0.925 0.134 0.938 0.142 0.946 0.1 16 0.940 0.074 0.958 0.089 0.958 0.056 0.992 0.039 0.996 0.038 0.996 1.211 0.993 0.018 0.011-0.988 11.881 0.294 0.178 0.829

included in this study. It is interesting to note that the model process on which Q values are based, the Diels-Alder reaction between cyclopentadiene and methyl acrylate, is considerably different from those on which Z and E ~ ( 3 0are ) based. It might also be noted that while the three nitroxides employed are of somewhat similar structure,20 being aliphatic and having no /3 hydrogens which would render them unstable, they a r e not identical and yet the correlations among the values of .AN are excellent (lines 3 5 - 3 7 ) . The value r2 X 100 is frequently taken as a measure of the percentage of correlation between two pararneter~.~’ Table I11 gives the average values of r2 X 100 for the correlations indicated, the average being taken over nitroxides 1, 2, and 3. It can be seen from this table that the correlations between AN and the nonmodel, noncybotactic parameters p and e are poor.

Journal of the American Chemical Society

0.138 0.419 0.1 15 0.350 0.130 0.396 0.051 0.147 1.178 0.374 0.041 0.118 0.966 0.306 0.048 0.1 37 1.036 0.328 0.225 0.535 0.107 0.210

0.334 0.249 0.265 0.266 0.170 0.203 0.451 0.256 0.300 1.838

This paper This paper This paper This paper This paper This paper This paper This paper This paper Ref 9 Ref9


This paper This paper This paper This paper This paper This paper This paper This paper This paper Ref6 Ref 15

31 solvents 31 solvents 31 solvents 21 non OH solvents 10 OH solvents 21 non OH solvents 10 OH solvents 2 1 non OH solvents 10 OH solvents Solvents 1-22 in ref 9 Solvents 1-9 in ref 9, non H bonding Solvents 10-18 in ref 9, alcohols and water Solvents 19-22 in ref 9, amines Solvents 1-21 in ref 9 Solvents 1-9 in ref 9, non H bonding Solvents 10-14 in ref 9, alcohols and water Solvents 15-21 in ref 9, amines 31 solvents 31 solvents 31 solvents 31 solvents 31 solvents 31 solvents 6 solvents 6 solvents Z(benzene) = 62.3 6 solvents Z(benzene) = 54.0 6 solvents in ref 1 1 6 solvents in ref 1 I , Z(benzene) = 54.0 16 solvents 16 solvents 16 solvents 10 solvents 10 solvents 10 solvents 31 solvents 31 solvents 31 solvents 18 solvents 1 1 solvents

Ref 15

11 solvents

This paper This paper This paper This paper This paper This paper Ref 11, 4 Ref 11

Table 111. Average Percent Correlation between ANand Other Solvent Polarity Parametersu

Solvent polarity parameter P P P €

E~(30) Z




100, %

8.39 45.3 11.9 48.1 90.3 87.7 90.6

Comments 31 solvents 21 non OH solvents 10 OH solvents 31 solvents 31 solvents 16 solvents 10 solvents

a The percent correlations for nitroxides 1, 2, and 3 being averaged.

/ July 21, 1976


Figure 1. Relationship between the nitrogen hyperfine splitting, AN, in di-tert-butyl nitroxide (1) and the Dimroth-Reichardt solvent polarity parameter, Er(30). ,






' I

' ' 'I' '

' ' I' ' '


' ' ' ' ' I'r '' '

' 'l'' ' ' I ' '


l- '


17 0



~ ~ ' . , . . ' , . . ~ I . . . , I . . . " . . , . ~ . ~ ' ~ . ~ , ' , ~ . . ' ~ . . , ~ , ' , ~ . . 1 ~ , ~ . ' , ~ , ~ 1 . , ~ , ' , , , , 1 ~ , , " ~ ' ' ~ -

32.0 14.0






44.0 48.0

S . 0 11.0 14.0 M.0

U.0 60.0 63.0 64.0


Figure 2. Relationship between the nitrogen hyperfine splitting, 4-amino-2,2,6,6-tetrarnethyipiperid-l -yloxy (2) and the Dimroth-Reichardt solvent polarity parameter, E ~ ( 3 0 ) .







16 19 I



Figure 3. Relationship between the nitrogen hyperfine splitting, AN,in 3-carbamoyl-2,2,5,5-tetramethyl-3-pyrrolin1-yloxy (3) and the Dimroth-Reichardt solvent polarity parameter, E ~ ( 3 0 ) .

Knauer, Napier

/ N Hyperfine Splitting Constant of the Nitroxide Functional Group

4400 In contrast, the correlations between A Nand the model, cybotactic parameters E ~ ( 3 0 )2, , and Cl are good.

Conclusions Since the nonmodel, cybotactic solvent polarity parameter

A Ncorrelates closely (ca. 90%) with the model, cybotactic solvent polarity parameters and only poorly with the nonmodel, noncybotactic solvent polarity parameters, it seems reasonable to infer that the cybotactic probe nature of a solvent polarity parameter is considerably more important than whether it involves a model chemical transformation. Since there is a good correlation between A Nand E ~ ( 3 0 ) , Z , and Cl, ANwould make a useful solvent polarity parameter, especially in cases where values ‘for the other parameters cannot be obtained because of solubility limitations, spectral interference, etc.

Acknowledgments. This work was supported by the State University of New York Research Foundation and the SUNY/Oneonta Research Committee. We are grateful to Mr. Ralph Mollison and the S U C O Physics Department for providing access to the ESR spectrometer. References and Notes (1)For a review, see K. Dimroth, Angew. Chem., lnt. Ed. Engl., 4, 29 (1965). (2) E. Grunwald and S. Winstein, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 70,846(1948);S. Winstein, E. Grunwald, and H. W. Jones, ibid., 73,2700 (1951); A. H. Fainberg and S.Winstein, ibid., 78,2770 (1956). (3)E. M. Kosower. J. Am. Chem. SOC., 80, 3253 (1958);cf. ref 6,p 301. (4)K. Dimroth. C. Reichardt, T. Siepmann. and F. Bohlmann, Justus Liebigs Ann. Chem., 881, l(1963). (5) (a) The cybotactic region is the volume around a solute molecule in which

the order of the solvent molecules has been affected by the solute. J. R. Partington. “An Advanced Treatise on Physical Chemistry”, Vol. 2,Longmans, Green and Co., London, 1951,p 2.(b) J. R. Partington. ibid., Vol. 5, p 390 ff. (6) For a detailed discussion of the factors to be considered in choosing an empirical solvent polarity parameter, see E. M. Kosower, “An Introduction to Physical Organic Chemistry”, Wiley. New York, N.Y., 1968,p 293 ff. (7)T. Kawamura, S.Matsunami, and T. Yonezawa. Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn., 40,

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Origin of Alkyl Substituent Effect in the Proton Affinity of Amines, Alcohols, and Ethers Hideaki Umeyama and Keiji Morokuma* Contributionf r o m the Department of Chemistry, University of Rochester, Rochester, New York 14627. Received November 19, 197.5

Abstract: An energy decomposition analysis within ab initio SCF-MO theory has been carried out for the proton affinity of a CH3NH2, CH3CH2NH2, (CH3)2NH, and (CH3)3N, and of H20, CH,OH, and CH30CH3. The elecseries of amines “3, trostatic energy and the charge transfer energy are found to provide the dominant stabilizing contribution to protonation. The polarization energy contributes less. On the other hand, the alkyl substituent effect, Le., the order of proton affinity NH3 < CH3NH2 < CH3CH2NH2 < (CH3)2NH < (CH3)3N and H20 < CH30H < CH3OCH3, is found to be controlled predominantly by the polarization energy. Methyl groups make amines more polarizable by an approaching proton.

The alkyl substituent effects on the basicity of amines have been studied extensively both e ~ p e r i r n e n t a l l y ’ -and ~ quantum chemically.8-12In aqueous solution the order of basicity of simple aliphatic amines is NH3 < primary < secondary < tertiary. Recent gas-phase measurements of both proton affinities and basicities of amines by Aue et al.’ have established the following order: NH3 < CH3NH2 < (CH3)zNH < (CH3)3N. Henderson et aL2 analyzed the gas phase basicity data of alkylamines and attributed the trend to inductive and polarization stabilization effects of the CH3 group on protonated amines. An a b initio SCF calculation by Hehre and Pople8 with a minimal (STO-3G) basis set showed for methylamines that the calculated order of proton affinity is in agreement with experiment, even though the nitrogen atomic charge decreases

Journal of the American Chemical Society




as the number of the CH3 groups is increased. The same trend was also found for H20, C H 3 0 H , and CH30CH3. Johansson et al.,9 employing ab initio calculations, showed that methyl and amino groups bonded to the proton acceptor increase its proton affinity, while hydroxyl and fluoro groups decrease the proton affinity relative to the simple hydrides ”3, H20, and HF. The polarization effect was suggested to be responsible for the CH3 substituent effect.*s9 No theoretical evidence, however, has yet been presented on the origin of such an effect. The energy and charge distribution decomposition analysis of Morokuma and co-workers13-15decomposes the intermolecular interaction energy AE into the electrostatic E E S ,exchange repulsion E E X ,polarization (or induction) E P L ,and charge transfer (or delocalization) ECT energies and their coupling term E M I XThe . method has been a powerful tool for

J u l y 21,1976