the ODD carbon makes Azelaic Acid different for e x a m p l e : lower melting points t h a t carry through to d e r i v a t i v e s
This unique melting point behavior of EMEROX® Azelaic Acid is but one example of how its odd carbon chain length makes azelaic acid different from other commercial dibasic acids. And since these differences are reflected by end-products, azelaic acid may give your product a competitive advantage ...or it may fit into your development program as a new dibasic acid from which to build unique products. Write Dept.C-2today for descriptive literature or a sample of Emerox Azelaic Acid.
Fatty Acids & Derivatives Plastolein Plasticizers
N e w York
Philadelphia Cleveland
San Francisco
Chemical C o . , D e t r o i t
Twitchell Oils, Emulsifiers Warehouse
Emery Industries, Inc., Carew Tower,
Cincinnati 2, Ohio
stocks also in St. Louis, Buffalo, Baltimore and Los Angeles
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