The one true test forfloorpolish eye appeal
is with the same instrument Mrs. Housewife uses
And "Poly-Em" 20 will rate No. 1 in your eyeball test. For depth of gloss, film clarity and jetness. Your household polish customer doesn't need a glossmeter to tell if a floor looks great. Neither do you. Just get a "Poly-Em"* 20 formulation down beside any oxidized polyethylene emulsion. Eyeball them. We assure you "Poly-Em' , 20 wins on all counts. And with "Poly-Em" 20 you can have durability and scuff resistance in addition to high gloss. The high molecular weight of this new anionic wax
constituent insures toughness. "Poly-Em" 20 is compatible with all major polymers, resins and additives. It has a wide pH stability range of 2 to 12, and comes in emulsion form, ready to use. For additional data and tested "Poly-Em" starting formulations, write: Gulf Oil Corporation, Chemicals Department, 1290 Avenue of the Americas, New York, New York 10019. Or contact Gulf Sales Offices: New York Pittsburgh / Houston / Chicago / Kansas City
London / Tokyo.
*ATrademark of Gulf Oil Corporation